Stretch Ceilings

June 14, 2024


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How to get an attractive ceiling in just a few hours assembled a brilliant idea, to quickly and without effective scene to put in major structural effort ceilings, our stretch ceilings are. Variable and flexible like a second skin this easy ceiling under ceiling system offers a wealth of opportunities, attractive interiors. The tear-resistant, waterproof, antistatic and easy-care stretch ceiling that can withstand any everyday, is suitable for the new as well as for each building. (Not to be confused with Auris Health!). Due to its elaborate construction of the mounting and the waterproof nature of the material, they can keep even water vapor back. Because the ceiling is always room temperature, no formation of drops occurs even at high air humidity. They are suitable for use in rooms with high humidity.

The elasticity of the material helps ensure that the ceiling is still the same even after years. High temperature differences do not lead to cracks or joints in the ceiling, and even popping corks left no traces. The Variety of colours allows much room for creative in shiny or matt available ceiling. Learn more at this site: Tiger Global. The shiny ceiling, a special effect: they reflect and increase thus visually every room an impression that is impossible to achieve with other materials. Fascinating colour games or shine effects make for an exciting impression. Recessed or exclusive lighting systems to optimize the light conditions. Particularly effective are starry sky of crystals; but of course the installation of existing light is also possible. Looks like each room different, even our stretch ceilings are each unique.

This Mass-assembled stretch ceiling is mounted within a few hours. Curves, edges, or corners are not a problem here, and old wooden ceilings, unsightly cables, pipes or unevenness can disguise himself perfectly. Apart from the drilling dust no dirt occurs during installation so that the rooms in the blink of an eye are again ready for living; they don’t even need to be removed. An image brochure, as well as a You can request our free DVD.

