Socialist Gregorio Rojo

March 2, 2018


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The two largest box Spain and Caja Duero know, however, that no can escape so powerful intentions, even Although the Deloitte Consulting desaconsejara fusion. Instead of making her case, it was fired and hired another consultant more docile to the political designs. In his day, Ibarretxe could do the integration in the Basque country, putting in front of the resulting to the former Jose Antonio Ardanza lehendakari unified box, because it resisted the vitoriana Caja Vital, in the hands of the Socialist Gregorio Rojo, brother of the President of the Senate, Javier Rojo. For his part, Manuel Chaves, powerful Andalusian jerifalte two decades, made life impossible to wayward financial Chairmen included espionage, coming to throw them out of the party, he also harassed until his retirement to cure Miguel Castillejo, President of Caja Sur, and accepted only the frustrated merger of Unicaja of his impolitic Braulio Medel with CCM to be seated both in two Socialist communities. On the contrary, when Caja Sur has approached Caja Murcia, his successor, Jose Antonio Grinan, has already said that odd.

To this rude political manipulation is what Jose Luis Olivas is opposed. He is in favour, as it was the previous Chairman of the salmantine Caja Duero, Sebastian Battaner reach interregional agreements with entities like Ibercaja, CajAstur, that have synergies and not become obsecuentes autonomous central banks at the service of the hegemonic political party in turn. Legislation of the boxes should be changed, thus to stay surely in a score, instead of the current 45. They should be converted to entities more transparent, as it requires Obama to the US financial system, to avoid so the depositors believe that subscribe the latest invention of subordinate obligations has the same lack of risk that open a deposit account. You should change everything, in short, as the protagonist of the novel El Gatopardo, said to achieve that everything remains equal: to keep the necessary and beneficial social work and the flourishing and promoting cultural work. If not, the only thing that reach us the great public of boxes will be such as questionable operations such as credit granted to Florentino Perez of 76.5 million, to the cost of the euribor over two points and with three years of absence, to be able to sign Cristiano Ronaldo. So scandalous financial travel the saddlebags of the boxes are not needed. . Original author and source of the article.

