Pythagoras Happiness

April 18, 2020


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Everything that you do not like to be with you. Then do the same THE RIGHT CHOICE: get rid of suffering. In fact, it (happiness) – HERE ALWAYS! Happiness – it is always there. Closer than you think. However, as Pythagoras and thought: "Do not chase happiness: it is always in you." You have already You have everything you need. We can only take advantage of this. You have heard that anyone ever asked, "why I am happy?" No? I do not remember such an occasion.

When you are happy, this question seems absurd. Not right? You are just happy. That's it! When happiness comes to you, it comes without any reason. This suffering has a cause, happiness – it does not matter. Happiness – part of our nature, the flower of our own consciousness. It amazing condition happens whenever we are in harmony with itself, with its nature. Moments of joy and happy feelings – is this ever happened in your life? Everyone can remember the thousands of such moments.

Take them on board. Most importantly, WHAT SHOULD WORK – it's an idea! A thought can be deliberately changed. "I belong to myself, so I can build myself" – is world-renowned speech therapist Virginia Satir. Watch in his thinking, as your mood does not determine the people around you and the circumstances and your thoughts. Program had positive emotions through the good, positive thoughts. After all, in any circumstances be look no sadness, anger and hopelessness. Learn how to turn big trouble – in petty and small – in nothing and not care. As Richard Carlson says, "Find the positive aspects of his life and strung them mentally, like beads on a string, and chase away the negative, not allowing them to poison your life. " Strictly speaking, there is no situation in which a man could not be happier. You can get what you choose! You – The legitimate owner of the life! Do it up himself to his God! You do it – you can! For example, the happiness the minute you read this, is that you can be happy even in this very moment. Want to try? Then think of NOW and become aware of the state where you had something wonderful: an inexplicable joy, an indescribable pleasure, a sense of rising energy, a kind of bliss: the laughter of the child, smiling friend singing birds, the fragrance of flowers, a touch of a lover, a ray of morning sun, the dawn as the emergence of a new life …. Experience the bliss of the moment. Worry him with all my being. Remember this is a good feeling. Well – the result? If not – see 'Positioning of the brain. " COLLECT minutes of love, moments of happiness, glimpses of bliss! Happiness can not find anywhere else. HAPPINESS HERE – in you! "Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful in your life! Great science to live happily is to live only in the present "- all the same, Pythagoras. Get your happy moments! Just be happy! Be happy all day! From the author: I do you do not impose. Just walk past and say: "Happiness – IS!"

