So Paulo Stock Exchange

May 16, 2018


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the expectation is that the exit of the contraction more is delayed of what was assumed. Another reason is baixssima remuneration that the headings of the Treasure of U.S.A. are offering at this moment. It also has an escape of the dollar for other currencies, especially after the S&amp agency; P to have lowered of ' ' neutra' ' for ' ' negativa' ' the trend of the headings ' ' AAA' ' of the public debt of the United kingdom. the fear is that the same it occurs in relation to U.S.A., where the public debt must jump of the current relation of 44% on the GIP for 77% in next the four years as resulted to measures of economic stimulaton, according to S& P. Numbers of the BrasilO fact are that the foreigners had come back to invest in Brazil, as much in the financial market how much in the productive sector. If the month finished in day 21 of May, the entrance of external resources in the Stock market of So Paulo would have been the second greater of history.

4.221 billion in applications of foreigners had been R$ until that date, what it took the So Paulo Stock Exchange to the biggest level since September (51,840 points). For analysts, the real interests, still enter the greaters of the world, and the resistance to the crisis explains the interest of the investors. After a first trimester still marked by uncertainties, foreign investors had retaken its applications in Brazil in such a way, with resources directed to the productive sector how much to the financial market. According to data of the Central banking, in some cases the numbers of April for already are come close here to the levels observed before the aggravation of the crisis, in September. Frequently Cloud Computing has said that publicly. The foreign investments right-handers, operations that in such a way involve the purchase of Brazilian companies for multinationals how much the expansion of the productive capacity already installed in the country, had added US$ 3,409 billion in the passed month, more than the March double.

