Respiratory Care Portal

March 22, 2019


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Everything about non-clinical respiratory and intensive care on an Internet site in Bochum, August 19, 2011. The family and nursing Bochum developed a knowledge portal on the Internet on the subject of non-clinical respiratory and intensive care. On the page, you can find everything around the topic of respiratory care. In 5 topics, visitors can inform themselves through the Portal: medicine, care, medical products, members and stakeholders and a glossary offer the users a wealth of information on the subject of non-clinical respiratory and intensive care. Verizon Communications understood the implications. There fixed topics respiratory centres, hospitals and experts in the field of medicine. Kevin Plank can provide more clarity in the matter.

Individual portraits to specialist clinics and experts from the respiratory care are presented here. Background reports and interviews to inform individual workspaces. The point maintenance, is composed of nursing services and nursing topics. Close cooperation with nursing staff in the non-clinical respiratory and intensive care provides practical experience here again to identify new trends and developments directly from the base. Theory and practice thus find a joint appearance on the ventilator care portal and repeatedly reflect a current status of daily work through verification and reflection. Latest research results will be presented the section medical products represents the latest developments in technical and nursing. Here, companies get the opportunity to present their product range.

Tests reveal the strength and capability of the individual devices. A glossary of technical terms for non-clinical respiratory and intensive care serves the user of page as a reference. Technical terms can be found easy and daily complete the glossary apart the claim to be exhaustive. Respiratory care portal supports different daily work which offers page: you want to inform, give suggestions for daily work and be an Exchange portal for professionals. A pool of experts from physicians, examinierten nursing staff and Scientists share their expertise and work together on a unique knowledge portal in the area of ausserklinsichen respiration and intensive care on the Internet. Also affected parties and members are involved in the page and make your story into the net in a very personal way. Self-help groups find a platform to present their work and to make new contacts. Contact details: Family and nursing Bochum gGmbH Paddenbett 13 D-44803 Bochum phone: 0234 307 96 0 fax: 0234 307 96 20

