Pretension Human Being

February 11, 2018


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Present ResumoO objective work to promote the historical and philosophical debate related to the pretensohumana of superiority in relation to the nature and the too much animal species. Supported pelodiscurso Biblical, to understand gnese of the human domain on the nature and osanimais in the culture occidental person. We will leave of the especismo concept, according to which only osinteresses of the species human being are taken in consideration in detriment of the dasdemais interests animal species. For in such a way, we will break of the studies made for the philosopher Peter Singer, in its Practical Ethical workmanship and Animal Release, that they use of the Biblical narrative to paraexplicar the legitimacy of this speech, at the same time where he makes a genealogy dasconcepes spirituals, ethics and moral of the predatory use of the nature and its expressomxima of domain; the habit of the use of the meat for consumption. Other studies utilizadospara heading of analyzes will be the articles of the anthropologist Eduardo Fisheries of Castrates: Perspectivismo Multinaturalismo in Aboriginal America and the marble and the Murta: on ainconstncia of the wild soul, the same author. That they corroborate you analyze with them, done porSinger, you live deeply through them of the amerindian societies with regard to the nature. on aconcepo of these concerning the culture and subjectivity human being.

1. Biblical narrative: the origin of the especismo to understand the roots of the especismo, is to necessriocompreendermos the Biblical speech, that this for backwards of this concept, thus comoa Jewish and greco-roman conception, That they had influenced odiscurso of the culture traditionally occidental person. In the Gnesis, Versicle (1: 26), the man is created the image esemelhana of God, and receives from it the domain, on the fish of the sea, on asaves, domestic reptiles and animals.

