Tag: administration and businesses
New Learnings
In the theory of the process the focus is in the thought of the individual and as it can influence in its behavior inside of the organization searching good results and rewards. Finally, in the theory of the reinforcement you reward they are considered them and satisfaction of the necessities after fulfilled a goal and reached an objective I specify. Here, Ed Bastian expresses very clear opinions on the subject. For Robbins and DeCenzo (2001) the motivation process is very complex. For the collaborators and the organizations factors can exist that great importance has, but move frequently, making with that tomorrow these same factors do not have the lesser importance. The attitudes of the people move frequently and with them the opinions regarding determined subject, therefore, the specific necessities of a collaborator in the company can be satisfied, but the organization must involve the employees directly focando in the necessities that they have. In accordance with Robbins, DeCenzo (2001, p.62); Even though optimum motivacional resource is useless if it does not reach the aimed at target. So that this direct impact occurs, the RH administration must provide so that the traps in potential are removed all, capable to mine the motivation of the person. To start, the RH administration must guarantee that used they perceive with clarity that has a deep relationship enters effort and performance.
What it is possible to understand is that the motivation completely is directed in taking care of to the necessities human beings. Therefore, so that the company reaches its objectives and surpasses the obstacles is necessary a responsible and conscientious positioning in the direction of assisting its collaborators to perceive as the reach of the organizacionais goals contributes for the satisfaction of the individual necessities. For Robbins, DeCenzo (2001, p.62), some factors exist that are essential so that the organization is felt benefited and motivated: New Learnings: all individual must and can grow psychologically, to have chances to learn new abilities and tasks; Direct retraction: to be carried through task must provide to the individual direct information of return on its performance; Programming: each individual must program itself to make its work; Control of resources: the people must have the control of what they make and on what they make; Personal responsibility: the person must have chance to answer for what she makes and for the reached results; Singularity: All work must have only qualities and characteristics; For Maslow (apud Chiavenato 2005), the theory of the motivation is based on the necessities human beings and thinking about taking care of to these necessities the author it created then its proper in agreement theory went perceiving what it was necessary to make to supply.
So Paulo
The theoretical boardings are distinct in some aspects, not having a theory that exemplifique all the motivacionais aspects, therefore to apply an efficient model must be used varies way theories, studying specifies the necessities of the company. Any organization asks for to create a model specifies motivacional. 6.0 – Conclusion The real importance to be each time more productive in view of an objective in set in them takes the search source of inspirations to cover the way route ace established goals. With this work it was possible to observe that some methods and theories applied in relation to the motivation exist. In the organizations, we must remember how much the accomplishment of the individual necessities is important and how much it is important to help the people in this process, a time that the motivation of them depends and very of the possibility of reach of these necessities by means of the work.
(BRIDGES, Benedict Rodrigues, 2005, p.94) The theories presented in this work and as much other more serve to demonstrate the ample ways that can be taken, the existence of some motivacionais models explain the necessity to be in constant evolution, creating goals and motivating the team the cumpriz them. Some studies and research with the motivacional approach assist the taking of decisions to get one better income. In accordance with Gagliardi apud Sun Tzu: It prevents the battle until its organization is certain of the victory. You have esteem many advantages. Before you enter in the battle, the analysis of its organization can indicate that perhaps you are not successful. It can be that you count on few advantages.
Many advantages add it victory. Few advantages add it defeat. How you can know its advantages without before analyzing them? We can know where we find in them through the comment. We can foresee our victory or defeat by means of the planning. (2008, p.34) It looks for to study its planning, it understands its subordinate it establishes a goal and it motivates them. One has equipped motivated enxerga chances where some sees only the barriers and the obstacles. It influences its team and it becomes motivated it to reach the success. References BOWDICH, James L.; BUONO Anthony F., Elements of Organizacional Behavior. So Paulo: Thompson pioneer, 1992. WALNUT, Arnaldo J.F. Mazzei, general Theory of the administration for century XXI. So Paulo: It stokes, 2007. BRIDGES, Benedict Rodrigues, Evaluation of performance: new boarding. 9.ed. So Paulo: LTr, 2005. GAGLIARDI, Gary, Sun Tzu & ndash; The Art of the War & ndash; The Art of the Administration Businesses. So Paulo: M. Books of Brazil Ltda Publishing company, 2008. MINTZBERG, Henry, Creating efficient organizations: structures in five configurations.
Planning CVM
Oligopsnio It is a form of market with few purchasers and innumerable salesmen, that is, inverse to the case of the oligopoly the purchasers obtain to impose a price of purchase of the products to the producers. Its profits depend on the elasticity of offer. It would be an intermediate situation enters of monopsnio and of fully competitive market. Regulating agencies the markets financial and of capitals in Brazil are regulated by Conselho Monetrio Nacional (CMN), by the Brazilian Central Bank (Central banking) and by the Commission of Movable Values (CVM). In accordance with the regulation Brazilian, the creation and the movable operation of organized markets of headings and values and systems of safekeeping and liquidation require the previous authorization of the CVM and the BACEN, as the case. Monetary advice National CMN – O Conselho Monetrio Nacional (CMN) is the maximum deliberative agency of the National Financial System.
To the CMN it competes: to establish the general lines of direction of the politics monetary, exchange; to regulate the conditions of constitution, functioning and fiscalization of the financial institutions and to discipline the instruments of monetary and exchange politics. The CMN is constituted by the Minister of State of the Farm (President), by the Minister of State of the Planning and Budget and by the President of the Brazilian Central Bank (Bacen). The services of secretariat of the CMN are exerted by the Bacen. Commission of Movable Values CVM & ndash; it is a federal agency of the Treasury department with ability to regulate and to monitor the stock market of Brazilian market. One of the main attributions of the CVM is to monitor the activities of public company, organized markets of balcony, markets of stock market and futures, as well as of members of the system of distribution of real estate values, such as administrators of deep and asset. .
Planning Tributary Instrument
This article has the objective to emphasize the importance of the planning essential tributary as tool for the survival and enterprise competitiveness, ahead of a globalizado scene and with trend to the opening of new markets. The constant change in the legislation requires a knowledge assduo and an adequate study of the effective forms of taxation and its particularitities. The planning tributary has the objective to make possible a reduction of expenses with tributes, being allowed the support of the company and supplying information capable to assure to the administrators a carried through economy of allowed form. In the global scope, the reduction of the tax burden handspike the economy, therefore allows to greaters investments and generation of jobs. Thus, accountants and practical administrators must have full knowledge of the legal ones adopted by the companies, using to advantage gaps of the law that favor the growth of the organizations and, consequentemente, of the economy as a whole. Word-key: Planning Tributary, Competitiveness, Taxation.
April 13, 2018
Comments Off on Taylor
Evelyn Vaughan
If the individual obtains to satisfy the necessity, the motivacional process well-is succeeded. The satisfaction eliminates or reduces the lack. However, if by some obstacle or impediment the satisfaction is not reached, occurs frustration, conflict or estresse. Desencandeia a new motivacional process and follows another circular standard. In accordance with Chiavenato, 2005, p.399, exist four distinct perspectives on motivation of the organization: traditional boarding, boarding of the relations human beings, boarding of the human resources and boarding contemporary. – Traditional Boarding: Frederick W.
Taylor was who really started the study on the motivation of employees through the scientific administration. As Taylor, the payments of higher wages are made by the good performance and devotion of the employees, then, gives credit that the man works more to get a bigger wage that also covers its particular necessities, calls payment incentives, thus the people is paid in accordance with its capacity, quality and amount of work. – Boarding of the Relations Human beings: this boarding sample that the man is very dependent of economic goods, but also exists people whom they search to take care of social necessities that in this boarding are more important that the money as motivador. – Boarding of the Human resources: as the author gives credit that the people do not need to be manipulated to gain a good wage and nor to be modified in the way to act socially. The companies have that to believe the potential, capacity and ability of its employee, therefore thus they would be contributing strong for the growth in such a way of the company how much of the individual. – Boarding Contemporary: The boarding contemporary is composed for 3 (three) theories, theory of the content, theory of the process and theory of the reinforcement. (CHIAVENATO, 2005) In the theory of the content if it studies and it analyzes the basic necessities of the human beings, to understand the individuals and as these necessities can be satisfied and motivadoras in the workstation.
administration and businesses