Introduction To Ajax

August 10, 2020


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AJAX means Asynchronous JavScript and XML. AJAX uses a combination of JavScript and XML to allow that the pages Web are updated with information from the server. It consists of HTML, JavScript, DHTML and DOM. The traditional way from the client’s browser, the server processes the data and sends a response back to the browser. The disadvantage of this method is that the website should be recharged in the browser.

As a new approach, AJAX allows you to write Web applications without the need to reload page to allow for interaction with the user. Through the use of AJAX, we can create better applications, more rapid and more easy to use. To learn AJAX you need to know some basic knowledge of HTML and JavScript. If you don’t have basic knowledge of HTML and JavScript, please first consider learn them before starting in the wonderful world of AJAX. Please note that to create a HTML page, you can open it by clicking on the file.

But one page of AJAX, must have a server so that you can run. Delaware Department of Labor may find it difficult to be quoted properly. You need to have a development environment on your computer or on a remote server managed by a Web hosting company. AJAX uses a language called JavScript and http protocol to send and receive data. If you go to Yahoo or Google Finance, you can observe that, quotes of actions in these pages are changing automatically without returning to reload the page. We can use AJAX to update the data dynamically without reloading the page. Original author and source of the article.

