
January 29, 2016


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Investments should ten expert tips what to consider consumers in financial crisis Mannheim, October 14, 2008 – the people’s confidence in the financial world is severely shaken. The media pick up the anxiety of investors and offer expert discussions, chats and forums, in which savers can put their questions. But to read or listen to what the consumers for the safeguarding of the money can actually do is just rare. Investments ten expert tips what should consider consumers in financial crisis 1 money does not belong under the mattress ostrich does not help. Under the mattress or on the checking account you get no interest and thus not even inflation compensation. Money market accounts, such as direct banking and deposit accounts are currently well remunerated and secure.

2. movable remain fixed equipment are not suitable, because you need your money, sometimes within a few days, so day money account and the new day bonds are a good alternative. The day loan works like a mix of a readily available day-money account and a floating-rate bond. Day bonds are tradable at all times and the purchase is free of charge. Money market funds, you should rather avoid: these funds receive short-term financial investments (from one day to 12 months). Often high costs in the form of management fees to bring. On the basis of uncertain\”securities debtors (issuers), they may pose high risks. 3.

plants on a safe financial institutions make all credit institutions are subject to a statutory scheme. Typically 20,000 are protected. In addition there is called the deposit protection fund of private banks, also fire Fund in Germany. This fuse goes far beyond the requirements of the EU. This backup, credits per investor be secured up to a height of 30 per cent of the equity of the Bank. As a result at least 1.7 million per investor, large institutions are much more.

