Public Security

October 16, 2019


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Of this form, we meet in a globalizado, complex world, and with new economic model, that demands adjusted positions to take care of to these demands. Without hesitation Verizon Communications explained all about the problem. This world needs actions thought and developed with attention to these characteristics of world and with the objective of desmitificar established practical beliefs and (they ibidem). At last, the elaboration and execution of a strategical planning if justify for the definition of the mission of the institution, integrating diverse levels and sectors, systemize the ways in which act, propitiating continuity with the possibility of institucional evaluation and permanent revision, beyond defining principles and values. In this manner, the strategical planning must contemplate: 1-Planning of the ends (mission, vision, values, principles, objectives and goals). Planning of the ways (politics, strategies, tactics, plans and techniques). 2-Planning of the organization (internal structure, strategical units of the organization). 3-Planning of the resources (human, material and financial). 4-Planning of the implementation (leadership, control and evaluation) (AZEVEDO AND SOUZA, 2007).

In this perspective, to become the prepared public security for a management of the future alone through a professional intelligence constructed in the complexity between the strategical planning and Institucional evaluation, conquanto that let us think professional intelligence as aptitude to learn and aptitude to think and to create strategies in complex situations from evaluation and of reflection on the organizacional reality and its coherence with the politics and trends, beyond capacity of taking of decision in the planning and the allied evaluation to the abilities of sensitivity and situacional management (op. cit). 2.4 Professional intelligence in Public Security In way to the profusion of questions that gravitam in redor of the public security and its professionals, mainly those who investigate the reason of as many mistakes in the treatment of increasing crime, some can be explained by the quality and nature what organizacional spirit is called. Thus, it can be inferred that the organizacional spirit is weaveeed in a commitment with the constant reaprendizagem, the critical renewal, the coherent inventividade with the results and the assumed politics.

