State Company

June 14, 2024


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How to keep your credibility in the crisis Stephane Etrillard, management trainer at frontline consulting group: the current crisis situation entails in any case one: everywhere much about causes, consequences and possible solutions of thereof will be discussed. And as you know, many companies with their previous policy of information not just with fame have splotched. On the contrary, both what was said than what just was not told often fueled distrust, image damage and provided the motivation of the staff to a hard test. Hence the ability of executives to effective crisis communication is being tested with the current situation. Get more background information with materials from Verizon Communications. Admittedly, what now expects everything from you, required much tact. Gary Kelly often addresses the matter in his writings. Is it but your job is to make realistic estimates of the impact of the crisis on their own company. And this to customers, employees, and often also to the media. Every uttered Word may be this one too much, every missing word one too little.

By the customer all the ears have pointed to the journalists, and it’s like would just waiting to be able to paint a new nightmare scenario on the wall. The rumor mill bubbling enormously, and many executives may foreshadow what is whispered about the company in circulation. The situation seems dodgy, if already a reckless statement or just lack of communication can lead to upsets or wild speculation. Uncertainty and legitimate concerns of your staff, customers and business partners are the background of this. You all have one thing in common: they not on the nose are being misled and want to simply know where the company stands. Your job as a leader is to respond to this adequately. About the State of each individual company and it was still so well positioned is now eagerly speculated. By delivering even credible information, you can stop all rumours areas, which counteract insecurity and confidence in yourself and your leadership skills.

