XCOM Africa GmbH

February 18, 2016


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The company, maviance GmbH, headquartered in Leipzig has opted for XCOM Africa GmbH as a strategic management consultancy for market entry into Nigeria. maviance, which is focused on mobile applications for companies in Africa, is mainly a market for its mobile micro financial system in Nigeria. The maviance mobile micro financial system enables it to offer services at the customer in rural areas locally, for example financial institutions, which are possible only in the stores. This is also called agent banking or referred to Branchless banking. Among sales representatives of customer data can record, create new customers, collect rates of credit and make payments.

The transactions are then confirmed the customers via mobile printer or SMS and automatically sent to the server in the branch. This will increase the transparency and efficiency within the business processes and input of the data are no longer necessary. This leads to increased profitability and efficiency of the companies. The maviance mobile micro financial system is tailored to the African market and the local infrastructure conditions. Within the framework of cooperation XCOM Africa for maviance completely take care of the Nigerian market, allow market entry, and positioning the products.

Long-term goal of the cooperation is a growth strategy the Nigerian market to develop for it, leading provider of mobile solutions for companies operating in Nigeria to become sustainable. Maviance GmbH: Maviance is a young, customer-oriented software company, which has set itself the goal, African companies from the energy and the financial services sector in the long term to enable the sustainable success. This is ensured through tailor-made IT solutions. maviance uses his years of experience to bring companies into a solid and competitive position. In addition, maviance of them is convinced that companies can optimize their work through IT solutions. In this regard, maviance takes a holistic approach. The product portfolio ranges from mobile micro finance and insurance solutions to mobile solutions to the counting value of observations for the energy sector, sales and payment applications. More information under: about XCOM Africa GmbH: XCOM Africa GmbH is one of the leading German management consulting that specializes in African growth markets. The company advises German and international companies with their market entry in countries like Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana and Rwanda. The services include market analysis, market entry strategies, coaching, intercultural training, identification and selection of local partners, the hands on”realization of market entry.

Dormagen Shop

February 13, 2016


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The frontier justice Dormagen delivers fresh asparagus from the field in the best quality with the limit Court Dormagen with farm shop customers find a very welcoming alternative to the supermarket, to buy fresh produce from field to fair day food directly from the domestic producers. Now 40 years comes here fresh asparagus from Dormagen directly from the box in the shopping cart. This is not an industrial product of mass that has traveled halfway around the world. Fresh asparagus from Dormagen is a homey, that needs to travel a very short distance from the fresh harvest to finishing at the Court. This asparagus from the field has not only a good Ecobalance, he loses nothing on quality above all due to the rapid processing and direct sale. Fresh asparagus from Dormagen is an aromatic delicacy, which is complete with a good white wine, a juicy ham, and a homemade hollandaise sauce to a balanced taste experience can be. Customers who opt for a such top quality product support their home and regional production.

Products for a healthy nutrition in the farm shop buy box freshness In contrast to conventional products that often have a days way behind and in supermarket shelves waiting to be bought, boasts fresh asparagus from Dusseldorf fast processing. After the hand-picked harvest, the noble bars are taken to court where they are washed and cooled immediately. A modern sorting system divides the harvest in 20 rankings. Immediately afterwards, the asparagus in the farm shop is offered customers at the current price for sale. It is sold partly on trade or on selected restaurants. Therefore, fresh asparagus from the Rhine region NRW Dusseldorf is a sumptuous pleasure. In the farm shop, customers to the season can buy also aromatic strawberries in top quality. The farm shop is a popular destination for large and small visitors visit the rustic farm shop is also for a family trip offered the children on the subject of buy and eat a healthy diet ‘ apparently can bring.

Also the horse boarding, as well as the way to Christmas, to be able to cut down a Christmas tree itself, make the visit to the frontier justice Dormagen a shopping experience beyond by discount stores and large supermarkets. Fresh white cut asparagus from the field a healthy treat for the taste buds asparagus is one of the most popular vegetables on German plates. Fresh asparagus from the field is not in vain as a Royal vegetable ‘ referred to, because that balanced mild flavor composition the Poles makes a tasty delicacy, which is also very healthy due to vital vitamins and the draining effect. Fresh asparagus from Cologne is also due to the possibilities of making a popular hit of flavor: fresh asparagus from Cologne can be enjoyed neat or with a hollandaise sauce, also responded with savory dishes with fried asparagus and delicious can asparagus dishes offered. In addition, there must be no waste when preparing because from the skins You can with just a few ingredients and a drizzle of lemon conjure up a delicious cream soup. Fresh asparagus from Cologne characterised primarily by, that the tubes are juicy. If you press your finger in the lower edge, so liquid must be clearly visible. Asparagus, which are fresh and juicy, is characterized by a delicate bite.

Ohoven State

February 10, 2016


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“” BVMW President Mario Ohoven: State must reclaim power over financial markets Berlin for a partial nationalisation of all 50 global systemically important banks, the President of the Federal Association has made medium-sized economy (BVMW), Mario Ohoven,: now helps only the big axe “, so Ohoven in an interview with the business magazine for the middle class”. Ultimately, the State in the interest of the taxpayer must recapture the power over the financial markets. SME President welcomed the rapid action of the Federal Government on the establishment of a financial market stabilisation fund. However, the intervention rights, has secured the State in return for the bailout billions, are totally inadequate. Measures such as the possible reduction of Manager salaries it is not enough.” The State lead to the highly indebted banks equity capital. In return, he must receive preference shares and far-reaching intervention rights. It will be necessary, so Ohoven the financial markets and institutes throughout Europe to regulate in order to prevent a crisis of this magnitude in the future. This means a ban on off-balance sheet financial market innovation, a better liquidity of the banks and a greater personal liability of bank managers.” In addition, the countries of the European Union should set uniform rules for the deposit protection. Source: Larry Ellison. Editorial: (see profile)

Financial Portal Emissions Marketplace

February 9, 2016


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Companies often struggle in raising equity capital to corporate finance. Before now on the search for private investors, there are however some legal restrictions. So you should seek early on a competent partner in this field. For more than 20 years has the Dr. Werner Financial service here group made a name (www.finanzierung-ohne-bank.de). The legal issues are resolved, the central question is: How do you find a company private investors who invest in the company. Certainly the search in a private setting is, what brings but moderate success. Others who may share this opinion include Southwest Airlines. Usually only a low echo resolves to an ad in the local press.

Another area of the acquisition by investors is considered by the German Federal financial supervisory authority (BFin) don’t like: the cold. Unsolicited calls so-called cold calls considered the BFin as frivolous and as an unreasonably prejudice of the privacy and freedom of choice of the investor”. Therefore she prohibited the cold calling companies in the provision of investment services in 1999. The mail via telephone with customers, to whom a business relationship does not already exist, is prohibited. Although the area of mezzanine capital in Germany is still underdeveloped, there is an Internet portal that specializes in this area on the Internet for years.

Here are Investitionssuchende-and agree merged. People such as Trevor Clark Madison Capital would likely agree. Since 1999, Germany’s capital leading Internet platform in terms of pre-and OTC companies seeking help successful financial market communication. A professional support in corporate finance is available through different sales tools (small-capital representation, landing page, or investor relations Portal). Emissionsmarktplatz.de is the meeting point for supply and demand. Listed companies meet here sales strong financial advisors, investors, and the business press. A professional support of financial market communications is accompanying the issuer through the SME Advisor to the Capital and independent bank financing provided (www.emissionsmarktplatz.de). All forms of investment, such as shares, participation certificates, certificates, bonds and silent partnerships, including investment prospectus and subscription form can be represented to download. The financial portal emissions Marketplace offers a legally secure and uncomplicated way of obtaining of investors capital-seeking companies as a result. Nicolo Martin

Financial Crisis

February 8, 2016


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Successful company of the industry give their answer in Jena. Jena, March 23, 2009. Of 3 and 4 November 2009 the insight E-Commerce takes place in Jena. Has organized Conference for the third time by the Tower byte Inc. and Bestsidestory GmbH to the active network for businesses, developers, scientists, politicians and practitioners of E-commerce software developed.

The number of participants is limited to 50 companies. They can invite guest speakers and presenters, and thus actively shaping the content of the Conference. While not demolish the bad news from the economy, the sector of E-Commerce continues to grow. The revenues of the Jenaer Tower byte Inc. have been steadily rising. Employee growth although not as dynamic will evolve as usual, but no speech may be the 15 bodies that are currently available, from crisis”, Reinhard Hoffmann, Managing Director of job-recruiting notes company Towerconsult. Towerconsult recruited IT specialists for the Member companies of the Tower byte EC since 2003. Hoffmann is surprised by this positive “Development does not: crises master is flexible and react quickly and exactly what are the strengths of Web-based business processes.” The insight E-Commerce has become the model for success.

After a two-year period of initiation, the network Conference is financed this year from its own resources. One-third of the seats for the event is already booked in November. The success of E-Commerce insight is based on an active network of industry insiders”know Kerstin Schilling, Managing Director of the Agency Bestsidestory, which takes over the organisation of the event for the third time. We see the companies involved as participants, but rather as equal partners that participate in the content and the list of participants of the Conference.” As a quality criterion, that talks may be held only by users and sales or promotional presentations are not allowed. Presentations mediate E-commerce software, E-Commerce insider knowledge this year again from the areas Applications, mail order platforms, online marketing, affiliate marketing, internationalization, mobile commerce, project management and recruitment to the most popular Web 2.0 platforms and social commerce applications. The aim of the Conference is the exchange of experience in the field of monetization of the Internet. The parent topics of the Conference are set in March by an Advisory Board, 13 partners belong to the E-Commerce insight. The insight E-Commerce “has established itself as a living network of companies, developers, scientists, politicians, and users of E-commerce software. The event is organized by the Bestsidestory GmbH in cooperation with the E-Commerce cooperative Tower byte EC and other 50 partners.

Metz Hall

February 7, 2016


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Law allows only secure refinancing instruments. Building savings funds are secured by insurance fund of the Federal Association of the Volks – and Raiffeisen banks and own building societies Fund. Who puts in on his savings at Schwabisch Hall, need to worry about the safety of his deposits. Home savings works independently of the capital market through a closed circuit of savings contributions and building society loan allocated to. “It is evident that our conservative system of construction financing has clear advantages by prudent lending values, the necessary equity and fixed interest loans”, says Dr. Matthias Metz, CEO of Bausparkasse Schwabisch Hall. “The construction savings is a safety anchor – at a troubled time in the financial markets.” Special protection provisions in the building societies Act provide for additional security at the building society savings.

So, the interim system of excess savings funds may be invested only in fixed-income securities with very good rating. Get all the facts and insights with Oracle, another great source of information. Building societies may no Enter the currency and share risks. In addition, deposits at Schwabisch are protected in unlimited quantities by the protective device of the Federal Association of the Volks – und Raiffeisenbanken Hall. In addition, the statutory “bausparen technical hedge fund” as another hedging instrument ensures the allocation of savings funds. “We are prepared by all of these measures well on any possible crisis situations. Deposits our customers are perfectly safe”, said Metz. The housing savings system works not only in Germany.

Alternative Business Financing

February 1, 2016


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Standard-mezzanine programmes burst alternative corporate financing over the issue of private mezzanine capital are as burst possibility of corporate financing increasingly attractive standard-mezzanine programmes; Banks deny much-needed financing alternative corporate financing, in particular over the issue of private mezzanine capital are becoming increasingly attractive as a way of business financing. The traditional bank financing was years ago for most small and medium-sized companies often additional investment capital to generate the only way, alternative means of financing for many such companies have become so everyday. So which increases the equity ratio by its balance sheet-shortening effect and thus paves the way for the additional equity capital or even foreign borrowing used on the one hand, in addition to various funding programs that are regional or also on the actual business part, increasingly factoring or leasing. The others were straight- in recent years – by many companies in addition mezzanine financing used. Mezzanine capital can be designated as foreign capital, as well as equity capital comes from the Italian term \”Mezzanine\” and referred to the mezzanine in the midst of two main storeys in the architecture.

In corporate finance, mezzanine capital for financing, which, as the architectural origin suggests – balance sheet occupy a position between the equity and the debt stands the name. Mezzanine capital is a collective term for all so-called hybrid (= mixed) financial instruments, which is a pure equity versus the pure debt capital. The design of mezzaniner financial instruments can be both close to foreign capital (\”debt mezzanine\”), E.g. in the form of a subordinated loan with a fixed or variable interest rate, as also equity capital close pronounced (\”equity mezzanine\”), in form of (atypical) dormant holdings, profit participation rights or value securitised paper genus notes. Added Mixed forms such as convertible and warrant bonds, providing both equity and debt instruments. While debt although economically representing mezzanine equity, balance sheet but foreign capital is mezzanine equity also extended to include equity or equity capital replacement, which strengthens the equity ratio, corresponding design is tax but still treated like foreign capital.


January 29, 2016


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Investments should ten expert tips what to consider consumers in financial crisis Mannheim, October 14, 2008 – the people’s confidence in the financial world is severely shaken. The media pick up the anxiety of investors and offer expert discussions, chats and forums, in which savers can put their questions. But to read or listen to what the consumers for the safeguarding of the money can actually do is just rare. Investments ten expert tips what should consider consumers in financial crisis 1 money does not belong under the mattress ostrich does not help. Under the mattress or on the checking account you get no interest and thus not even inflation compensation. Money market accounts, such as direct banking and deposit accounts are currently well remunerated and secure.

2. movable remain fixed equipment are not suitable, because you need your money, sometimes within a few days, so day money account and the new day bonds are a good alternative. The day loan works like a mix of a readily available day-money account and a floating-rate bond. Day bonds are tradable at all times and the purchase is free of charge. Money market funds, you should rather avoid: these funds receive short-term financial investments (from one day to 12 months). Often high costs in the form of management fees to bring. On the basis of uncertain\”securities debtors (issuers), they may pose high risks. 3.

plants on a safe financial institutions make all credit institutions are subject to a statutory scheme. Typically 20,000 are protected. In addition there is called the deposit protection fund of private banks, also fire Fund in Germany. This fuse goes far beyond the requirements of the EU. This backup, credits per investor be secured up to a height of 30 per cent of the equity of the Bank. As a result at least 1.7 million per investor, large institutions are much more.

Richter Germany

January 28, 2016


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More award Spirofrog BBs – after receiving the award for “innovative services on the way to the top of the world ‘ of the Federal Ministry of education and research, Cologne, Munich, Hamburg, September 29, 2008 – is Spirofrog.de according to own one of the most successful career portals of in Germany for the”Junge Karriere”.” On the platform “companies from SMEs, start of ups as well as an unlimited number of job advertisements for internships, theses as well as jobs for graduates and young professionals adjust to clear plannable costs within the framework of company flat rate groups one can. This is done without any additional internal effort. And leads to the relief of the HR departments. Still, the platform offers companies the opportunity to present their campaigns as an attractive employer in a targeted academic clientele in the context of employer branding. This model has convinced the financial times Germany, and so was elected in September 2008 the founder of the month September 2008. (A You will find also in the October issue of enable – magazine for entrepreneurs, which will be released on the 7th in the FTD) portrait of the winning company. Spirofrog is already your clientele among others following companies: Ruland engineering & Consulting GmbH Artaxo AG eBay Germany GmbH LeaseForce AG firm Richter & partners SmartHouse media GmbH Steltemeier – Rawe GmbH TUJA time work GmbH Department of finance leasing. 99 AG company from India of Oracle Germany of copark GmbH elcomax GmbH Engineering Office salvation Marco O Polo Phonix Solar AG entrepreneurship QAS company GmbH – expert-finder.de Tamba AG smart fuel cell AG applied informatics a Siemens company HolidayCheck AG – tomorrow focus AG firm RP Richter & partners Younect GmbH – Berlin Xia equity AG – Biggerfriends.com MSG systems AG – Munich SOFINA GmbH – Munich national instruments Germany GmbH and RWE AG and your affiliates.

German Financial Policy

January 28, 2016


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German financial policy continues German freight forwarders under pressure many logistics companies see your existence at risk and as pawn sacrifice of a misguided transport policy already in January of the coming year freight forwarders must grab very deep in the Pocket. The toll is sharply increased. By then 13.5 cents, there will be an answer to 16.3 cents per kilometre. One particularly hardness BBs, experienced freight forwarders with older trucks because whose vehicles have higher emission levels and the Treasury wants to grab here to properly. The Federal Council had decided the very controversial increase in the toll for 2009 by a very narrow majority. Now grow the toll for heavy trucks from January 2009 by 13.5 on 16.3 cents per kilometre. Older truck vehicles must muster from three years of age and older a much higher kilometric allowance, because they have higher emission levels. Part of this revenue should be invested in roads, rail and waterways.

The increased toll revenues will increase expected to five billion euros. The toll increase was very long disputed, on the one hand require much higher investment in transport infrastructure and on the other hand the German freight forwarders should be not to strain. The toll increase was decided immediately after a test vote with a narrow majority with 35 of 69 votes. The German freight forwarding industry is already very strong competition and price increases can pass easily. While Member countries additional incentives and Steuererleichterngen offer some EU up to tax exemption for company founder in the freight forwarding industry, it is more than closely for German companies.

