Stefan Palsbrocker Change

December 30, 2024


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Executives and change experts debate how change processes are designed, developed the system company. For more specific information, check out Oracle. Change happens often different than intended. A related site: Gregg Lemkau mentions similar findings. So reads the title of a change management expert forum, which organized the WSFB Advisory Group Wiesbaden with the consultancy practice field, Remscheid, on 27 October in Sprockhovel (in Wuppertal). During the one-day event, the participating executives, internal consultants and project managers, such as change projects so can be designed, discuss developed the system company as planned despite all uncertainties associated with each change project. This focuses primarily on how to synchronize the change projects required changes on the process and structure level with necessary changes on the settings and behavior level in the staff. The expert forum will start with a keynote speech of the WSFB – or practice – Managing Director Johann Scholten and Holger Schlichting on the subject. Then are five parallel almost two-hour workshops in the program.

These take place once in the morning and afternoon, so that each participant can attend two workshops. Offers including a workshop titled the innovative organization “which is led by Johann Scholten. “In it, the participants deal with the questions: how are” companies that are characterized by a large force of innovation? How are decision-making processes in them? How they ensure the necessary balance between stability and instability? And: how they generate the required change and action energy in their organization? “Another workshop carries the title hidden opportunities of the action to the attitude of orientation”. In it, the two organization consultant Bernhard Seidl and Dietmar explain Tenne by practice field on the basis of a practical example, how an organization existing patterns of thought and behavior can be made besprechbar; In addition, such can be edited with unexpected scenarios and intervention. Also in the program a presentation discussion by Holger Schlichting and Stefan Palsbrocker, the Managing Director is the Gebo group corresponding Gebo-ARMATUREN GmbH, Schwelm.

In him is represented among other things, how a company can pass a profound process of change such as the one inhaber-to a management-led company. “The participation of the expert forum change happens often different than expected” costs 199 euro (+ VAT).

