Socioambiental Geography

January 23, 2018


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In the following decades, that is, 1980 and 1990 until the present, occur an advance in the theoretical debate concerning the ambient question, passing of a predominance of the ecological approach, based in the naturalistic source, worried essentially about the defense of the natural way (natural resources), for a perspective sidewalk in the environment, where society and nature interact dialeticamente. Therefore, ' ' in this chain, problematic the ambient one in geography leaves of being identified as only on to physical geography and starts to be geogrfica' ' (MENDONA, 2002). Thus, so that if it accomplishes a work in the perspective of Socioambiental Geography, it is essential the reflection around the tensions, conflicts and problematic resultants of the interaction society-nature, being they proper references to the type of necessary approach, however on to the natural, however on dimension to the social dimension; however, always searching the solutions of problems, since this is the basic goal of the ambient studies (MENDONA, 2002). Ahead of the displayed one one perceives that the basic principles and the main objectives, as well as the object of study of geography, since its origin as science, is of eminently ambientalista character. Geography is, without the shadow of a doubt, the only science that since its formation if considered the study of the relation between the men and the natural way it planet? the environment currently en vogue is divulged in the perspective that engloba the natural and social way.

Observing it history of the evolution of modern science perceives that geography is the only science of ambientalista matrix since its origin, being that the others they are more specific in the treatment of the thematic related one. It can be affirmed that one strong alliance between the geographic education and the ambient education exists, therefore they have a domain in common: the relation natural society-half. Amongst some readings that Geography must make hodiernamente in relation to the geographic space, she is that one related to the problematic socioambiental, that is, to analyze the geographic space under the perspective of the changes, of the interferences that practical the social ones come causing to the way, at last, them relations that are being established between the society and the natural way.

