Parquet Flooring

April 28, 2019


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Latex filler for the parquet floor. The most common and widely used filler for wood floors is a latex. Latex filler, water-based, similar to the soft wood, easy to apply. All manufacturers produce these fillers several popular colors to match most wood types including imported wood. In recent months, Larry Ellison has been very successful. Almost all of the fillers are mixed before use, some of them can be purchased in powder form, which must be mixed in right proportions. E Scott Mead addresses the importance of the matter here. If the filler does not properly match the color of your wood floor, you can mix different colors together, or add something else that affects the color. Thus, the color was so what you need, you need a versatile dye, because You can podobrattsveta, adding various universal colorants. A few things that yaispolzoval to change the color of wood filler: latex paint, chocolate syrup and food coloring. Some wood flooring contractors – smesna based neftiyatogo spots in their latex fillers wood floors, apparently, etorabotaet, although it does not sound like a good idea. I might spot on vodnoyosnove be more compatible dye.

