The Attention

November 24, 2015


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Returning to emphasize the security and the confidence: neatness, formality, seriousness; not talking about to that one of sense of inflexible humor that it does not have capacity to jokes to brighten up the moment. The objective is that the moment of transaction is a little while pleasant and satisfactory. Paid attention. The knowledge to listen to, to show interest in the needs of the consumer, rendering attention to its requests and at the same time to count on the information and the knowledge on the product or service that this offering itself. A information that real and is supported by resources facilitates the success with the people. The personal reconnaissance of the client. A firm, educated and customized greeting, creates major identification at the time of making a contact with the enemy. Mainly in the case in which it is tried to capture the attention to speak on the benefits of a product or service and of informing into a temporary promotion.

3. After-sales service. To obtain the complete satisfaction of the client: an objective but is the conviction of the client of to have realised the correct purchase, to have profiteer the offered promotion. When establishing a relation transaction, is not in a single direction, is rather a cycle where the buyer and salesman create a bow; with the after-sales service that bow is fed back. That bow, is an advantage against the competition, since many salesmen conclude the sale and cut that connection. Test to positively continue contributing to the quality of your product stimulating the client so that it does not make a single purchase, but is satisfied with the product and the service so, does that it again. To create a positive connection between the buyer-salesman, is the objective of the interpersonal relations in the businesses. The after-sales change of attitude, to transmit security and confidence and service, are some recommendations so that a salesman captures the attention of the client and achieves the objective.

Top Business

November 20, 2015


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Everything that you have to make is to congregate information enough of as to start and a burning hot desire to move of life. You are prepared? Exactly if you will not have the experience and knowledge, you can commercialize what it knows online. You do not have to be worried, because people exist who are made use to supply information to it on as you can gain money working to leave of house. To become involved in a business online if becomes more efficient if you are looking to the trustworthy people certain who already are in the branch have years and you not to vender any course online for one changed of money. You will have much work you will be yourself to start everything of the start and to learn what nor she imagines that exists. You have that to have communication with some organization that has the same objective that you. Of this form, you he can learn more on as you can make its business in the Internet to go to stop much less in the top in time and with much more force.

Everything this with very work, is clearly. Magical pill does not exist! Exactly if you already will have a job in a company, to start its proper business online you can help it to gain it money working in house. Perhaps a domiciliary business is what you come looking for all its life. To engage in a business can become it skillful in terms of enterprise management. Who can say that with the time its I negotiate in house does not grow as much that you can only live of it? In the Internet the limit does not exist. After all if its objective is to gain money, one day who knows after very effort will be able until releasing its normal job and living in any place of the world, or same house, making what it likes and earning very well therefore.


November 19, 2015


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Unhappyly many companies are not obtaining spoon all the fruits that have right. She is known that in the companies we find problems material, financial and human. How to decide them? She is very easy to explain: Therefore while the devil comes to, To steal, To kill and To destroy, Ours Mr. Jesus came stops in giving to a life and a life to them with abundance. Jo 10,10 ' ' My friends, vocs know that our wealth comes of this ours ofcio' ' (business, company, work). Acts 29:25 b Then, if the entrepreneur is not harvesting everything what he has right, something is missed.

Normally the companies contract professionals for Motivacionais Lectures on: Human resources, As To increase Its Sales, As To manage with efficiency, As to get Profits, As To please its Head, As To prevent Wastefulnesses, Atingimento de Metas, As To prevent Conflicts and, for measure there! Unhappyly they forget that it has a side spiritual in everything this. The world spiritual is much more real of what it is imagined We are not saying of espiritismo or ocultismo, far of this! For who he does not know the man is a Spirit that has a soul and inhabits a body. He is not toa that the Evanglicas Churches are growing in all Brazil. Already we are more than 40.000.000. Many times the entrepreneur, its company, or its employees are affected in its ' ' alma' ' is necessary to make some thing.

She is necessary to disinfect it, to clean it. The great success of the professionals who write Books of ' ' Auto; ' – ' ' Auto; ' they use and they explore ' ' alma' ' of the human being, for in such a way, many use of the Saying Book of our beloved and millenarian Sacred Bible. We need is to spiritual fortify the entrepreneur and its employees so that it in such a way has growth and development of the Company as of the Employees. Before becoming me Evanglico, Minister, Professor of Theology, I was Executive of Companies, Business consultant and Entrepreneur, therefore, I know ' ' another one lado' '. Here it is some of the subjects that we talk in the companies: Administration of the Money Administration of Life Financial Freedom Why I have financial difficulties? It has Biblical base for Strategical Planning? Will of God or Disorganization? Time of Decision! Strategy Spiritual Banishes its macaquinhos! It plans, for glory of God Reconstructing the Walls (the company) Placon Joo – Minister – Professor of Theology – Palestrante Evanglico – Contributor

Ministry Development

November 18, 2015


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The African continent is one of the territories of course adjusted the investments in sectors where Brazilian companies already are extraordinary competitive. The continent is marked by regimes unstable, armed conflicts and other sanitary forms of violence, significant problems, and immense poverty. But, she is also one of the few natural borders still opened for the expansion business-oriented in sectors as oil, gas and mining. Africa, extensive and rich continent in diverse resources, also is palco of a dispute in global scale for access to raw materials, each time scarcer and demanded, especially due to economic ascension of China. Chinese companies and of other origins are if locating of aggressive form very in the region, searching to guarantee the steady and safe access the sources of natural resources.

Not to participate of these strategical movements can place Brazilian companies, already particularly the very competitive ones of extrativos sectors and services, at the mercy of of the run down of its conditions of competitive insertion in the world-wide market. With relation still to the Brazilian investments in the ascension of exportation from the domestic territory the Ministry Development, Industry and Comrcio Exterior (MDIC) comes acquiring increasing relevance in the prospection of new markets for the Brazilian products. Example of this is the reproduction of enterprise missions under coordination of the Ministry. Particularly in Africa, such initiatives are excellent, over all, of the point of view of awareness of the Brazilian empresariado one, that is perceiving the potentiality of the continent beyond-sea. Companies as Odebrecht, Camargo Correa, Andrade Gutierrez, Petrobra’s and Vale of the River Candy, Marcopolo that already its bus in the South Africa manufactures now and go to invest to US$ 50 million in new unit in Egypt, already they had been established in Africa or joint-ventures and partnerships act by means of.

Learn Keboard Skills Through Sound

November 18, 2015


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METHOD: Learn to play piano or electronic organ HEARD BY THE METHOD OF JUAN CARLOS VELEZ teacher, provides the opportunity to learn in a short time to play piano, keyboard, etc. VIEW SCORES WITHOUT USING WEB: LEARN TO PLAY PIANO BY ELECTRONIC ORGAN U THE METHOD OF HEARING The METHOD FOR LEARNING TO PLAY PIANO BY EAR ELECTRONIC ORGAN U is a contribution to the whole world, for those wishing to venture into the learning of this extraordinary instrument. Many people want to learn to play this instrument, whether for pleasure, desire, business, labor and even anti-stress therapy you can fulfill the dream of playing piano or organ mail and delight your family, friends or simply work on music. JUAN CARLOS VELEZ The teacher has developed a method of hearing that is very useful especially for people who have “phobia” to the score and are bored by consecutive occurring at conservatories around the world. This method is ideal for learning to play piano or electric organ in a short time, then try and plot the chords of a keyboard to play a song to use staves many people find it complicated. .

Financial Freedom

November 13, 2015


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Financial freedom is the State in which your life is resolved economically, in which your earnings are constant without that you’re in command of your business. This is called leverage. According to Robert Kiyosaki financial freedom is obtained by building a business. He speaks of the quadrant flow money where there are four kinds of people: employees and used the Auto, which change time for money therefore no leverage at the moment to stop work will cease the income. On the other hand are business owners and investors on this side of the quadrant is where there is a leverage in other people and money, is there where begins the financial freedom.

Many will say, I am not qualified to create a super huge business that allows me to leverage me neither nor have the money nor the training to be investor. Businesses that allow to obtain financial freedom with the advent of the internet have opened up a world of possibilities, which allow you to create huge business worldwide. I am referring to the business of Network Marketing, which allow people of ordinary even without knowledge in Marketing or computer to develop businesses that enable to obtain financial freedom. The key is to leverage, 1% of the effort of 100, that 100% of the effort of one is better, this is very true in the current business world, financial freedom is obtained by prying in the effort of a team of people; However it is necessary to learn to recognize a good Network Marketing opportunity, this must meet certain fundamental requirements to have more opportunity to succeed. Not only is enough to bet on this industry should be clear principles for knowing how to recognize a good opportunity.

US Financial System

November 11, 2015


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Why won’t the reform of the American financial system 19 June 2009 my Government proposes a radical financial regulation system reform, a transformation to a scale not seen since the reforms that followed the great depression. Barack Obama in the speech’s announcement at the White House. About time where financial systems begin to revive the credit wheel, but for that it is not transformed into a new opportunity from crisis, necessary regulatory and supervisory mechanisms to operate to perfection. ADVANCE special how to start to invest in stock market? First and foremost you need to handle the key tools to invest. Stay tuned to the next release of our newsletter with recommendations of companies and our educational investment reports that will explain step by step how to approach your financial independence by investing in the stock exchanges. Click here to continue reading – is by what the Government of Barack Obama launched a historic reform of the financial system. And one of the keys to the reform is in the sentence of the speech of Obama: nobody had a responsibility to protect the system as a whole, of the risks that linked to the signatures. Before you start, I cannot help but express my reservations about the effectiveness that may have the new system of regulation and supervision in the aim of keeping under control the risks in the financial system without result in extreme and irresponsible risks that could end in crisis.

It is not to be pessimistic, but to trust, it is not another alternative that evaluate new systems in operation. Moreover, I would risk to say that it will be key for determining the capacity and quality of the system of regulation and supervision that we have to wait until you see them run in a great good times. I say this because these are times where unconsciously relax regulatory controls and oversight, and that is where the worst crises are generated.

Financial Pyramid

November 9, 2015


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A detailed explanation for what you give away your money. 3. Shares. Now in more detail. Clear organization "Headquarters" – they have a clear office where people could come and talk, find out more. Even the meeting they had.

In general, with all mean "transparent" – come, look. Explanation – well, where do without them? All told, not one once. What, how, why, why, how … In general, all excuses sifted through questioning. Equity – is the key to everything. When a person is something someone gives you involuntarily nervous – return it? And then all great – ACTION. One Campaign "MMM" – even sounds good and solid. Well, after all who immediately think that action is the same as for a candy wrapper and candy.

Well, I think understand what and how. Now I will tell you and how it looks on the Internet. It looks all very honestly and decently: major title, a serious site, etc. Appeal only to "you", all appear with passwords (email, ICQ, Skype, websites, fax numbers, mobile and fixed telephones, etc.) – call anywhere and anyone, all confirm about all told. Everything is so skillfully and beautifully, that the idea that it is – cheating does not occur. It's a shame about it even to think. And how to understand that this is a pyramid? It is so easy, that's ridiculous to get. You just have to Remember the axiom "Business Package = Financial Pyramid". From this it follows: Buy = Business Package to get involved in pyramid scheme.

Financial Success

November 8, 2015


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All end of year the people think about the finances. They make votes, plans, promises for a new year. They to desejamcomear a new year with the right foot, the accounts in day, ganhandomais money and having more professional success. But it is enough to pass asprimeiras weeks that the people abandon its good ideas. We abandon planejamentos, the plans, the goals etc. If you already passed therefore, not if she worries: you are not the only one! Independentede to be in the end of the year or not, I want to leave some keys of ouropara a person to progress financially.

I do not want to be simplista, masa first thing that the person must learn is not to spend queganha more than. I know that he seems obvious, but do not know of where I had taken off the idea deck a person I can spend more than I gain it and to grow financially. Sevoc gains 1,000 Reals, spends in the maximum 1,000 Reals. Or less. The queno can is to spend 1.500.

Why? Why who spends more than what ganhapaga higher interests, accumulates creditors, increases it estresse entreoutras things. Everything this culminates in this: the person loses capacity to detrabalhar and to have good ideas, therefore the billets do not stop to arrive. Either there what you earn, never it spends beyond its wage. If you to quercontrolar its finances suggest that you use the site. It is the tip here. Important Outrachave: it knows for where its money is going. Not adiantanada to want to control its finances if you do not know where he is oburaco. He makes a financial control, he uses one caderninho, Excel or oOrganizze, but he knows where it is the puncture of its budget. Thus he will vocpoder to save much money and only he uses it for more useful things, to comofazer a course, to participate of a lecture or to invest in the stock market. Umachave of gold for who is become indebted is to pay first credoresque charges the interests highest. If you must for speculator, decrdito card or bank, pays they first. They charge the interests highest. Thus you will be able to eliminate its bigger problems before. One grandeproblema is that the people leave to pay to the card and the bank porltimo, and thus when they go to see the balance of the debt if they scare. You more than learn to asaber who are charging and eliminate them of its wallet decredores. All person who starts to have a bigger control of its finances pessoaispercebe that with the time the money starts to sobrar. In this point they muitospensam: I go to change of car or I go to buy a house in the beach! Umagrande key for the financial success is this: when dinheirocomear to sobrar does not want to say that the hour arrived to spend. Narealidade, arrived the hour to invest. It invests before for spoon later. It starts with saving and it gradually goes migrando for fixed income, multimarket and stock exchange. It makes courses, acquires books in the reafinanceira, if it moves. With the time you will be rewarded. This article will continue with more keys. Until briefing! Reference: Organizze, Excel, Metafour

Financial Freedom

November 1, 2015


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If you wish to gain additional income and you have been decided to do you have taken it the first step, this step is equivalent to then to 25% of the secured success, nothing happens with thinking or wishing, but with what has been said plus the action, the financial freedom obtains it resolutely and with hands to the work, the economic security is not only born from the planning, takes very into account this. Now, we go to the grain, thus, I will enumerate the indications that I consider that you need: 1. – Decision of change. If you think that you are well as you are I I am not nobody for cuestionarte, but you think that at any time they can hurl to you of the work and your life can colapsar in many aspects, and you have been decided to take to the bull by the horns in your search towards the financial freedom you have done the correct thing: you have decided to obtain additional income. 2. – To change habits. More of 90% of the success entrepreneurs they decided to have its own business and to make more money while they were working in relation of dependency with a fixed entrance (or cuasi fixed), this allowed the freedom them of to decide and to wait for without economic pressure, this also implied to control its personal finances and knowledge that was not going to receive gains in one or two or three years, thus, the transition of employee to industralist was like the landing of 747 by an expert, smooth and safe pilot. The change of personal habits begins to redefine what beams with your free time and which are their proportion in relation to the capable hours, in other words, if you see television four hours daily, for example, of 8pm to 12pm then raisins 20% of your day without producing, and thus we can continue quantifying.

I propose to you that to those four you invest hours in developing them some option of income, thus you will have in five working days 20 hours additional that can tremendously be productive to generate money additional. If you do not see TV so many hours but you want to do of your somewhat efficient time, I recommend that you before begin proving levantarte one hour and acostarte one hour later, thus, as enterprising you will have two hours to day or 10 to the week to win extra money. To replantearte the idea to have your own business without making it with your time and your personal life I guarantee to you that you will not have the results that delays. The discipline is the one that causes that the things happen, not them good intentions nor the motivation that you can obtain through audio or videos. The work takes that you to the financial freedom is tesonero, does not come in gift paper, takes this good in account please. A change of habits is the principle of a change of life, is first of the answers to how to obtain financial freedom and to make money with a work in house. In next post we will analyze the alternatives that the market gives you so that you make additional money. Original author and source of the article

