San Francisco

October 13, 2015


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Here the ways and the profits and intercorrncias are presented that the travellers tried covering these terrestrial and fluvial ways in a promoted movement as the aboriginal habits and steps. Nature and indians were imposed as codes whose partial decipher was become fullfilled throughout the process that formed the practical one of the hinterland, the sertanista, the bandeirante or, as the Jesuits of the missions of the Guair said, ' ' Portuguese los of San Pablo' '. (P. 82) necessary Age one new way of Mines for Rio De Janeiro. Trading owners of land and crown had joined themselves to discover and to open this new way? faster more income-producing e? that the particular ones had not only paid when the way he was ready.

The new way facilitated the transport of the production of the mines through a faster access to some of the state of Rio de Janeiro ports, in special the port of the Star. Beyond the old way and of the new way it had one third way, of the corrals of used San Francisco par excellence for the contraband. to try to contain the combination way and embezzlement, was forbidden the opening of new trails in the bushes, therefore although to improve the draining of the auriferous production, the pricked maintenance and the fiscalization of these news it depended on the roceiros and the parishes? that as is demonstrated more ahead they were vehicles for the embezzlement. Roceiros and clergymen facilitated the embezzlements, but they were not alone in this ' ' contraveno' '. The responsible guards for the fiscalization, made new embezzlements with apprehended gold of other descaminhadores. It has until a curious case of the bars of gold of the Treasure of the Mato Grosso that simply are esvaram without arriving the Lisbon and the Governor of Rio De Janeiro Gomes Freire attributed? in epistle sent to the Overseas Advice? the guilt for such sumio to cupins.

