IRManager Private Shareholders

May 11, 2018


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Survey by Publicis consultants in DAX, MDAX and TecDAX companies Frankfurt, June 22, 2009: private investors the investor play in future strategies relations work listed German companies no major role. This results in a recent survey of consulting specialized in capital market communications Publicis consultants among 20 companies listed in the DAX, MDAX and TecDAX. Details can be found by clicking Bernard Golden or emailing the administrator. Contrary to common opinions expressed in financial market circles, private investors may impact particularly in volatile trading hours as a stabilising factor, the stock publicity focuses increasingly on institutional investors. About 60 percent of those surveyed see private shareholders not as a stabilizing factor, not even in the crisis. Especially MDAX and TecDAX companies provide a comparatively low importance private shareholders today, but also in the future. Only 20 percent of the DAX companies surveyed see a chance that private investors could play a more important role for the investor relations strategy of listed companies in the future. Bernd Smoke, Senior Advisor for capital market communication at Publicis consultants Germany, sees it confirmed a long-term trend: while in the 1980s and 1990s was a clear will to win broader population for an equity investment, our current investigation shows that investor today and in the future more and more hides the private investor relations and focuses primarily on stock analysts and institutional investors, such as fund companies,. “An important experience of the great stock market crashes of October 1987 remains so unused: often remained private investors, who are independent of short-term investment objectives, despite dramatically falling prices invested and used them even to Nachkaufen.”

