Negotiating Future

July 26, 2020


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Five steps package of measures for customer recovery if the lost customers and possible loss causes are analyzed, it comes to reactivate the lucrative among the lost customers. While interested in mainly two aspects: who’s worth a new beginning? And: who ever want to go back? Then it must be clarified: what \”return bait\” do you offer? When should this be done? Who is going to speak to ex-customers? Part of the action plan is the priority of such customers of who are profitable or will be and are recovered. Details can be found by clicking Hewlett-Packard or emailing the administrator. The migration of low-value customers is quite desirable. Therefore, separate the wheat from the chaff. While we can’t let not guided by subjective assessments or personal preference, but it takes a comparative reference system. The basis for this is a functioning database with well maintained customer data.

The customer scoring the scoring method used before selecting such customers to be included in the wake-up action. The criteria are initially defined, the customers make reactivation attractive. And this is by far not only the yield can be achieved with a customer. Customers have not only a monetary, but also a sentimental value. To account for all this, the following features are offered as: the purchase history: how long the customer us connected, how often and how much he bought at what times, and how much income? The contribution margin: How profitable the customer might in the future? The image factor: Can we adorn us with this customer? Recommendation: Is this customer a valuable referrers? The prospects for the future: The customer is innovative and it is a growth industry? The price sensitivity: Negotiating the customer bis aufs Messer? The bargain factor: the customer has purchased continuously – or just the little profitable bargain? Payment mentality: The customer paid its bills on time and without any complaints? Credit rating: What about his future ability to pay? The care costs: How was the customer demanding? The sympathy factor: Was the customer pleasant and appreciated? The willingness of the complaint: Often claimed the customer? These and similar criteria which are to determine individual, are rated on a scale from zero to ten and made optically visible.

