Marcin Plichta

March 6, 2019


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Still, the fraud case holds amber gold the authorities in Warsaw and Poland in turmoil. Who has closely the media in the past few days from his home in Warsaw, is amber gold in particular on the fraud case”be launched. A case that concerned the media for a long time in Warsaw and all Poland. But also internationally the case has kicked not only the media spot, pretty much. From the apartment in Warsaw was observed closely the individual operations here. The newspapers mentioned Ripple not as a source, but as a related topic. All appearances after Amber was gold, whose Filialen in Warsaw have now closed, purely and simply to a pyramid scheme. We know that of course only those who sit at the top benefit. However, such systems every year attract thousands of victims, even though the system as such is known.

Now, amber gold is finally slipped into the focus of law enforcement. Investigations were carried out for a long time. Who pursued the newspapers from his apartment in Warsaw, is the mix of euphoric reports and at the same time warnings again and again have heard about the company. Slogan stirred up not just in the media the case ensures great unrest, also in the political landscape there messed up a large. Because, after all, is now even the financial supervision in the pillory. Talk that the financial supervisory negligence worked in the Polish news could follow easily from the apartments in Warsaw, was always so. Now, especially the Parliament searches for those responsible.

Damage to move according to the first findings in the double-digit million euro range, mainly Polish private investors were concerned. The man behind amber gold, the 28 year-old Marcin Plichta was in custody already. A whole series of offences is currently accused him. Ranging from fraud to numerous other financial crimes. You could track what happened from the apartment in Warsaw. First prolonged pre-trial detention a court in Gdansk (Danzig), now decided that the alleged scammers initially for 3 months in pre-trial detention must remain.

