Social Interviews

June 3, 2020


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These data had been gotten from the 134 carried through Social Interviews, at some moments executed for trainees of the Social Service or the social assistant. The profile of () the pupils (), registered in 2009 in the special school ' ' Ray of Sol' ' of institution, summarized in pupils young-adults, important to stand out that they are in its majority of the masculine sex, totalizing 64% of the registered ones. The atendimentos carried through in the area of the health are made by the SUS (Only System of Health), of the 134 interviewed users of the SUS are 68%, and 32% possess particular plans of health, many leave to acquire bigger comfort for its children, to pay the health plan, in search of one better specialized and fast attendance. BPC is one benefits set in motion for population of low income Brazilian, being that, in situations, when the income of the family is not proven, that is ' ' autnomo' ' , right can be had benefits to it, since that carried through all the necessary criteria for the access. We present to follow picture, demonstrative of the considered aspects easinesses and difficulties in the process of revision of the BPC, according to site of the MDS are the following ones: Aspects FacilitadoresAspectos Dificultadores Partnership State secretary of Social Assistance SEAS /MPAS (current Social Ministry of Public Works and the Economy and Combat to Hunger – MDS), State and Municipal INSS and DATAPREV and Secretariats of Social Assistance; The relation of addresses I contend incomplete, wrong or inexistent addresses; Support of the community, social assistants of the entities, agents of health, churches, hospitals, radio, unions, communitarian leaderships, paying CEAS, CMAS, Banks and etc; Beneficiary who informed address in the city but inhabits in the agricultural zone; Envolvement of the City halls, supporting mainly with transport; Constant change of address of the beneficiary, without informing the new; Envolvement of other City departments (of Health for example); Difficulty to arrive until the address, wants either because it is far, of difficult access, without security, agricultural area, marginal region, without road, rainy period, or because it does not obtain transport; Previous accomplishment of qualification and support technician of the State Coordinations, including beyond contents on the revision process, information on other aged and carrying social programs for of deficiency; Error in the name of the beneficiary, not to consist nickname nor the name of the parents, mainly in the cases of children; Lack of documentation of the beneficiary and integrant of the family or the incomplete documentation; Uniformizao of concepts on the Benefit; Difficulty to verify the per capita income, due to documents and registers; Difficulty to locate legal solicitors, custodians, tutors or representatives, many times do not inhabit with the beneficiary; Lack of spreading for the MPAS, the national level, of the revision process; Spreading of the process for the responsible institutions; Constrangedoras situations of boardings and arrests of Social Assistants for policemen who had received denounce of that it was not about revision process; Financial and human resources disponibilizados by Deep the National one of Assistncia Social (FNAS) of the SEAS/MPAS (current Social Ministry of Public Works and the Economy and Combat to Hunger MDS), State, Municipal Secretariats and the City halls; Delay at the beginning of the activities of ability of the INSS and/or periods of strikes, lack of information on the revision in some agencies; unfamiliarity for the beneficiary, of the revision process. .

