Socio-Political Management

March 15, 2018


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The situations contemporaries where to aspiration of the autonomy sidewalk in a regionalistic speech is the service of the dominant group in one given area, is imposed as an identity dispatches by post in position of legitimate control of the territory. In this perspective, one notices that the regional space defines local abilities, limits, autonomies and powers in the management of the territory of the States. Researchers demonstrate that until today, science uses a notion of region next to its etimologia. The reorganization of the world-wide economy, from the postwar period affected the relations between State and region, placing this last one in a new platform, therefore with the globalization, the spalling politics folloied the located interests, putting at risk the national economy. In this direction, the reached results happen on the constatao of effective the regional and social inaqualities, in peripheral countries as Brazil, evidencing the raised financial concentration at the hands of the proprietors and of the precarious ones conditions of survival of the population. Being one of alternative ece of fishes for studious of the area, one better use of the land to obtain more foods, by means of one public politics directed toward the small producing average e.

In conclusion terms, we perceive that he is of basic importance to the correction of the spalling between the public sector and the private one, in the direction to absorb, to spread out and to guarantee investments in infrastructure and the valuation of the work force, while resource technician and professional who will have more to be reoriented for a division equnime of the relative attributions of the wealth generated for the Brazilian society. The regional question passed to be dealt with as a previous knowledge the goals to reach and dosed information that the time of rework of the social and local spaces respects. This point enhances the basic historical aspect on the public politics in Brazil that is related to the forms of management of social politics.

