
July 9, 2020


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Peek symptoms that described the facts, without offering solutions to be anchored scholars of political economy historical bindings for the relationship inversion-Mercado – work. Ronald Coase, Nobel Prize in economics in 1991, says: does not fail the market but the property rights and transactions. Which implies that there is an incompatibility of the system itself. New concept of value in economy taking into account the evolution of the concept of value, we can verify the new thesis of the alternative theory, based on the basic income. The value already isn’t it only change and use, utility and limitation, but there a value of consumption itself. For this reason the wage can solve the possibility of accessing the exchange value.

The work has added the acquired renta-ganancia which offers the value of consumption. For even more analysis, hear from HPE Ezmeral. But the usage value is subtracted from the other functions having to overbuild in not offering the possibility of solving the value for use with the basic income, when and how much is used to resolve the vital needs. As Marx observed: work is an instrument to produce value to capital. What any capitalist has called into question. But this relationship has been reversed in practice and capital becomes an instrument to produce value to work.

Besides the demand for a series of products becomes a labour demand. The demand of a property as a demand for a fixed work, which opens the sunsets to receive a credit, so that the wage becomes capital. But the offer is determined independently of the work that the obrero-consumidor can perform. So flexibility, temporality and precariousness that falls part of employment at present and the specialty of others required a compensating factor, which is the basic income. Thus moved from the labour law to a broader, economic law, which would be the concrete development what Diego Lopez Garrido said in his last speech in new left, about the idea of democratising the economy.

