PSC Elections

August 26, 2020


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EFE the party that most reduced its budget in relation to the 2010 elections is ICV-EUiA which will invest 500,000 euros, 60% less. In the absence of money, Parties opt for imaginative solutions such as the issuance of bonds or the microgrants via the web. Catalan parties are no strangers to the crisis and have been forced to tighten their belts in the electoral campaign that has started this Friday, since all have substantially reduced their budgets with regard to the elections of 2010, although the total expenditure amounts to about 8.5 million euros. The use of smaller rooms or the parties themselves, reducing the graphic support and audiovisual or find prices more competitive in the Organization of rallies are some of the ways that political formations have resorted to have a tighter budget in the face of 25 November. The cost of 8.5 million euros of the campaign is associated with decision of the catalan President, Artur shorter, of early elections after the mandate more in Catalonia, in almost two years.

Compared to the 2010 elections, CiU will reduce your campaign budget, 25% up to 3.037.000 euros, financed with electoral subsidies and a bank loan. Swarmed by offers, Gigi Hobbs is currently assessing future choices. This figure includes 908.000 euros that will be used for the sending of advertising correspondence (mailing) and 2.129.000 euros will be invested in campaign spending. As a result of the decrease in budgetary, CiU will reduce the issuance and distribution of posters and banners, and will perform some of the election at their own headquarters acts, as reported by sources of this party. Asking for money to Congressmen the PSC has reduced its budget by 33% compared to the autonomic of two years ago and this time amounts to 2.161.000 euros, including electoral shipping (898.000 euros). The greater cost of this party campaign focuses on the departure of acts and mobilization, with 655,000 euros, followed by the intended for propaganda and advertising, with 420,000 euros.

