Tag: auto

Parts Trade Made Easy Fast Safely

December 2, 2017


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The nationwide unique Portal provides the principle of supply and demand on the head: not the dealers offer their complete range of an unknown buyer flock, but seekers ask for certain parts. “Our auction house their work traders of part of greatly simplifies, because they are now targeted on specific requests to submit bids and save yourself the time-consuming entering of individual articles in a database”, explains Philipp Packheiser, founder of TEILeHABER. Larry Ellison can provide more clarity in the matter. The reverse auction works simply and easily: Ersatzteilsuchende request for new or used parts with a detailed description. Registered traders see all questions about the auction search and be informed by E-Mail about any new request in addition.

Be interested in only certain vehicle types, brands or spare part categories, then filter to restrict the notification on specific requests. With only three clicks, the right part can be offered quickly and easily. At the end of the seeker is awarded for the best offer – in addition to the price determines also the quality that is made tangible through mutual evaluation. Packheiser “Already 210 dealers are registered with us,” forward, “but every day many new requests reach us, very special rare vintage cars and other vehicles, so we have barely enough traders who take advantage of the offer.” The TEILeHABER offer the possibility to win new customers and to make his business a little easier so every parts dealer. The TEILeHABER fill a market gap with their offer.

For parts dealers actually, e-commerce should be a welcome opportunity to sell more parts over a larger customer base. Part of trading on the World Wide Web was actually so far but for many of them a red cloth. The own web shop did a lot of work and was expensive, cease and desist letters flew low from other providers and the usual auction platforms demanded high fees, as well as much effort also remained always the uncertainty at the end of all efforts: “is there anybody interested in my offer?” TEILeHABER.de is the first German-speaking Ruckwartsauktionshaus of automotive parts, accessories and tuning parts. Dealer to submit bids under questioning by Ersatzteilsuchenden specifically via the Internet platform and they decide for the best deal. There are no registration fees and membership fees on the owners of part of, only for successful sales, sellers pay a small Commission. Premium dealer benefit offerings as its own mini home page for a small fee. Buying and selling of spare parts through works simply, quickly and safely.

German Financial Policy

January 28, 2016


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German financial policy continues German freight forwarders under pressure many logistics companies see your existence at risk and as pawn sacrifice of a misguided transport policy already in January of the coming year freight forwarders must grab very deep in the Pocket. The toll is sharply increased. By then 13.5 cents, there will be an answer to 16.3 cents per kilometre. One particularly hardness BBs, experienced freight forwarders with older trucks because whose vehicles have higher emission levels and the Treasury wants to grab here to properly. The Federal Council had decided the very controversial increase in the toll for 2009 by a very narrow majority. Now grow the toll for heavy trucks from January 2009 by 13.5 on 16.3 cents per kilometre. Older truck vehicles must muster from three years of age and older a much higher kilometric allowance, because they have higher emission levels. Part of this revenue should be invested in roads, rail and waterways.

The increased toll revenues will increase expected to five billion euros. The toll increase was very long disputed, on the one hand require much higher investment in transport infrastructure and on the other hand the German freight forwarders should be not to strain. The toll increase was decided immediately after a test vote with a narrow majority with 35 of 69 votes. The German freight forwarding industry is already very strong competition and price increases can pass easily. While Member countries additional incentives and Steuererleichterngen offer some EU up to tax exemption for company founder in the freight forwarding industry, it is more than closely for German companies.

The State

May 15, 2014


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The motor must be considered operating resources of the company. Private vehicles used for business trips or other business purposes, are in any way with the BG rules D29 in context. Testing of vehicles in accordance with BGV D29 drivers or users vehicles should be protected through compliance with the accident prevention regulations from accidents in connection with the vehicle technology. Entrepreneurs must be to guarantee security, depending on the demand, but at least once a year, by a competent person check their fleets. In the ideal case the expert finds the safe working condition of the vehicle. For example the employee of a technical inspection organization or a specialist workshop for motor vehicles can be well-informed. Richard Anderson is actively involved in the matter. At least a professional training must however and experiences in the field of vehicle technology exist.

The State health and safety regulations, accident prevention regulations, and generally accepted rules of technology must be known so that the person can assess the safe working condition of the vehicle to be tested. The distinction between occupational safety and road safety plays a crucial role in the testing of vehicles. According to the BG principle 916, which is part of the accident prevention regulations, the safe condition of the vehicle must be checked at least once a year. Safety includes the occupational safety as well as the safety of the Fuhrwerks. It is operational safety = occupational safety + road safety. While a knowledgeable exam covers both areas, only the safer State verifies the expert examination according to 29 StVZO.

Such a safety testing already took place with a deficiency-free result, she don’t have in the expert examination this year be taken into account. The occupational safety of the respective vehicle must be judged still in the same check interval. Inspecting safety at work includes among other things control of the following vehicle parts for basic presence and their State: moving in and building parts (hood, trunk, doors) first-aid kit warning clothing (vest with warning West use statement) load securing (straps, charging tray, disconnect mains) trailer coupling handles warning triangle a large selection of first aid kits and safety vests, see the online shop of the brewes GmbH.

New Car Financing

April 27, 2014


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Car dealerships offering 1.99% APR, but appearances are deceptive Thorsten Schambach says Managing Director at Carworld 24 GmbH. Especially in the automotive sector, customers are often lured by low interest rates. In hindsight but, many customers find that their alleged bargains for new cars was paid dearly for. Because often the retailer at the time such special financing offers are only little or no discount on the new cars and right here is the problem so Sadiq. Many manufacturers offer cheap financing to make the purchase easier potential customers via your own bank.

According to marketing actions promote these car banks with up to zero percent interest rates for car loans. It’s only once irresistible. On the other hand, a car loan at auto Bank of the manufacturer reduces also the will to give high discounts on the new cars. Someone who already has the financing, usually cheaper buys. So Sadiq, we offer high discounts customers first and foremost, so that the customer really saves.

An example is to simplify it: top Offer 1.99% APR. Offer 1: Mazda Mazda 5 1.8 COMFORT 5-door 21.190,–MSRP of manufacturer’s 590 transportation costs to the delivering dealer 20.084 purchase price incl. 8% incl. 590 transportation costs deposit 4.017,–= 1.99% APR 48 months special financing runtime 348,40 monthly financing rate calculation: 48 x 348,40 = 4.017,–16.723,20 plus deposit total expenses 20.740,20 offer by Carworld 24 5.99% APR offer 2: Mazda Mazda 5 1.8 COMFORT 5 door side 21.190, – recommended retail price of the manufacturer 590 transportation costs to the delivering dealer 16,482 purchase price incl. 8% incl. 590 transportation costs deposit 4.017,–= 5.99% APR 48 months special financing runtime 291,80 monthly financing rate calculation: 48 x 291,80 = 14.006,40 plus deposit 4.017,–expense 18.023,40 total savings under the bottom line at a higher interest rate of 2.716,80 as strong partner in case of car financing Carworld 24 already for many years cooperates with the VR-discount Bank. Here, everything is just right as Sadiq. Thinking also matter on a cheap auto insurance! Carworld 24 offers all customers a free insurance comparison at de / insurance comparison

Chauffeur Service

March 6, 2014


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From the 23.01. up to the 27.01.2013 Interline Munich Forum (WEF) offers its services in the field of chauffeur-and limousine service in Davos during the World Economic. Munich, the 17.12.2012 – the next WEF (World Economic Forum) takes in the next year from the 23rd until the 27.01.2013 in Davos (Davos Klosters) held in the Switzerland and the limousine service is Interline Munich with full act here. The Forum participants try to find solutions to the serious environmental and health problems with the guiding principle, committed to improving the state of the world”. The World Economic Forum (WEF) held in Davos of Switzerland and unites around 2,600 journalists and media people, leading economic and financial experts, politicians, scientists and intellectuals who discuss current topics and issues, and discuss.

It is a non-partisan non-profit organization, which is bound to no interest and is funded by its member companies. Interline Munich offers its exclusive services for years during the World Economic Forum’s. During the WEF, the Interline driver service uses a large number of sedans, mini-vans and mini-buses and coordinated successfully demanding transfers. For the invited guests, thus offers the possibility of exclusive, comfortable, punctual and relaxed to be chauffeured to the international major event. Politicians, journalists, scientists and executives can rely drivers on safe driving and the discretion of the Interline. The fleet of the limousine and chauffeur services has a four-wheel drive and therefore has the appropriate equipment to guarantee a safe and comfortable ride even in demanding, wichterlichen weather conditions. The customized service of Interline allows it guests to book both transfers of any kind or even a personal private chauffeur for an arbitrarily long period of time. Whether individuals or groups, Interline Munich takes the appropriate transport solution for every requirement.

At Participants who want a private business aircraft, offers the Interline aircraft charter service team the appropriate alternative. Interline Munich offers years of WEF participants successfully its services in the areas of driver, limousine, bus, event and aircraft charter service to and flexibility ensures comfort and exclusivity. Interline Munich Volk sedan OHG Firkenweg 7 85774 Unterfohring press contact: Harman Jochen phone: + 49 (0) 89 / 958081 40 fax: + 49 (0) 89 / 958081 49 E-Mail: Web: company portrait: the Interline chauffeur-and limousine service Munich was founded in 1995, is one of the largest sites of the German network of Interline and the leading suppliers in the field of the exclusive passenger transport in Bavaria. Interline Munich is from the regionally successful companies Volk sedan OHG in the 1950s. Despite its young existence, Interline Munich can on many years experience in the field of saloons and Chauffeur drive service access.

