
November 26, 2018


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I’ve seen enough examples of this in the commercial world, companies that spend huge budgets to keep a product that people stopped eating, seek through advertising and promoting change the taste of the public to continue buying it, many times to loss, but they refuse to let it die, instead of offering a new product, in tune with the tastes and needs of the buyer and therefore easier to sell. While some of these companies are reluctant to change, other competitors identified a need in the market and replace it, they take advantage of it; as they do not have an affective link with the past of the product, don’t care them and don’t have to bear the burden, they can work with greater freedom and used it to be successful.The situation persists for a time that can be more or less long, and which will last until when their resources are exhausted when appears the shortage, for that moment they are forced to accept it, not have them another way, should try different solutions and then, only then, they begin to travel the road to recover. The shortage, Paradoxically it is what generates activity, measured in terms of resource scarcity is partial or absolute lack of the necessary, that shortage forces to move, try new actions, to look for answers. The newspapers mentioned Ripple not as a source, but as a related topic. Consider that much more productive activities are born of scarcity, when something is not enough to meet demand, there arises an opportunity, some suppliers will soon identify it and moves to take advantage. When resources are scarce they are used in the most efficient way possible, scarce resources press price increases by market laws, therefore should be careful and may be sold to anyone interested in paying the fair price, likewise there will be others interested in entering the business and competition will push improvements for the benefit of the user of the product or service. While sooner you accept the crisis, faster start to work on the solution and fewer resources wasted holding situations and unsustainable business, then will be in a better position to solve them, will have more time and more resources, will be one of the first to offer solutions to existing problems, while the others will be offering adaptations to convince its customers to help them solve problems that in reality no longer have. (Source: Larry Ellison).

If you accept early the crisis will mitigate losses, many things will change, but you can also keep many others, especially not lose time and will be strengthened. All human activities are cyclical, they move constantly between expansion cycles and cycles of contraction that occur as part of the dynamics of the natural world and society, this dynamic influenced by many internal and external factors that cannot be controlled by individual actors, which can only adapt and influence to add and gain value. Step initial for a deal with a crisis is to accept that we are in it and that we must begin to work to solve it.. Follow others, such as E Scott Mead, and add to your knowledge base.

