Rio De Janeiro

May 21, 2018


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The workmanships point the different society and language, of form that take the readers to reflect on the floor and the evolutions suffered for the societies, the had vises of the people and its evolution, and also the innumerable variations of the language and its historical evolution inside of the societies. The power of the reflections of these workmanships is seen in the way of as if it sees the nationalism today, which movements of today raise of some form the effective Brazilian culture. The nationalism was focus of several other literary schools and many to other had portraied it authors as it are, the dither of its land and of you sweat values, however in Juca Pirama and Macunama, the contemplation of one flowing fort of defense of the brasileirismo is noticed in high relief, exactly that of antagonistic forms. It is raised that the culture and the Brazilian language are in continue aprimorao and evolution, fits the society to stand out what it is had of more important it people and to nominate which is its heroes national nowadays, the incumbency to verify the new paradigms in the language and the Brazilian culture, of – inside of the academic centers and in mago of the social groups, that must be worried in finding its true face in that it represents its ideals as a whole. Mrio de Andrade and its indian Macunama and Gonalves Days with Juca Pirama are examples of passion and national clarity about the great wealth that met and meets it language, the culture and the Brazilian thought of the people in its smaller singularidades.

