Photovoltaic Memory: Support For Solar Power Storage

February 7, 2020


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Funding for solar power storage sure starts on May 1st store promoting funding is secured, the Federal Environment Ministry confirmed. Thus starts the programme from May 1, which is handled by the Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW). It is clear that the Government supports the purchase of a solar energy storage with up to 660 euro per kilowatt power. The bailout is only available if the own photovoltaic system is gone until 2013 on the network. There is also another limitation: to avoid overloading the power grids, you must reduce the performance – the system combined with the battery memory – to permanently 60 percent. This relieves also the feed-in tariff. Hear from experts in the field like Verizon for a more varied view.

Growing need for solar power save a survey of the German solar industry (BSW) Association found that one-third of the plant owner consider a memory upgrade eligible. Go to gary cohn for more information. But so far the cost of battery storage was too high. This is the gap of the KfW promotion now. However, all of the benefit Installation of battery storage. This production spikes during lunchtime, what ultimately stabilized the public electricity grid. And that a recently computed by up to 40 percent as researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for solar energy systems (ISE). But the investment pays directly for the plant operator,”says Dominik Modrach, Managing Director of the ever energy group. Receive not only the subsidy and the feed-in tariff, you can save up to two-thirds of the previous electricity costs.” This is the most important argument for many of its customers.

Application deadline for battery storage is important, timely application for promoting memory at the KfW. If you are planning a new installation, you should make the request already before assembling at the local bank. Who is gearing up, may file an application for photovoltaic systems, which at the earliest, but at least six months before the solar power storage to the network went on 1 January 2013 -. Why is a photovoltaic store expects the Consumption is worth in terms of steadily declining feed-in tariff. Without solar power storage, plant operators can use up to 30 percent of the energy itself produced. With the battery, domestic consumption rises to two-thirds. Accordingly the energy requirement, referred to from the network falls. The Fraunhofer Institute for solar energy systems (ISE) has published a sample calculation. The researchers went from a five kilowatt photovoltaic system and a battery storage with a capacity of 5.4 kilowatt hours out. The annual energy consumption amounted to 5,000 kilowatt hours. The solar power storage could be domestic consumption almost doubled and reduces the power consumption by almost a quarter. See also: blog/photovoltaikspeicher / here pay only 19 cents per kWh: the 19-cents action / help in promoting solar power store if there are any questions about promoting newly starting memory, you can arrange a free consultation with experts of the Berlin ever energy group. Through many years of expertise consultants familiar with the obstacles in promoting KfW and know how to handle this.

