
September 29, 2019


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Cafes, restaurants, catering companies and industrial enterprises, whose activities are connected with food production, inevitably in its productive activities are faced with the problem of recycling fatty waste. Depending on the scale daily volume of waste removed in fat mass can vary from a few kilograms to several tons. Saturated fat, waste water must necessarily take place treatment before being discharged into drains. The most common method of wastewater from oil today is a mechanical grease trap, which acts on the principle of detention floating on the water surface fat from the through a system of barriers installed across the flow of waste water. As a result of the fat collected on the baffles in the form of a dense mass that is necessary to collect, remove and dispose of.

The disadvantages of this method is a low degree of purification of waste water from the fat, resulting in some fat along with waste water enters the sewers – the fat sticks to the pipe surface, reducing the bandwidth pipelines, year after year, the company at the same time can be fined for exceeding the normative content of fat in the treated sewage discharged into wastewater. Yes, and the need to periodically collect, remove, and dispose of the collected mechanically fat mass also can not be attributed to the facilities. Another method of collecting and recycling waste water and oil tanks are sealed drives (fat separators). Usually uses a single tank or a cascade of several buried into the ground sealed containers, to receive oily wastewater enterprises for their natural sedimentation and purification on the basis of a septic tank.

