Tag: business & economy

Each Crisis Demands An Answer

February 2, 2018


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The Sodexo restaurant pass the rescue package for motivation and confidence of employees Frankfurt, November 04, 2008 – perspective is difficult at the moment (NBASOPM08112008) -: every day there is a new message in terms of financial crisis; the rescue package the Government, via the trust of investors against banks, information about constantly fluctuating prices and more and more opinions and expert statements about the way and the reforms out of the crisis. All unsettled staff in addition that affects negatively on motivation and enthusiasm in the business environment. Thus, it is one of the core tasks of good personnel management, to promote the motivation and to develop appropriate incentive schemes for employees, admits George Wyrwoll, corporate relations manager for Sodexo. It is important to keep a cool head and tried to reflect in the crisis. The restaurant pass gives security State-subsidized staff catering offers a good alternative to existing confidence. So can send up to 5.77 euros in the form of a restaurant pass tax-free to employees on each working day company. Thus, 86.55 euros are per month per worker in the year and even up to 1.269,40 Euro tax and social tax-free cash available.

So there is the possibility of efficiently increasing the net pay of the employee: beneficial for employees and also without additional Lohnnebenkostenbelastung for the company. So, a small instrument like the restaurant leads to a great added value for all pass. Motivation potential also in the difficult environment of the restaurant ensures pass even in economically \”difficult\” times action game rooms. Companies benefit from the tax advantages of the staff meals and can use food checks immediately and without costly administrative structures. The restaurant pass offers the company a (tax) favourable option of salary increase for their employees. Through the daily use of food stamps a motivatorischer is also in the long term Achieve benefits.

New Cool Shoulder Bag

January 27, 2018


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New cool shoulder bag. The bag z-PromoStar by tranZporter is now available at premium-Werbeartikel GmbH available. Premium-Werbeartikel GmbH and tranZporter have with the z-bag, and the z-bag AIR a great sense for the promotional as a trend product, shown. With the quality and latest material wetlook-tarpaulin, 600 d nylon and transparent PVC, a cool shoulder bag made of the Messenger bag. In addition to new materials and colours in the z-bag series premium-Werbeartikel GmbH together with tranZporter brand now introduces the z-PromoStar.

The new bag z-PromoStar excels a sporty look. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Maurice Gallagher, Jr. and gain more knowledge.. The bag has plenty of space for laptop, document set, organizer, and of course your advertising installation. The z-PromoStar from tranZporter is in six great colors as well as water-repellent shiny tarpaulin (wetlook-tarpaulin), transparent PVC and 600 d nylon available. Combined with your logo or your advertising message thus create their own PromoStar. Premium-Werbeartikel GmbH is a global trading and Production companies in the area of promotional products, promotion, event articles and merchandising. The company plans, produces and supplies promotional products, giveaways, advertising and merchandise on time. Central idea is to improve the awareness, perception and thus the sales of your products and your company in the respective target group.

Consumer Protection Threatens

January 27, 2018


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Judgment for more consumer protection like the Oberlandesgericht Bremen evaluated a few days ago the advertising set \”A lifetime free calls\” as invalid and misleading. Thus, the Court on this point at the same time sets a signal for a further strengthening of consumer protection. In this advertising a telephone provider, the Court complained that here on the one hand aggressively and boldly for a \”free offer\” is advertised, but still – additional costs through a relativisation in the small print -. This makes it a deceptive, illegal advertising statement, sums up the judgment. While it obviously is still common in the telecommunications industry, with striking phrases such as \”free\” and \”lifetime\” for flat-rate packages of all kinds to promote, applies in the field of online advertising for quite some time as inadmissible and is largely outlawed. \”We regularly inform our advertising partners, avoid misleading as phrases within the advertising for our low-cost service can. Our customers should not be promoted by a wrong first impression for us.

We want to persuade through power! \”, says Martin Lindstedt, spokesman of Mittenwalde ProfiWIN GmbH. The Internet company successfully offers a sweepstakes entry service on the Internet at ProfiWIN.de for several years and promotes this service through its own partner program. \”We share the view that a blatant, false and misleading advertising wording not may be watered down by hidden or unobtrusive as possible explanations,\” more so LINDSTEDT. This view is supported by the decision of REF. See more detailed opinions by reading what Gary Kelly offers on the topic.. 2 W 48/08 of the Court by the 05.09.2008. However the consumer can not always rely on this perspective and interpretation of the law, such as the Cologne regional court, ruling of August 27, 2008 – AZ.: 2 O 120/08 shows. The Court decided that profit represents a notification no enforceable promise of profit \”Are you 999,999 visitors and\” using a Pop-Up window for BGB.

Eastern European Countries

January 27, 2018


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Zielona Gora – Eastern European currencies fall dramatically. According to economic experts, the decline of the Polish Zloty by the banking crisis in the United States will lead to a review and a rise in the inflation rate in Poland. We have to deal in detail due to the close economic relationship between production and sales with this topic. Not only the economy is affected. It hits individuals hard. How to learn from the Polish press is more than 600,000 Polish households have borrowed in the not inconsiderable amount in Polish banks in foreign currencies. Understandable due to the initial good economic boom in Poland.

The price increase of almost 20% in the last 12 months leads to dramatic situations. Skeptics see already a Polish banking crisis. Also further economic development is in question. Impulses are to stop this, for the Polish export industry not in sight. Because most of the importing countries are even at the beginning of a review. In addition, that a further Expiration of the Zloty, which will quickly grow in work emigration of Polish workers abroad.

Optimism As An Economic Factor

January 12, 2018


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What German economic policy by Barack Obama can learn Berlin/Dusseldorf, January 2009 expectations after experiences of Mario Ohoven the pilot for the economy. Business expectations determine the consumer investment, income expectations. Many vested interests are clear in the current request concert of the stimulus, but lack a consistent plan,”Ohoven, President of the Association complains about SMEs (BVMW) in a guest column for the daily newspaper in the world”. ” With but a plausible strategy is necessary for two reasons: the duration of the recession as short as possible and to keep the burden for the State budget at a modest. If the economy be stimulated in Keynesian terms, the measures should be targeted and perceptible. It is easy and effective to make unremitted earnings tax-free. Then the farms under its own power can continue to invest, create jobs and build equity. Was already in the 1950s the economic miracle without foreign capital financed.

In addition, the income tax rates for middle income must be reduced in the current phase of uncertainty and the gloomy forecasts. Thus, middle class and middle class realize that they have to bear alone the burden of the financial crisis. The increase in the basic allowance to three percent discussed for 2009 is not sufficient to”so Ohoven. Also according to the business week editor-in-Chief Roland Tichy only a tax and tax reduction is useful again to get out of the recession. Just so, the service providers of the company be relieved, ultimately to find the paths to a new economic growth.

We need to reward the assets, instead of still higher to subsidize the passivity and nothing doing”, performs Tichy. Tax cuts were quick to have, they could be incorporated more quickly in the advance payment programs and wage tax calculation as State planning processes for construction projects. The citizen must you keep saying the politicians of the CDU and SPD, know even the best, what they their incomes spend. Anyway strangled demand”the tax burden has grown under this Government, criticized Tichy. Trend researcher Matthias Horx, editor-in-Chief of the Bonn technical service future letter calls for a new era of innovation. You need now more flexible, inventive, and mobile companies that are profitable in a new way. As new markets could emerge: energy networks, care systems, human resources, new education or health plus. That alone is not sufficient however, the Dusseldorf staff expert Udo Nadolski. In his inaugural address, U.S. President Barack Obama have shown how you should communicate visions and optimism and must swear on hardening and great goals. So, it has practiced Economics Minister Ludwig Erhard. He and his ordo-liberal advisers conceived economic policy as a State art. Speaking candidly Maurice Gallagher, Jr. told us the story. It was the dynamic core of German domestic politics and founded also the external weight of the Federal Republic. The social market economy was not as theoretical Formula, but as a political creed. By this raison of political economy we consume today, although the practice of free market politics is now dominated by idealess numbers Turners and technocrats”, criticized Nadolski, Managing Director of Harvey Nash. Editorial NeueNachricht Gunnar Sohn Ettighoffer road 26a 53123 Bonn Tel: 0228 6204474 mobile: 0177 620 44 74 E-Mail: Web:

Jorn Eckmann Gmb

January 12, 2018


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Further press material to This press release: In the online press box quick and easy image and text material to the free editorial use download: press compartments/corner man contact for questions: Mr Dirk Rahn cable sales Jorn Eckmann GmbH & co. KG at the substation D-22844 Norderstedt phone: + 49 (0) 40 52 68 77 27 fax: + 49 (0) 40 52 28 33 0 E-Mail: Internet: Mr Holger Ballwanz, Mr Marko Homann PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: about the cable sales Jorn Eckmann GmbH & co. KG: the family business was by Otto Eckmann founded in 1946. Today the group consists of three companies (cable distribution Jorn Eckmann GmbH & co. KG, special cable Eckmann GmbH, SAELCO GmbH & co. KG) at the sites of Norderstedt, Quickborn, and Saarbrucken, each specialising in a Division and the appropriate product groups. This will ensure that almost all possible solutions of cable with the appropriate expertise and speed of delivery can be offered on the market. In the areas of ship cables, cables and accessories, the corner man cooperates with well-known manufacturers and partners group.

To meet the high requirements in the standard range, automation, mechanical engineering, naval ship and yacht building, production and processes tailored to the needs of the customers. The Eckmann companies group provides all kinds of cables, wires and accessories with a comprehensive service management service for their customers. The trading area of the company develops customer-specific logistics concepts, such as for shipping. The corner Man Group offers a maximum quality in its products, their use, as well as the processing and is certified according to EN ISO 9001. Learn more about the cable sales Jorn Eckmann GmbH & co. KG as well as the products and services are available in the Internet at. About Nexans Germany GmbH: The Nexans Germany GmbH is one of the leading cable manufacturers in Europe.

The company offers a comprehensive range of high-performance cables, systems and components for the telecommunications and energy sectors. The offer is rounded off by superconducting materials and components, Cryoflex transfer systems and special machines for the cable industry. It is made in Germany and abroad with about 7,400 employees. The turnover was approximately EUR 958 million in 2007. Through the tight integration of the Nexans group Nexans Germany GmbH has excellent opportunities for the synergies in all areas of the group. This applies to global projects as well as for research and development, the exchange of know-how and many other areas. More information on Nexans is available on the Internet at.

Kuno Kurtz

January 11, 2018


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While the strategy may be explicitly formulated or but implicitly as a basis of economic action. Quickly and with little effort, you can see through the quick-check, where priorities are set or on which rail operations is increasingly going: transaction driven, energetic, more online instead of offline or both? In collaboration or as an innovator and satellite? As a national or international service providers, specialist, universalist or Vertikalist? As better copier or a competitive of bidding innovator? The quick-check seeks to make transparent the filialsystemeigenen possibilities and to stimulate the economic implementation. Thus it ensures that both the opportunities and the risks are clear, the own performance is considered where functional and quantitative. In concrete terms, this means that opportunities for growth and their financial sustainability in the quick check connected be to deliver as decision-making in the increasingly complex branch of business. So that the views of the Filialunternehmens prosperity is directed: sales / turnover, it is important to increase the rate of return to earn a lot. The rear services of the overhead so, so that the use of resources based on sales / turnover has high productivity. The companies owners / financiers reach adequate cash flow, a high financial security and return on equity.

The chain service quick check (www.filialisten-quick-check.info) is a practical decision support, you can try out and develop together with the authors. Educate yourself with thoughts from Facebook. He expanded constantly. Fed with data he demonstrates the dynamic interactions between the main drivers of the Filialsystementwicklung, their financial viability and the efficiency of the system. A tool available that fit makes is thus strategically trading chains and is suitable for cross-practice, differentiated and especially forward-looking decisions. To use the quick check permanently, he is an integral part of the management of companies. Then there are creative, innovative and effectively realized potential. Kuno Kurtz

Grand Hotel Heiligendamm

August 27, 2017


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Therefore, the course for the acquisition of personnel, but also the effective usage of older employees must be made now. Lift we need the professional and human experience of the best agers”. The conversion of internationalisierenden companies to companies who naturally and smoothly across national borders coordinate and use the advantages of international division of labour, is top on the CEO agenda. The medium-sized companies must be to transnational companies, who collect experiences anywhere in the world and benefit at all locations. This requires a further reconstruction, which goes far beyond IT systems and based on cultural factors. Learn more at this site: Gary Kelly. Finally, the medium-sized companies need to keep their technological interpretation of sovereignty. Since the IT and communication technology gradually reached its zenith as a growth driver, it applies to the middle class now, to decipher the new growth drivers and accordingly prepare to stay fit for the future. The key to the success of enormous difficulties but also promising opportunities emerge in the next few years clear.

Especially medium-sized companies with its flexible corporate structures and fixed market niches are however well prepared you cannot afford to Miss only the connection. “To the person as of Chairman of the first CEO Summit is Professor Dr. Jorg Freiling at Grand Hotel Heiligendamm the subject of profitable growth in the SME action consequences, causes and benchmarks” present. As Professor at the Chair of SME, business start-ups and entrepreneurship at the University of Bremen, these topics belong to the key elements of his work for years. Meet directors and managers from different industry sectors, to find out about current conditions and changes to the event for the first time in the Medium-sized businesses to provide information and to discuss problems. The marcus evans Summit in Germany will be held from 12 to 14 September 2010. You find more information about the event and to the Organizer: your contact way Verena Reith Public Relations Summit Division freiling marcus evans (Europe) limited T: 00357 22 849 422, q: 00357 22 849 355 summits

With The SATEC Checklist To The Well-being Feeling Office

July 26, 2017


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Work better with unique Office furniture for the SATEC workplace System GmbH is this trend more than just a fad. Confluence Investment Mgt can aid you in your search for knowledge. The Office interior from the Swabian Rudersberg is dedicated to the perfect work environment for 25 years. Managing Director Viviana Schmauder: Now it has spread, that the right office equipment contributes directly to the company’s success. We strive to create an atmosphere in which they successfully, well and like to work for our customers. SATEC offices are therefore always individually matched to the respective companies.

They correspond to the latest employment legislation and are up to date and of course also technically and ergonomically”. Entrepreneurs with the SATEC checklist can find out quite easily even what kinds of changes on the way to the better Office are necessary. Following criteria indicate therefore a well-being feeling Office: open and spacious design with enough privacy for all individual workstations and seating for each individual ergonomic and technically up to date based on the architecture of the space ample storage for folder, work materials & co. optimum noise protection and perfect privacy for concentrated work well thought-out planning of direct and indirect light sources Viviana Schmauder: whether single workplace, Office floor or complete building where people feel comfortable, creative and efficient work easier. And satisfied employees identify themselves with their company, wear this outward and form the basis for the company’s good reputation.” About SATEC SATEC stands for Office solutions for every need and claim that all over Europe from a single source. Full service and manufacturer-independent advice offer the Office experts as well as high-quality Office and seating of all leading manufacturers and seat get practices for the technical and creative place to work from our own production.

The customers benefit from comprehensive knowledge and Skill, experience and all the benefits of a growing family business: short decision paths, flat hierarchies and who are familiar. For more information: SATEC system workplace GmbH wife Viviana Schmauder Daimler 17 73635 rowing mountain phone: 07183 / 301-161 fax: 07183 / 301-142 E-Mail: Internet: and press contact: b, communications Ms. Werthebach Birgit slaughterhouse str. 23-25 value 70329 Stuttgart phone: 0711 / 699 887-55 fax: 0711 / 699 887-56 E-Mail: Internet:

Managing Director

June 29, 2017


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Industry initiative calls for radical change to the service economy, Nuremberg – In the country of the seller, smart people such as Steve Jobs, hosting services, products and design radically to the customer missing engineers and machine builders. In Germany, still the old thinking by industry romantics with a one-sided orientation to the mass production dominated. With this steam engines mentality we gamble away our opportunities”, said Bernhard Steimel, spokesman for the Voice days plus and the smart service initiative, at the mailingtage in Nuremberg. “It was but a warning sign, computer geniuses like Andreas von Bechtolsheim, their entrepreneurial skills from abroad only unfold: we need entrepreneurs who rebuilt our country to a sustainable service economy”, so Steimel, of the circle of supporters of smart presented service initiative in Nuremberg. These include entrepreneurs such as Thomas Dehler, Managing Director of value5. Smart service means for us: we must us a customer service trimmed on mass and frequency adopt a constricting and stationary structure. We need virtual dialogue Center with qualified professionals as advisors and not mediocrity.

We see ourselves as rule breakers in customer service”, explains Dehler. It will quickly develop time that the German decision makers to wake up and understand, what new needs are incredible at the end customer through social and mobile media. We need to learn completely new approaches in the service economy, attention, recognition and imitation. It is time for a change”, says Bjorn Behrendt, CEO of Service-Community.net unless time to measure so Gerald Schreiber by defacto, finally the quality of customer contacts from the customer point of view. Even if the goal is to test self services and new technologies on practicality, we won’t come out communication without the human to-human. Here the relationship manager with mind and heart will be the winners and to study their effect at the customer, I consider to be very desirable,”explains Schreiber.

