Promotional Products

December 24, 2015


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Transport your advertising message particularly well! Convince your customers! The current economic situation has a decisive influence on the business developments in the coming months. For this reason service providers should finance take seriously the questions of their customers, provide enlightenment and transparency and thus give a feeling of safety. This also applies for credit institutions, insurance companies and banks. In addition, security and integrity as important pillars of financial services are mediated by sympathetic gifts. And if you can convince the human senses of your customers, the message transported with them is particularly well represented.

Premium-Werbeartikel GmbH carries classic items such as piggy banks and money markets. They are daily at a glance with calculators and calendars. Also provide premium gifts such as elegant purses and business bags real leather feel of wealth and prosperity. Premium-Werbeartikel GmbH is a global trading and production company in the Area promotional products, promotion, event articles and merchandising. We are the specialist for promotional items, giveaways, advertising and merchandising items. For both our experience and our 25 000 clients speak all over the world. Our service covers the following areas: production, sales and distribution logistics, preparation and organization of online shops. Our company is characterized according to the company profile by: quality, style and reliability.

Premium-Werbeartikel GmbH Heidturmweg 33 D-33100 Paderborn, Germany E-Mail: Tel. + 49 (0) 5251-688-949-0 fax. + 49 (0) 5251-688 949 88 premium-Werbeartikel GmbH Stefanie Roenneke – editor Heidturmweg 33 D-33100 Paderborn, Germany E-Mail: Tel. + 49 (0) 5251-688-949-24

Financial Crisis

December 24, 2015


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6 Inktomi value Conference on June 5, 2009 in Frankfurt Frankfurt am Main, may 5, 2009 (mpr) – the causes and the long-term effects of the current financial crisis are what? What equity strategies are superior in such market phases and where can I find the pension fund managers currently valuable investment opportunities? Some topics of this year’s sixth Inktomi value Conference are this Friday, June 5th, 2009 all day in the event Gallery at the Stadel Museum in Frankfurt am Main. Institutional investors are the target group of the Conference. The participation fee is 500. Speakers Dr. Hendrik Leberstrasse INKTOMI (Frankfurt), Dr. Conrad Mattern, conquest investment advisory (Feldkirchen), Eric Le Coz, Carmignac Gestion (Paris), Prof. Dr.

Max Otte, University of applied sciences of worms, Balazs Szegner, Equilor (Budapest), PD are Dr. Stefan Schneckenburger, Technical University Darmstadt, Martin Wilhelm, IfK Institute for capital market (Kiel) and Robert Vinall, RV capital (Kilchberg, Switzerland). \”To get to recommendations future investment strategies, will we analyze how investors have behaved before and during the crisis, how you can evaluate the current situation from a historical perspective and what conclusions to draw from past imbalances have\”liver Announces. According to his estimates, a recovery of in equity requires approximately a decade of austerity measures. Dr. Conrad Mattern would then show how you can see behaviorist pattern – fear and greed – in the financial world by quantitative and qualitative analysis of time series, and what conclusions can draw investors from it.

Eric Le Coz Carmignac Gestion’s methodology and its implementation is described in his speech. More than ever an accurate global analysis of the world economic situation is necessary in times of crisis, to be successful in fund management and to identify existing growth potential. The trends and success of tomorrow must be recognized today. Prof. Max Otte is besides being a bestselling author (who crash comes) and Director of the IFVE Institute for capacity development GmbH Professor of business administration and finance.

Offer Insurance

December 23, 2015


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The finance portal by son is financial advice on December 15, 2008 under the motto “simple comparisons” launched the financial comparison portal provider One is now might think one or the other of hundreds that shoot like mushrooms from the ground already. But the portal operator has come up with a few special features, to provide added value to its visitors. You can compare only certain products, such as insurance or electricity tariffs with the most financial portals, you find a complete range of financial products at. The portal proprietor has not saved with additional information for consumers, as well as service tools, like E.g. a calculator for the commuter lump sum.

Just compare: this motto also applies to the entry of personal data. Who initially only completely anonymously and without obligation would perform the comparison of insurance or a loan from rates, can do this without having to provide any personal data. Only when a contract or request a personal Offer, as it is necessary z.B for health insurance, the user must reveal more about. Another special feature is the portal owner in terms of advertising ready: there is none! For the benefit of the user friendliness and overview does not at provider advertising almost completely. Annoying popups and ugly banner is sliding from the content, search here to no avail. There one can overlook certainly generously a couple small text ads. The online calculator work just so that even a user without expertise can make a comparison. Who still don’t come further, is not allowed also here in the lurch. The direct contact to the operator is part of the free service.

Nationwide Cities

December 21, 2015


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MS Fund financial in the first class to your destination after the huge response on that at the beginning of financial turns launched Fund before “-tour of Munich broker pools funds financial is the series of events in a new guise and under the motto MS Fund financial in the first class to your destination” continued in 30 other cities. Munich MS Fund financial “tour allows all already connected partners and prospective customers nationwide to find out about the services of the broker pools. In all questions of the participants relating to the cooperation with Fund resolved all financial. Work more efficiently conveyed neutral participants through the use of platform and a services overview of different competitors at the event. The intermediary market is still changing the agents makes it almost impossible to do without on the support of a professional broker pools.

Right here we pick up what added value on the MS Fund financial tour to show, we our partners as broker pool offer”, to Fund financial Managing Director, Norbert Porazik. Registration to the dates of the various venues free of charge under may – they-on – board be made. About Fund financial brokerage service GmbH Fund financial is one of the largest independent financial broker pools in Germany. The Munich company was founded in 1996 and offers comprehensive services for free brokers and multiple agents. Managing Directors are Norbert Porazik and Markus Kiener. Commission revenues were in 2008 more than EUR 70 million. The company has 82 employees, 170 regional directors and over 12,000 connected broker. We will send you photos you on request. Print Please send specimen copies or link us. Press contact: Ferial Abu press officer funds financial Broker service GmbH Riesstrasse 25, 80992 Munich Tel.: + 49 (0) 89 158815-380 fax: + 49 (0) 89 – 158835-0

German Financial Resources

December 20, 2015


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Valeri Spady / German financial resources AG: ‘ 7 percent dividend is required!’ Kaltenkirchen August 2011. As a specialist in real estate investment the German financial resources AG (DFK AG) has become industry’s reputation. What is the secret of success of the DFK and which performance package of German financial resources AG have real estate investors to expect? DFK Board and sales professional Valeri Spady answers these and other questions in a recent interview. With the Manager of German financial resources AG, the online journalist Frank-Walter Herrlinger led the conversation a few days ago. Real estate, insurance, investments AG, the German financial resources has pursued for years of a consistent financial “-concept.” What you see the benefits of your full support”against the advice of specialized financial services, Mr. Valeri Spady? Valeri Spady: Our portfolio is in fact diversified, but we are of course also clear priorities. The advice provided by the German financial resources AG includes especially the marketing of our seven years successfully on the market place supply concepts and even developed.

It was the purchase of real estate as retirement savings or the DFK beneficiary siebenprozentiger interest: have we as German financial resources AG in the investment sector top products that we can sell with our nationwide presence throughout Germany. Making our discounted frames and group insurance contracts more attractive services for the customers. These benefits pay off permanently for the customers of German financial resources AG. A traditional focus of German financial resources AG is Yes the residential real estate business. How do you assess the specific advantages of real estate as investment today? Worth the entry into the real estate market for private households? Valeri Spady: at the real estate investment, the same applies as in marriage life: depends on the success of the partner.


December 17, 2015


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Power and ground by steaks there is little food the for Bodybuilders are as important as a good steak… Rich in high-quality protein and steaks sure anabolic fat consumed in sufficient quantity, for a mass building like almost no other food. There are steaks in a variety of shapes and price ranges, there is something the taste side as well as the financial burden for anyone. When it comes to the weight gain are but all almost equally well suited by the cheap steak of the neck up to the expensive fillet steak. You can once a month test the benefits of regular consumption of steaks, and during this time 1-2 times a day eat a big steak.

At the end of the month you will be surprised what success it has brought. Eggs and dairy no dairy no weight gain. This applies to both the protein and the caloric intake that is possible through this food group. Milk should be used as the basis for all weight gainers and protein shakes. Who has problems with the weight you can use whole milk due to the extra calories. A perfect start into the day consists of a Together with a few egg whites throughout the day, then 3 to 4 whole eggs can be taken to protein shake.

A well-known bodybuilder takes 4 eggs to themselves even during his mass at every meal. Granular cheese together with yoghurt and fruit is a great snack. A healthy, nutritious snack for the mass building between the main meals can go further. Bulk carbohydrates more carbohydrates better, that’s the motto for each want to build mass. Here, but as high-quality carbohydrates should be used so that even high-quality muscle mass. Oatmeal should be used as a high-quality base. In addition potatoes, whole wheat pasta and rice with each protein meal. In addition there are several smaller vegetables and fruit units should be installed.

Financial Advisors Used Potential

December 9, 2015


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Qualified recommendations no recommendation marketing bring new impetus to the customer acquisition, which operates the majority of customer advisors in the financial services industry. Valuable new business is this playful. While far more customers make qualified recommendations, than is generally believed. One comes to this conclusion by Vertrieb24 the Vertriebsoptimierer GmbH & co. KG study.

Only five per cent of the consultants and brokers in the financial services industry use referral marketing actively in their consultations. To make matters worse, the majority of respondents applies wrong and unstructured this means to the acquisition and this gives a large number of potential new customer appointments. A perennial, conducted by the Vertriebsoptimierer GmbH & co. KG Vertrieb24 study, which examines the behaviour of over 1700 consultants from the insurance, investment and banking industry comes to this conclusion. An average 2.4 qualified recommendations per customer the bulk of counselor and brokers can be therefore a lot of potential for New unused business. Because, properly applied, so a further finding of the study, recommendation marketing brings an average 2.4 recommendations per customer Adviser, which can mean up to twenty high-quality new customer appointments per month. This is not loose contacts, but qualified references, which means the Adviser was recommended by the customer personally.

Thus the new customer then was waiting for an appointment on the part of the consultant. Majority of customers ready, recommendations to pronounce as reason suspected encounter Holger Stiebing, head of sales trials in Vertrieb24, the prejudice is widespread among the financial service providers, referral marketing for the rare use of referral marketing among the clients rejection. In our training we have been again and again on the new years, how big is the surprise among the consultants and brokers, when they learn that the majority of the customers is ready to make recommendations, so Sankar. The study underlines this: of the customers in terms of investment in about two-thirds of customers to ready actively to make recommendations. This value to approximately 50 percent of the clientele for banks still on 32 percent is for insurance companies. Frequent and open speech promises the most success the study results also suggest, that referral marketing is applied mostly wrong and unstructured. “Sankar: consultants ask their customers often at the wrong time, or they articulate their concerns unhappy by choosing the right words.” Sankar also notes: Erfolgsversprechend are not the sales tricks of the sales trainer, but an open and authentic speech of the theme. Also increases the likelihood for the willingness of customers to the active recommendation all the more, the more often you already addresses the topic before the actual recommendation question.” Crucial for the success of recommendation marketing for the acquisition of a strategy in the run-up to cope, as the subject of recommendations was spontaneous therefore, the situation can be adjusted and as often woven in the consultation. Company Vertrieb24: Vertrieb24 the Vertriebsoptimierer GmbH & co. KG is Vertriebsoptimierer and acts as all around “-service provider of training, consulting and coaching for distributors.” As traditional B2B company specializes Vertrieb24 on sustainable promotion in the financial services industry and its service offers funds, as well as sales companies and broker pools insurance companies, banks, investment companies, initiators of product in the area of real estate, closed end with sales representatives/partners.

Financial Supervision

December 2, 2015


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Can the Fed regulate the financial system without causing another crisis? 21 July 2009 the recession in the U.S. economy, is slowly seeing its end. In yesterday is reported the index reading for United States of anticipated economic indicators which rose 0.7 percent in the month of June surpassing market expectations. And with the beginning of the economic recovery, the debate on the regulation of the U.S. financial system, returns to the center of the scene. The response of the Government of Barack Obama, has been acting on the heart of the problem and modify the regulation of entities that make up the financial system, where the U.S.

Federal Reserve took on a new role. In the month of June, it became known the proposal for reform of the financial system drawn up by the Government of Obama where the Federal Reserve received new powers, helped by several agencies, and the Treasury to oversee large financial firms whose potential collapse could threaten the system. The so-called report Rebuilding Financial Supervision and regulation, the Government contemplates that the Fed should also monitor systemic risks in the financial markets more closely, requesting reports to financial institutions to see if they meet the required minimum capital requirements and monitor matrices and subsidiaries of all financial companies, including those that belong to non-regulated markets or are abroad. In addition, the Fed would take control of regulation of markets that previously lacked Regulation (the so-called over the counter), such as derivatives and securitisation. The greatest power that the reform of the system of regulation and supervision gives the Fed runs not reform but that it goes far beyond, reconsidering aspects such as financial consumer protection or remuneration to senior managers. However, the major questions that have been heard are linked to the greater power of the Fed and not a few who raised their objections to his new role.

Debtfinanced Spending Programs

November 30, 2015


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Middle-class needs in the short term working capital financing Berlin, July 31, 2009 – the financial expert Prof. Ulrich van Suntum thinks nothing of the plan of Finance Minister Peer Steinbruck, if necessary to force the banks to lend to companies: “That doesn’t work,” van Suntum writes in the okonomenBlog of the initiative new social market economy (INSM). Rather than compulsion puts on special economic loans”the Director of the Centre for applied economic research of the University of Munster, whose rate of economic growth is linked. The core problem of the credit crunch is the lack of liquidity of the company. Banks Park the money in the banks because they are afraid to give credit to the economy. Although the central bank interest rates are historically low, corporate loans remain expensive and are difficult to obtain.

It is important to relieve the companies of the illiquidity risk, without thereby removing the normal entrepreneurial risk them. Van Suntums proposal: special economic loans, whose interest rates on economic growth and the It is linked to long-term real interest rates. In times of economic weakness, this interest rate under the normal conditions of credit in booms in would be. Van Suntum: “in the current crisis even a negative interest rate would will be paid out the company currently about 2 percent, rather than as currently about 6 percent charge.” The Central Bank would have to offer a similarly favourable refinancing. That decrease while future Central Bank profits and indirectly also the budgetary burden: “This Keynes 2.0 is model non-cheaper than debt-financed spending programs”. The current stimulus programs combat only the symptoms and not the causes of the crisis. Emergency measures to secure the financing of medium-sized businesses of the President of the Federal Association calls for medium-sized business (BVMW), Mario Ohoven: faced with the dramatic drop of in lending to 35 billion euros to companies in the euro area alone in June to this year, the policy must be immediately. Otherwise he threatens the restrictive credit policy “Banks tens of thousands of small – and medium-sized enterprises the insolvency.” The middle-class President proposed as a first step, to increase the assumption of liability by the KfW financing of working capital by up to 50 percent to 80 percent.

If the credit crunch worsens, the Bank principle should be overridden limited. This would give the opportunity to lend directly to companies”KfW, explains Ohoven. He also calls to expand the scope of the financial offices to distressed companies. Tax deferral immediately can be approved until a year payment on request. In SME financing is danger in delay, stresses Ohoven.

Prado Jnior

November 28, 2015


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But, what it calls the attention in the period Brazilian settling are the actions of povoamento forced (African indians, peoples and same of poor Europeans) in parallel to the obligatory work? servitude and slavery the principle? why according to the Prado Jnior, the European would come to these tropical lands with following the proposal: America would put to it to the disposal, in immense treatments, territories that only waited the initiative and the effort of the Man. It is this that will stimulate the occupation of the American tropics. But bringing this acute interest, the European colonist would not bring with it the disposal to put it to it service, in this so difficult and strange way, the energy it its physical work. He would come as leading of the production of sorts of great commercial value, as entrepreneur of a profitable business; but only the contrataste as diligent. Others would work for it.

(The PRADO JNIOR, 2008, P. 28 the 29) Such affirmation indicates the predisposition of the colonizador, consequentemente of the Brazilian elites, to the exploration of the man power, of the physical effort of the other? it is read later of the colonized one and of the classrooms that if they form in the social peripherals. Observing that the formation of the social classrooms suffers the consequence from the facts that if had given here, consubstanciados for chaste the dominant ones, fits to point that they were noble declining here in the Europe and rich; still, was these layers that spread, from its domnios, the external interests. The declining noblemen did not have ownerships as the rich noblemen, but compared with the people who already were here, they could thus be considered. … Richest was awardees with more extensive lots, located in the Zone of Mata Northeastern, where the ground of massap and the humid tropical climate favored the culture of the sugar cane.

