New Learnings

January 3, 2018


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In the theory of the process the focus is in the thought of the individual and as it can influence in its behavior inside of the organization searching good results and rewards. Finally, in the theory of the reinforcement you reward they are considered them and satisfaction of the necessities after fulfilled a goal and reached an objective I specify. Here, Ed Bastian expresses very clear opinions on the subject. For Robbins and DeCenzo (2001) the motivation process is very complex. For the collaborators and the organizations factors can exist that great importance has, but move frequently, making with that tomorrow these same factors do not have the lesser importance. The attitudes of the people move frequently and with them the opinions regarding determined subject, therefore, the specific necessities of a collaborator in the company can be satisfied, but the organization must involve the employees directly focando in the necessities that they have. In accordance with Robbins, DeCenzo (2001, p.62); Even though optimum motivacional resource is useless if it does not reach the aimed at target. So that this direct impact occurs, the RH administration must provide so that the traps in potential are removed all, capable to mine the motivation of the person. To start, the RH administration must guarantee that used they perceive with clarity that has a deep relationship enters effort and performance.

What it is possible to understand is that the motivation completely is directed in taking care of to the necessities human beings. Therefore, so that the company reaches its objectives and surpasses the obstacles is necessary a responsible and conscientious positioning in the direction of assisting its collaborators to perceive as the reach of the organizacionais goals contributes for the satisfaction of the individual necessities. For Robbins, DeCenzo (2001, p.62), some factors exist that are essential so that the organization is felt benefited and motivated: New Learnings: all individual must and can grow psychologically, to have chances to learn new abilities and tasks; Direct retraction: to be carried through task must provide to the individual direct information of return on its performance; Programming: each individual must program itself to make its work; Control of resources: the people must have the control of what they make and on what they make; Personal responsibility: the person must have chance to answer for what she makes and for the reached results; Singularity: All work must have only qualities and characteristics; For Maslow (apud Chiavenato 2005), the theory of the motivation is based on the necessities human beings and thinking about taking care of to these necessities the author it created then its proper in agreement theory went perceiving what it was necessary to make to supply.

