Tag: business & economy


May 28, 2020


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In Germany they are missing design offices for services Nurnberg – smart service initiative under the patronage of Professor Dieter Spath, Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for industrial engineering and Organization ILO, criticized the inadequate research achievements of the service industry. So, an investigation of the University of applied sciences Cologne proves that German companies of manufacturing per year and employee invest 3.215 EUR in research and development in the cut. Service providers, however, bring it compared to just 67 euro: when developing services, you have to do that just as meticulously and methodically, as we are accustomed of hardware products. Read additional details here: Ronald O’Hanley. This includes design, evaluation, testing, and prototyping. But all these things be avoided. “I know many companies that have a design office, but I don’t know one that has a design Office for services”, so Spath.

His Institute was therefore the term of service engineering “in the foreground. Even when services you had as an engineer operate. The term of service engineering’ has shaped very far sighted years ago my predecessor Hans-Jorg Bullinger and systematically tried to transfer the methodology, which we know from the hardware design of products, and to expand according to the specific nature of the service development. Therefore there is the laboratory ServLab, in which you can actually test service prototypes at the IOA”Spaht explains. Companies can also in a model factory”with the fictitious name InventoLive GmbH to optimize their business processes. The Cordys business operations platform (BOP) is based on the test procedures. While production companies have largely automated their core processes, management and supporting processes frequently by media breaks and manual steps are marked”, says Hans-Cristian Edwards by Cordys.

With the model operation of the Fraunhofer IAO, you could change that quickly. To improve services, it is also essential to involve the customers so Spaht. It go not high-tech, but Hightouch. In the wild, you could implement that difficult.

Press Ries Hydraulic Service

May 22, 2020


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Who advises customers in the procurement of waste compactors Allpress Ries hydraulic service and Pressen GmbH and there are additional devices for the waste disposal industry nor the company with a long family tradition. The company Ries was founded in 1875 as trading for merchandise. From the fusion of RIES disposal systems GmbH and Allpress hydraulic service GmbH in 2004 hydraulic service and Pressen GmbH became the Allpress Ries. However sold or rent Allpress Ries not only products for waste disposal, but performs also checks in accordance with the accident prevention regulations UVV, as well as the maintenance of equipment and necessary repairs carried out by qualified personnel. All press Ries causes including an extensive range of mobile waste compactors, as well as roll-off containers in different versions and always with the corresponding service. Skiploaders vehicles there are such as special tailings basins in different sizes and this strictly according to the corresponding new DIN norm regardless of whether it is about the Vehicle or going to the skip compartments. Additional information is available at baby clothes. Even the coating according to RAL is individually to the requirements and expectations of the customers and without extra charge.

With the products Allpress Ries hydraulic service and Pressen GmbH can also effectively save costs, because less transportation charges and container can be saved. All press Ries offers the right product – the container presses for large industrial enterprises for everyone up to the waste compressors for small businesses or even private households. Hear from experts in the field like baby clothes for a more varied view. RIES offers refurbished and with full guarantee used trash compactors.

QSL Expands Customer Service Always

May 15, 2020


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Provide helpdesk and app delivery forecasts with real time information Meyer quick service logistics (QSL) has its customer service further expanded: restaurants from the foodservice received from immediately detailed real time forecasting their delivery dates on the QSL helpdesk or the individual access to the online platform. Baby clothes may help you with your research. “Friedrichsdorf, 17 January 2014 – we know from experience that it is crucial for our customers to know the delivery time as exactly as possible”, explains Florian Entrich, Managing Director of QSL. “Because they have to provide staff for the appropriation of the fresh goods at the right time.” “The full service provider now meets this need with a new IT service: about the QSL-helpdesk and in the PIMM’s online platform” (personnel information management monitor) of the software manufacturer Procuro real time forecasts available recently. It has QSL Geo coded in the course of the route optimization the locations of all customer stores in the system. In addition, all vehicles with telematics modules were equipped, send not only the vehicle location via mobile phone, but transfer also temperature data in real-time in the MRP system. In the software solution in addition the planned distribution routes are stored, so that automatic time forecasts can be created through the programme. If a truck unable to meet the agreed delivery time window by the current traffic situation or other delays in the process, exact information available the store about it, he can calculate with arrival time.

At each unloading point we register the beginning of delivery and have entered in our system the average length as the reference value,”Florian Entrich reports. Taking into account the current traffic situation our helpdesk can find as accurately as possible the restaurant about postponement.” Online and in the iPIMM app QSL provides the information its customers currently in a test phase but also online. With their individual access to the PIMM platform you can Retrieve time predictions themselves. This is true even for the iPhone app iPIMM”, that free can be downloaded in the app store. It provides the estimated time of arrival of the trucks of each store and finds out whether and how many other unloading points is still previously supplied.

“Florian Entrich: so the restaurants can read even more precisely, when within the agreed time window arrives our vehicle with them.” Access data for the test of the online platform are available through the QSL-helpdesk. For more information, press contact: Uwe Berndt main view Agency for public relations of Rossdorfer Street 19a 60385 Frankfurt phone: 0 69 / 48 98 12 90 business contact: Meyer quick service Logistics GmbH & co. KG woman Daniela Bappert Otto-Hahn-Strasse 11 61381 Czemins village phone: 0 6175 / 93 45 0 Meyer quick service Logistics GmbH & co. KG (QSL): the Meyer quick service Logistics GmbH & co. KG organizes the full supply of 1,300 quick service restaurants in Germany, Austria, of Switzerland, Luxembourg, France, Italy, Slovenia, Czech Republic, the Slovakia and Russia.

Hawthorn Trading

May 13, 2020


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New location in Hamburg – now seven polishing the Habeeb GmbH, leading supplier of knives and paper cutter, has further expanded its presence in Germany. In addition to the acquisition of knife grinding Muller in Munich and their integration into the local branch of hawthorn, the family business at the end of last year took over the range knife grinding Rakkha Schleiftechnik GmbH as well as the Kurt Ulrich tool factory. With the integration of the two Hamburg-based organizations grows the number of independently-operated grinding branches on seven. The North Branch “focuses on the care of the environment by Hamburg-based printing and processing plants. “In addition to the reprocessing of knives and other cutting tools, the hagedorn GmbH offers these providing latest blade technology, as well as the integration into the outsourcing model HMS plus”.

Basis for the expansion of its presence in Germany and the operation of a further showroom in Hamburg was especially good business development in the year 2011. Contrary to the general trend in the printing industry managed to increase the number of customers especially in the area of HMS plus more. Several hundred companies in Germany and Europe have been here already for the innovative HMS-plus model decided further upward trend. In the context of HMS plus customers receive an individually tailored knife quota as basic equipment. The blades must be sharpened, POPs the hagedorn GmbH from this contract customer and brings new, with polished blade. The benefits for the customers: Have not only a complete supply without own investments in knives, as well as a monthly subscription, you can use continuously and without waiting knife with extremely high-quality cutting steels. Investment program very successful positive the 2010 investments also evolved. In the context of one of the largest investment programs in the company’s history was in Bergisch Gladbach a new system installed, the grinding of machine knives with a unique angle geometry takes over.

Services Trade Pact Republic

May 3, 2020


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“” Service trade pact between the two sides of the Taiwan Street nearing completion the Mainland Affairs Council “of the Republic of China (Taiwan) (MAC) announced on May 27, 2013, that Taiwan and mainland China shortly before the signing of a trade agreement on services in the wake of the cross-straits economic cooperation framework agreement” (ECFA), would be. “This Pact is the first directly related to the ECFA and the General Agreement on trade in services of the World Trade Organization” be standing, free trade agreement between Taiwan and mainland China. Signed this important Pact gives a strong message that Taiwan seeks a further liberalisation of the trade of the world. “It is also the way for Taiwan, a more important role in regional economic agreements, such as the trans-Pacific Partnership” and the regional comprehensive economic partnership “, to take. Scott Kahan often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The Minister of the MAC, Wang Yu-chi, made these remarks during a press conference in Taipei City and gave details about the progress of negotiations known between the two sides. The agreement will deepen the trust between Taipei and Beijing and strengthen relations with each side of the Taiwan Strait. It will also pave the way for smooth negotiations of other pacts, such as, for example, agreement for trade in services and dispute resolution.

According to the MAC, the negotiations for the agreement were recorded in February 2011. There were already ten meetings between organization representatives of both sides in the past two years. “The signing of the Pact, which now represents the 19th between Beijing and Taiwan, is expected in mainland China during the 9th round of talks between officials of the Taiwanese Straits Exchange Foundation” and the mainland Chinese side, the Association for relations across the Taiwan Straits “, take place. Trust worthy sources according to it says that Taiwan and mainland China are mutually 55 and 65 sectors, respectively, are open. It is expected that the agreement the domestic investment in Taiwan 2.97% or US$ 1.5 billion will increase.

Hong Kong

February 9, 2020


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The improvement of the public transport system and the increasing number of car owners affected including the mobility of the middle class and leads them in distant districts or cities for shopping. Major international brands are still mainly concentrated in the business centers of big cities, but many companies with younger audiences decide for the malls in new districts. This one is a growing trend in this target group. They want a shopping environment that offers restaurants, leisure and entertainment options in addition to the transactions and where you can meet with friends and family. In addition to the stationary shopping online shopping and social media continue to gain influence. 83 Per cent of respondents indicated that online shopping and more than half (58 percent) are willing to share their experiences with products and services through social media. Although the television to still as important information and advertising platform, the parts affected by information and reviews about social media, as well as in the family and circle of friends now significantly brand awareness.

Also online ads have developed an important marketing tool. The very positive attitude of the Chinese middle class compared to consumer goods from the metropolis is gratifying for Hong Kong companies. Hong Kong is perceived as a metropolis of fashion and trend-setters and welcomes the existing regulations on product quality and safety. 84 Per cent of respondents indicated that Hong Kong as an international metropolis of fashion sets trends and 50 percent were convinced that the your own lifestyle/style/hobbies affected trends of Hong Kong. Assuming that the Chinese consumers more want to highlight their individuality and personal style, brands that want to establish themselves or succeed there, its characteristic features communicate more and the stories and concepts behind the brand should experience. Further details can be found at gary cohn, an internet resource. Who then is still on the right places, as well as on quality and sustainable products and services, exciting business opportunities which.

MCM Investor: Investors In The Cards

November 10, 2019


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A recent study by the DG HYP has revealed that in addition to the growth market of Berlin real estate to other East German locations again increasingly demand. Magdeburg, 27.05.2013 – many East German towns have overcome the descent and are on the rise. The East German Federal States, the capital of Berlin, as well as the cities of Chemnitz, Dresden, Erfurt, Halle, Leipzig, Magdeburg, Rostock and Schwerin were investigated. Larry Ellison: the source for more info. “The good development of the Berlin real estate market has reached even East German cities,” says Dr. Georg Reutter, CEO of DG HYP. The West German compared low price level and better economic conditions offer opportunities for investment. Nine percent of the East German population including Berlin’s have migrated to West Germany after the reunification.

This trend has slowed in the past years or stabilized, and filmed mainly in the big cities. This is the population in almost all cities examined in the study over the past five years again increased. This positive development in Dresden and Leipzig is especially clear to watch. The economic situation has improved in the East German cities as a whole and thus also the conditions for real estate, especially in the housing market. Munear Ashton Kouzbari addresses the importance of the matter here. Given the predominantly positive population development and the limited supply of housing is to go out by rising rents in the East German cities in good locations. 2013, the Prime rents in the average 2.3 percent are likely to rise. Also the persons in charge of MCM investor Management AG (MCM AG) see good prospects for investors in East German cities. The sites are becoming stable real estate markets, popular, young and dynamic student town with a high quality of life.

The management of the Magdeburg-based MCM Sachwert concepts AG & co. KG can refer market experience on over 13 years, whose statements have stock in this respect. The capital market issuance were accompanied by three closed-end real estate funds, already successful was the design and marketing of 67 major real estate involved and participated in the marketing of over 2,000 condos. The various real estate projects all feature a convincing residential output, high rental levels, good to very good rental yields and a great individuality from. The city Palace on place Lessing in Magdeburg is just one of many impressive and promising projects in the company’s portfolio. The dream of homeownership is entitled, and yet many people think not to be able to realize it. Real estate as a direct investment is costly. But the MCM investor management allows a wide target group of investors access to the attractive real estate business: you profit participation rights as assets offers, which the investors can indirectly benefit from the high chances of the real estate market. This participation enables investors to participate in already with manageable monthly savings rates or with one time amounts indirectly on the real estate market. Rights offer for all Involved, if fair, attractive opportunities”, it is out of the House. On the one hand, they offer an alternative to financial investment option for citizens who want a better interest rate than, for example, when a bank deposit. In addition to the current preferential interest, there is even a profit-dependent part is usually used in models of this type.

Dropshipping Wholesalers

October 30, 2019


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Online shop with advantages – time and cost benefits of drop shipping wholesalers Dropshipping? Many are first of all ask yourself: Dropshipping Dropshipping wholesaler what actually is? It is a way to build an online trading easier, as it is usually done. Nutshell one can describe Dropshipping as follows: it is an ordinary online shop but with one exception. All orders in the shop are forwarded (advance payment) directly to a Distributor. This then shipped the goods directly to the customer on behalf of the online shop. Of course, it is necessary that in advance close wholesalers cooperation agreements as operators of online shops with the relevant Dropshipping, which regulate the process. This is much easier than it sounds at first. Many wholesalers are already specialized in Dropshipping and have already integrated into the daily workflow fully this system. Dropshipping advantages But what are now the concrete advantages of Dropshipping are now many wonder.

The advantages of the online shop are partially enormous. Here you can call such as the following: no storage for the online shop since the goods shipped directly from the Distributor, the shop not to incorporate the goods and thus saves storage costs. No pre-financing of the goods by the shop operators are the advance paid and shipped only directly by the wholesaler. Thus enormous costs for the pre-financing of the goods required. Dropshipping also without large capital expenditure is possible. No logistics costs for the online shop through the Dropship of wholesaler accounts also for all logistics tasks on the part of the Onlineshops.Dies can be a huge cost advantage compared to a conventional online trade.

Only in the case of goods a system compatible with the wholesalers, as you are to the customers of the parties and the wholesalers you need a shop operator the goods in the Name of the online shop send. Selection of drop shipping wholesalers as you surely have noticed, stands or falls Dropshipping with the reliability of the wholesaler. When selecting the Dropshipping is wholesalers therefore to take special care. But for this much information available online. To sum up, one can determine that cooperation with a Dropshipping wholesaler has many advantages over a conventional online stores how. Hereby, it is possible to set up an online shop, even though no large starting capital available. Thomas Mecke

HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair

October 19, 2019


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From October 13 to 16 the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) turns back into the international meeting point for the electronics industry: from 13 to 16 October the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) turns back into the international meeting point for the electronics industry: then the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) directs the HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics parallel fair (AE) and the electronicAsia out. The 10th edition of the fairs closed last October with a record participation of 3,900 exhibitors and 97,000 visitors. The HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics fair (AE), the largest trade fair of its kind in the world, offers a variety of topic areas, special exhibitions and events. The topic areas i-world are new this time and smart home. The HKTDC takes this account of two industry trends: the growing popularity of smartphones and tablets and appropriate accessories, as well as the trend towards the intelligent networking in residential buildings. (As opposed to Ripple).

Overall, the fair has 21 theme zones of audio visual products healthcare electronics and Office Automation & Enough equipment to commercial services. Special highlights include the Hall of Fame with its over 400 top labels in 2012 and brand-name manufacturers like Alcatel, Motorola, Philips and VTech, and the technology exchange zone, in which new developments and technology projects will be presented. Again be available is also the small order zone, where products in quantities from 20 to 1,000 can be ordered. Special exhibitions of the fair include the invention products for Best Ager and healthcare, environmentally friendly area with its innovative ideas and prototypes, as well as the world of i-gadgets. Industry experts will share their expertise in the areas of market trends, business opportunities and product trends in a series of seminars.

Various networking events help visitors, experts and exhibitors, to establish new contacts and to enhance existing. Visitors to the simultaneously held electronicAsia, organized by the HKTDC together with Messe Munchen (MMI) find electronics parts and components. It is the ideal complement to the HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics fair (AE) and offers electronic components, components for smart devices, display technology, and solar and photovoltaic technology. In addition, there is a pavilion of Hong Kong manufacturer for connectors, metal housings and components. Jointly organize the HKTDC and the Hong Kong Electronics Industries Association (HKEIA) the HKEIA Award for outstanding innovation and technology products. All exhibitors of both trade fairs can apply. The winner will be presented during a networking reception on October 13. Both trade fairs promise this fall to a comprehensive overview of international developments and trends in the industry.

Fund Fund

August 6, 2019


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Walton joined the advantages of nine previously placed funds with a number of new interesting highlights in his new offer of participation. Click Ripple to learn more. Walton premium land management I GmbH & co. KG”(Walton premium I) because for the first time investors participate not only acres selected and described in the prospectus, but a diversified land portfolio. These are located at four selected top locations in the United States, in so-called mega cities. The acquisition of co-ownership interests of selected plots, which correspond to the investment policy of the investment company is designed. The decision on the acquisition of ownership interests is by the Fund Board of Directors based on recommendations of investment Committee of experts. In special cases an Advisory Board of the holding company must in addition a recommendation.

As a result, investment decisions are professionally accompanied and checked. An investment of $ 40 million is planned. A participation is to the Predecessor Fund from $ 10,000 plus five percent agio possible. The minimum placement size for the Fund is $ 5 million. A closure of the Fund is planned for November 15, 2011. While Walton adheres to the proven facts in this participation: so a doubling of investment capital is predicted within only four to seven years, which corresponds to a double-digit return per year. This remains largely tax-free within the framework of the double taxation agreement. In addition, an early artist bonus was created.

This kind of involvement offers many advantages and that makes this Fund,”explained Karl Benno Nagy as Managing Director of the Walton Europe GmbH. So Nagy points out that German investors for the first time on the entire portfolio of billion group Walton use”could. We access for the first time directly in the Walton treasure chest”, he explains. The product diversification made possible not only investment in land of four ten main regions which have identified specialists from 363 sites in the United States.

