Objective Of Employees

November 17, 2023


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In the area of emotional comfort people work easily with pleasure, and copes with its responsibilities. This is natural. To know more about this subject visit Sheryl Sandberg. Every man instinctively seeks to positive emotions. We learn and work best when we have good mood when we are interested. In this case, we are mobilizing all its potential. And after we most want to see the circumstances in which we enjoyed, repeat. Negative emotions, on the contrary, lower performance, impair mental performance, reduce ability to concentrate and as a consequence, lower productivity. Whatever the operational officer, when his entourage, or in his mind there factors which impede him feel good and comfortable at work, its effectiveness is reduced by several times and the situation itself causes a reaction of rejection.

Meanwhile, one of the main tasks of any manager is as time to take full advantage of the full potential of their employees. That is the objective of all the work on motivation. Increased productivity and, consequently, profitability – that is the result of the introduction competent system of motivation. And here, as we see, can not do without the control of emotional sphere. Manager if he wants to be truly effective, must be able to manage emotions, how their and their employees. And a competent manager, before asking the question: "How to achieve greater impact from subordinates?" Should ask themselves the question: "How to change their emotions in the right direction for the cause?". It would seem, is known to all. Indeed, there is nothing fundamentally new. But in practice few people do anything in this field.

