Tag: art
Socialist Gregorio Rojo
The two largest box Spain and Caja Duero know, however, that no can escape so powerful intentions, even Although the Deloitte Consulting desaconsejara fusion. Instead of making her case, it was fired and hired another consultant more docile to the political designs. In his day, Ibarretxe could do the integration in the Basque country, putting in front of the resulting to the former Jose Antonio Ardanza lehendakari unified box, because it resisted the vitoriana Caja Vital, in the hands of the Socialist Gregorio Rojo, brother of the President of the Senate, Javier Rojo. For his part, Manuel Chaves, powerful Andalusian jerifalte two decades, made life impossible to wayward financial Chairmen included espionage, coming to throw them out of the party, he also harassed until his retirement to cure Miguel Castillejo, President of Caja Sur, and accepted only the frustrated merger of Unicaja of his impolitic Braulio Medel with CCM to be seated both in two Socialist communities. On the contrary, when Caja Sur has approached Caja Murcia, his successor, Jose Antonio Grinan, has already said that odd.
To this rude political manipulation is what Jose Luis Olivas is opposed. He is in favour, as it was the previous Chairman of the salmantine Caja Duero, Sebastian Battaner reach interregional agreements with entities like Ibercaja, CajAstur, that have synergies and not become obsecuentes autonomous central banks at the service of the hegemonic political party in turn. Legislation of the boxes should be changed, thus to stay surely in a score, instead of the current 45. They should be converted to entities more transparent, as it requires Obama to the US financial system, to avoid so the depositors believe that subscribe the latest invention of subordinate obligations has the same lack of risk that open a deposit account. You should change everything, in short, as the protagonist of the novel El Gatopardo, said to achieve that everything remains equal: to keep the necessary and beneficial social work and the flourishing and promoting cultural work. If not, the only thing that reach us the great public of boxes will be such as questionable operations such as credit granted to Florentino Perez of 76.5 million, to the cost of the euribor over two points and with three years of absence, to be able to sign Cristiano Ronaldo. So scandalous financial travel the saddlebags of the boxes are not needed. . Original author and source of the article.
United States
Although approval of the rescue plan for the U.S. financial system was still not realized by the Congress, it is a fact that will have a happy ending. It is that there is almost unanimous agreement that is the only outlet that can be found to this crisis. By the way, the approval of the rescue plan generates great expectations in the rest of the world, particularly in the developed economies with European countries to head who expect the United States to take charge of the cost of the crisis, while they try to stay on the sidelines until you pass the worst. We must not forget that not only us.UU. He was responsible for the crisis that is facing the world currently. The majority of developed countries participated the Party of low quality assets but with a high profit potential while the upward trend was that prevailed.
But when rescue plan has not yet been adopted in the U.S. financial system, the International Monetary Fund is going into action to suggest to Europe to prepare contingency plans for a possible worsening of the crisis in the region. Allegiant Air is open to suggestions. The director of the Department for Europe in the IMF, Alessandro Leipold, warned: the problem may be less severe in Europe, but (Europe) must not be complacent and should be prepared for the worst scenarios. The managing director of the IMF, Jaime Caruana was aligned in the same direction: it is important that countries prepare their respective contingency plans do is asking the IMF for Europe begin to design a rescue as the of the USA planUU.? It is worth remembering that a little known proposal of rescue of toxic assets from the U.S. financial system, the European Union rejected carry forward a plan of this nature. In that regard, could hear it is the European Commissioner for Economic Affairs, Joaquin Almunia in the Europarl in Brussels said: the situation that we are faced in Europe is less acute and the (EU) Member States do not consider at this moment required a plan such as the United States.
The Democratic
The worsening of the crisis, helped the Fed since it has deepened the economic slowdown (that perhaps will see later) and limited inflationary pressures to the impact on international prices commodity prices (especially for us.UU., of the price of oil). Perhaps the ballot issue has been the factor that gave origin to this mega rescue plan. This is a hypothesis which I think likely, at first didn’t seem a determining factor to carry out this measure. But in the note published in the website chileno, Diario Financiero thereon, where one of the paragraphs stated: in polls, voters traditionally have more trust in Democrats on economic issues, by what the tears on Wall Street should help Obama, makes me think in that the electoral motive could have played a role more important than initially estimated. To make matters worse, John McCain had believed in the words of the Secretary of the Treasury, that the Government had not thought continue to assist financial institutions in trouble. It was then that McCain pleaded in favour of the decision of the Government of George Bush, which involved the fall of Lehman Brothers (NYSE:LEH).
After the unexpected change of opinion of the U.S. Government, McCain had to leave again to justify such action (imagine that you will be asked a Council to Paulson on how radically change your mind in a matter of hours), which has left it not so well stopped. It is clear that the aggravation of the situation of crisis in the U.S. financial system, is clearly a factor that benefits to Barack Obama. The Democratic candidate, not let pass this opportunity to criticize the Republican government and its competitor: is the final verdict of the economic philosophy failed for the past eight years the Senator McCain has supported this philosophy during his 26 years in Washington. We should expect the continuity of events to give a response to the many questions surrounding the announcement of the mega rescue plan. I am inclined to think that the need to put a brake to the continuity of the crisis increased every moment its gravity, at the time of trying to start the road to recovery of the financial system American has been the determining factor in this decision. Time will tell if this was the right decision. You will find us again tomorrow, Horacio Pozzo Autor original and source of the article.
Merry Christmas to all! next week I’ll be writing about the steps to acquire financial security, but this time I would like to draw attention with regard to what are known as offers especially the Christmas offers. For all is well known that there is a global crisis, which threatens large consumers such as United States, Japan and European Community economies; and this also affects smaller economies in the sense that the products are made scarce by reducing production, cutting employees and expensive raw materials in producing countries. This is why we have seen an imprecedente growth in closed premises, unemployment, inflation, etc. Southwest Airlines has much to offer in this field. The economy in 2009 will not be stable, and we will be living a period of uncertainty not seen since the great depression of 1929. Despite this, many people still believe that this crisis it will not affect. I have heard the President of Venezuela to retract what he said a few months ago, and now says that the crisis It is going to affect the Venezuelans; the President of Ecuador also expresses it, and no less reliable has been the President of Mexico, of course, not counting the innumerable interviews and speeches by the President of the United States. Then, what is all this discussion about the crisis? Why is it relevant to me? Well, first we have to understand that they come hard times, and will manifest in different ways in each country: there may be tax increase, devaluation of currencies, inflation, restriction to buy dollars, among other measures. If we understand this panorama, I assure you that they will think it twice when making charges unnecessary, and this article is: about Christmas offerings. I had the opportunity to spend Christmas in Hong Kong, a small island that belongs to China and is the shopping paradise for people in Southeast Asia. There is a saying among locals who said if you can’t find it in Hong Kong, there is probably no.
Millionaire Thought
One of the most important attitudes for the financial success is to think in the long term. The successful people think long about the future, and fit their daily behavior to guarantee that their goals are fulfilled in the long term. Certainly, for me, when I directed myself like independent industralist, the unique thing who wanted was to be millionaire. To be rich, frees and to have all along for my same one. A thing is safe, this is perfectly attainable for any person. But in the reality, you must take a step simultaneously. The key is to establish more specific goals to the short term, will lead that you to the accomplishment of your goals to the long term.
One by one, step by step, to fulfill and to surpass each short term goal and you will be able to realise more in the space of a year that what many reach in a life. Here I indicate to you how to do it Vamos to create the Way to the Success: There are many different areas in your life that they must align itself so that I reach everything what you want. Nevertheless, for many people, to know really what they want is a thing difficult to respond (the financial freedom, to be millionaire, etc). Until they do not identify what really they wish, simply they do not have any possibility of obtaining it. Therefore, when completing this exercise I go to mostrarte that you will begin to attract your life people, the tools, the finances, the joy and the happiness that you need to obtain everything what you want. Here we go Step 1: I want to begin by the list of the most important areas of your life. For example, I have categorisen mine in: Family, Health, Spiritual Wealth and. Yours they can be similar, you can add others, like the aspirations of your race.
Natural Coast
You must cite suspected that in these elevations still live the Woodpecker (Ara tricolor), considered the largest species of larger size of these birds on the planet. In addition, these mountains are the sanctuary where are located the mollusks of the genus Polymita, classified as the most beautiful in the world. This massif lies the unique stone bridge in Cuba, the Bitiri, which stands on the river of the same name, proclaimed a national monument. There are also the National Park La Mensura, Crystal peak and Alejandro de Humboldt. Next to them is the most important area of deposits of polymetallic ores of Cuba, among which are nickel, cobalt and manganese, among others. Also located in these provinces the most extensive mountain system of Cuba, Sierra Maestra, which boasts numerous peaks exceed 1000m, finding two of La Bayamesa national parks and Turquino, at elevations of the same name.
The latter occupies part of the highest mountain in Cuba, the Real Turquino peak, with nearly of 1962m. above sea level. Also the deepest seas next to Cuban shores, in the so-called pit of Bartlett, are almost 2 000 m of depth. On the South coast are located where they are most frequent Earth tremors, although of low density. Particularly in the western part of the southern coast lies the coastal plain closer and extensive of the country, bordered by a mountain system and cross a road, where numerous volcanic rocks (Granites, basalts, etc.), emerge during the whole journey. Also in the South are several terraces systems most important sailors of the Caribbean, while in one of them the Parque Nacional del Granma, which was proclaimed by the UNESCO Natural Heritage, in the Natural landscape of the humanity category by this wonder of nature. It should be noted that on the South coast are the unique vegetation formations similar to real deserts in the Caribbean.
Positive Change
March 2, 2018
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Evelyn Vaughan
The base of development is empowerment. Strengthen the capacity of persons will enable peoples face the challenges of the future, drew the programme of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in its most recent report. The fight against poverty, the fulfilment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), democratic governance, crisis prevention and recovery, environment and sustainable development are vertex of development, threatened today by the uncertainty in the global economy, the increase in the prices of oil and food. Unavoidable expansionary macroeconomic policies that have been used to respond to the problem of the financial sector have created pressures on the world economy, the report said. These measures would not be unavoidable if serious proposals for the creation of mechanisms against speculation, responsible for 70% of the increase in the prices of hydrocarbons be included in efforts to prevent the crisis. This, in turn, has inflated prices transport of raw materials and industrial processes that depend on many products.
Starting from the good news will prevent falling into fatalism that all is lost and there is nothing else to do. The Sub-Saharan African countries reached an average growth of 6%. In several countries of the South have been significantly reduce poverty, such as India and China. The nature of the world economy highlights our interdependence and the need for much better global policies. However, countries must also address its own problems, the report says.
In this regard, strengthening the capacities of people become them protagonists of their participation in democracy, in the management of its economy and its natural environment. UNDP defines that empowerment as the process that puts people, organizations, and societies as protagonists of their own development to obtain, strengthen and maintain the necessary powers to do so. Also contributes to the support of institutions international and national solid and capable of channeling way more fairly the benefits of economic growth.