
March 17, 2016


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And also if any health problems that require strict attention to their diet. But before you start to restrict your diet, remember that in this as in any other case involving health, must be extremely cautious and abide by the measure. And best of all, first consult a physician expert in the field of dietetics. How to determine your limit calories to start losing weight by taking into account calories, you first need to know your daily requirement of food. You can use the services of a medical centers, whose activity is the direction of weight loss, or consult the dietitian. If for any reason you do that can not or do not want, you can do it yourself at great expense time. Here are steps you can take: 1.Nichego not changing in your diet, start counting the calories eaten 2.Zatem gradually reduce the amount of calories so as to reduce your weight per day was about 300 to 600 grams per day 3.Prekratite decrease calories and keep their number from step 2.

Believe me, knowing your current caloric intake, you will be astonished his size! Typically, for a healthy man limit calories is in the range 1000-2000 kcal per day for women and men 1500-3000, depending on the type of activity and exercise. But carefully watching your weight, you can easily define your own limits. What do you need for keeping a diary of calories just three things – the notebook, calculator and scales. Kitchen scales at 10.5 kilograms.

