Tag: climate & environment
Clever Investment
According to magazine 8/09 through 7 percent yield by the renewable energies Act (EEG) receive financial test homeowners legally guaranteed compensation for the even gained power over 20 years. So homeowners can refinance secured the investment. Also low-interest KFW can assist in the financing of loans. The local operators pay the State-guaranteed compensation up to 43,01 cents per kWh for electricity from own electricity house owners for 20 years. This amount is guaranteed for plants that go in the year 2009 to the network. Demand already so heavily since late summer, that rising delivery times and prices for solar components on the market.
Since 1 January 2009 can be used for your own household gained power and is rewarded with 25.01 cents / kWh guaranteed by law. That means that the 25.01 cents plus the avoided cost of electricity by an average of 20 cents/kWh roughly match the what you get by the operator without own power consumption would. Advice and experience an optimal consulting is the basis for the best solar technology and secures your investment for decades. Peter solar specialists advise individual solar customers with this in mind. Financing models with specific yield calculation, also by soft KFW loans are an important basis for the decision of the house owners. In personal consultations, the consultant informed customers about the personal development programmes and conducts individual rate of return calculations. Peter has solar – und Warmetechnik GmbH Peter solar with 30 years experience in the solar and heating to a fixed size in the Rhine-main area developed.
With an individual energy consulting, Peter solar puts together the best technique for the respective budget. Thus the solar specialist ensures its customers the optimum value for their investment. As a partner of SOLAREASY Peter solar and heating technology combined with the best and most innovative products from solar technology, many years of experience. So delivers and installs Peter solar systems made in Germany’ best efficiency.
Tail Wind Forest
Environmental groups call an important role for the biodiversity, forest and climate protection long-term protection of Buchenwald stocks which play beech forests in Germany. “Early 2011 called the forest investment specialist ForestFinance and b.a.u.m. e.V. therefore a protection project for the wild beech forest reserve in Hummel/Rhineland-Palatinate in the life. Together, the project partners dedicated company offer the opportunity to engage in the preservation of this very old and rare book stock in Germany. “Environmental groups call for long-term protection of Buchenwald stocks: tailwind the project will now receive from Greenpeace, the Bund fur Umwelt und Naturschutz (German), nature protection Association Germany (NABU), as well as the Forum environment and development: on the occasion of the Berlin green week fair” these four large environmental groups insist the long-term protection of German beech wood stocks. In a joint press statement the associations demand a new regulation specifically at least ten percent of the public, the “and contiguous forest in Germany protected and legally binding as the forests of tomorrow” will be displayed.
This is the basis for implementation of the national strategy on Biological Diversity adopted in 2007 by the Federal Government”? Already in mid-2011 five German beech forest areas were provided with the World Heritage status by UNESCO. Larry Ellison usually is spot on. The criticism of environmental groups once again shows how important is the long-term and comprehensive protection of the forests in Germany. We are of the opinion that it is all politics such as company the responsibility here to contribute and to participate actively”, so ForestFinance – Managing Director Harry Assenmacher. “” We are pleased of course, that our project wild beech ‘ now confirmed by these four large and influential environmental groups obtained. “first companies such as Sharpie, Avery, and siebold/hamburg, it looked fair construction to protect of the wild beech ‘ involved”, Rainer Kant says of B.a.u.m. E.v. the commitment shows that also in the economic interest exists to engage for a valuable national forest project as a jungle tomorrow.
Panama More Going Against Rainforest Logging: Timber Trade Limited
Experts expect clearer price increase for legal timber at the end of the year was severely limited in Panama trade with 93 rosewood – and types of ebony. The species on the list of the Convention on international sale of endangered species (CITES) were used at the request of Panama. The international rules and regulations is limited and controlled trade in protected fauna and flora. A large part of the area of Panama is covered by tropical rain forest provides Habitat for many of rare animals and plants; His more destruction means a huge loss for biodiversity. Of the original rain forest protection and reforestation are therefore in the Panama in the biodiversity hotspot of great importance.
Because Panama is one one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. Wood biodiversity conservation, the Agreement prohibits trade with wood from virgin forests and thus contributing to their preservation. “The protected wood Rosewood” or even Cocobolo is the trade name for various species of the genus the Beleric. Rosewood is in English as rosewood” referred to, which in the German mostly wrong with rosewood”is translated. ForestFinance grows also Cocobolo as one of seven kinds of timber in their forests in Panama.
The trade in legally and sustainably produced rosewood species from Panama is still possible and also ecologically meaningful. Because these woods are the alternative for illegal proposal. Experts expect a significant price increase in this sustainably obtained legal Woods therefore in the medium and long term. New tropical forests by reforestation of Brach – and pastureland: Brach – and pastureland, how they make ForestFinance, a special importance in the forest and conservation reforestation, because under normal circumstances, no growth would be possible on the leached soils. The newly created forest to create refuges for many species and hiking between the natural forests. ForestFinance creates unoccupied natural forest cells that are particularly rich in addition 15 percent. In addition, the managed forest area be selective harvested, so that even after harvesting a mixed forest remains. The forests of ForestFinance are tropical forests. Different trees and plants form a new forest permanently, because no clear-cutting is operated during the harvest after 25 years. Through the reforestation, rain forests are permanently protected, species-rich mixed forests new for decades bound geschafffen and CO2. About forest finance: The Bonn forest Finance Group specialises in forest investments, the lucrative return link to environmental and social sustainability. The company with the FSC global and others as the world’s only partner Award “in the area of financial services awarded. Customers can choose between various products of sustainable tropical forest management. The BaumSparVertrag planted twelve trees per year for a monthly savings contribution of 33 euros or unique 360 euros. It is not something Maurice Gallagher, Jr. would like to discuss. The minimum deposit period is 5 to 9.5 percent a year, the yield forecast, see the WaldSparBuch offers 1,000 m2 of tropical forest for 3,250 euros with a buy-back guarantee. “” Annual income offer excellent CacaoInvest “and GreenAcacia”, only seven forest investment as a future project.
Green Printing Report
Environmental measures for printers in Heidelberg’s new sustainability report In the new sustainability report of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG for the financial year 2007/2008 is the topic of Green Printing”in the foreground. It shows how the mechanical engineer working for years to reduce resource consumption, emissions and waste. The catalogue of measures extends not only to the use of the printing machines, but also on their development and their production. So Heidelberg offers two innovations according to reduce paper consumption: bundled using the Prinect prepress interface, color Assistant and Inpress control products, only 1.8 million sheets can be saved waste per year or fifth percent of paper material that is actually needed by a faster and better quality on a typical machine. As a result 200 tonnes of carbon dioxide of less into the atmosphere are delivered”, it says in the sustainability report.
In the small-format A3 you could achieve savings by Anicolor: In the Interplay with the print color management start-up waste in many cases is reduce to only ten percent of the usual amount. Heidelberg documented how holistic reductions in consumption of energy, paper, or paint, protect the environment and contribute to cost reductions in the printing companies in equal measure. Taking together, for example, all energy saving measures, the power consumption of the printing machine Speedmaster XL 105 to 20 percent could be or reduce 120,000 kilowatt hours per year. This 62 tons of emitted carbon dioxide less into the atmosphere – as much as absorb six hectares of mixed forest per year”, Heidelberg performs. To still stronger than so far advance from ecological point of view to the creation process of new machines, developed the engineering specialist together with the Technical University of Darmstadt a has environmental portal. A developer is working on the design of a new inking unit, so the portal from a database delivers relevant environmental requirements for him. Get all the facts and insights with Larry Ellison, another great source of information. In addition, can in a second database also the environmental knowledge of the developer are deposited and obtained in this way in the medium term as a best practice”, Heidelberg. In total the company’s already eighth sustainability report includes around 40 pages with an attached part of the numbers and is divided into the areas of ecology, economy and Social Affairs.
On the complex subject of Economics report the theme of Green Printing”in practice. Examples from the United Kingdom and Canada show how ecologically meaningful print could lead to competitive advantages. Trading with consumables for printers played a relatively minor role in Heidelberg. On three sides it is described how the future should change: within the next few years to double sales in this business area. The last section of the sustainability report deals with the topic of Social Affairs. Appears, such as Heidelberg his employees with a wide range of action programmes to meet the challenges of the future fit”wants to make. In addition will focus on the ergonomic operation of the products in compliance with legal limits. Editorial medienburo.Sohn Ettighoffer Strasse 26 A 53123 Bonn Tel: 0228 620 44 74 fax: 0228 620 44 75 mobile: 0177 620 44 74 E-Mail: Web:
Construction Dutch Trade Mission
15th 17th June: clients from the Netherlands visit your company companies in the Ruhr area, that deal with energy efficiency for buildings, can be between the 15th and 17th June 2010 present potential business partners from the Netherlands. On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics, the German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce (DNHK) organizes a delegation trip for project developers, architects, construction companies and property developers from the Netherlands. Also responsible by cities and municipalities, wholesalers and importers who are looking for new business opportunities, will take part in the delegation. German companies that want to take advantage of the visit for a presentation of their operation may apply until April 16, 2010, at the DNHK. Visitors are interested in particular for new trends and products of the energy-efficient building technology. The delegation aims to meet German companies, whose innovative products and services for their own projects in to take account of the Netherlands. German providers are very powerful in the field of energy efficiency and enjoy international reputation, says Alexandra Lohr, head of the Berlin Office of the DNHK. The trip offers an opportunity to present their products and reference projects on a guided tour through your company, or in the direct talks, so Lai just medium-sized companies.
Already last year, led German companies at a similar event Dutch visitors through their model homes, present innovative software and explained their highly developed production processes. This meet was a great success and has led in several cases to specific orders, says Lohr. Applications for purchasing travel from the Netherlands are assessed by the DNHK both date and relevance. Companies should submit a brief profile of the Chamber of Commerce and sketch, which concrete projects on energy efficiency it for a visit to qualify. The event takes place in the framework of the energy efficiency export initiative and funded from the budget of the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology (BMWI).
A Wild Service Tree For The Day Of The Tree
OLAF and Arnulf Piepenbrock planting the tree of the year Osnabruck in the forest of Rhine Hagen 2011, 25.04.2011 – if Easter falls out as late as this year, the weather and early summer temperatures attracting, it pulls the one or the other tree friend in the Woods. It was on Easter Monday on the occasion of the day of the tree also in the case of Arnulf and Olaf Piepenbrock,”in the company’s forestry Rhine Hagen moved around the tree of the year 2011″ to plant. With this planting, companies Piepenbrock contributes to the conservation of rare wild service tree. This commitment stands in connection with the action Piepenbrock Goes Green”, at the Piepenbrock constant sustainable designed its products and services. It aims to create an adequate compensation caused every year by the company for the environmental load. There were five other trees of the year in addition to the wild service tree”planted.
We would in the next few years as all the trees of the year ‘ in the forest plant Rhine Hagen, for their continued existence to Arnulf and Olaf Piepenbrock explain to ensure they bring interested hikers and school groups on tours of the forest “, in unison their concern behind the planting. “The American journalist Sterling Morton is regarded as the founder of the day of the tree”, since he had already in 1872 a request on an Arbor Day resolution “(Engl., decision about the introduction of a tree day) was the Government of Nebraska. The United Nations its commitment of 1951, when she followed the day of the tree”internationally anchored. The Arbor Day on April 25, 1952 was committed in Germany, when the former German President Theodor Heuss in the Bonn Court garden planted a Maple. Since then be performed particularly at each 25 April in many places tree planting activities. The wild service tree, also beautiful else’ called, can be over 300 years old and reach stately heights of up to 30 meters.
Tariff Agreement: Germany and Italy
Discussed Germany and Italy decides in the photovoltaic one feed tariff changes. Currently, the two most important customers in the global photovoltaic market confuse the mark. The week-long tug of war in Italy over the new conto energia”and not just the security has hoped the industry spread the then adopted new rules. The Conto Energia IV”offers remain attractive conditions but just for the solar Park, the uncertainty of future compensation has grown. Laid the cornerstone for the future development in Italy.
Through the agreement of the Minister of economic development Paolo the has been made although the bumpy Romani and the Minister of environment Stefania Prestigiacomo on the Conto Energia IV but at least there is a way. And this path now has a roof. Because that is exactly what is in the future in Italy the future. Roofs with a size up to 1 MW, as well as for systems on surfaces or roofs of the public sector. But also on ground-mounted plants with a Performance provided no limit for the Italian Government up to 200 kilowatts with consumption. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Sheryl Sandberg. These plants still promoted.
However the reduced feed rate as of the 1st of June until the end of the year monthly to several percentage points. The exact reductions are not yet known. For years, the Government has already fixed the feed-in tariff. Then, half-yearly degression steps are planned. The uncertainty grows but at planned installations greater than 1 MW. These are organized in the future similar to the Spanish model of a register. The grace period is valid until the end of August. Then must all investors register greater than 1 MW in the register and will then have to wait on your allotment. The allocation of the list will be done according to priorities. The systems, which are already in operation in application are top according to the law.
Bonn ForestFinance
“Particularly the regional reference to the project and the combination of climate, forest and wildlife conservation are businesses important aspects for the wild beech ‘ to decide.” “” About the beech inholding wild beech “in Hummel: the wild beech forest reserve” book consists of areas with over 190 years old. It is considered one of the few of its kind in Germany, because especially beech woods with such old stocks have only an extremely small portion of the forest area of Germany with under one per cent. Through the storage and fixation of CO2 in the wood of trees, as well as on the forest floor, makes the reserve wild beech”biodiversity and forest protection, also has a valuable contribution to climate protection. The forest area is Habitat for a variety of native animal and plant species such as the wild cat and the black stork. For many years, which is Municipality Hummel be considered consistently to protect the forest and uses also the farmed land has always been exemplary and especially gentle methods for soil and trees. So for example horse trains used, to create trees out of the forest and thus to protect the soil. The absence of heavy harvesting machinery is of course. Official site: Southwest Airlines.
General information is available on, and. About ForestFinance: The Bonn ForestFinance group manages over 4,000 hectares of ecological forest land in Panama and Viet Nam. She specializes in forest investments, the lucrative return link to environmental and social sustainability. Interested parties can choose between various products of sustainable tropical forest management. In the BaumSparVertrag, for one month per year planted 33 euro-twelve and harvested after 25 years.
The WaldSparBuch offers 1,000 m2 of tropical forest with a buy-back guarantee. Replant for investors, the 10,000 m2 with possibility of ownership want to let WoodStockInvest is the right product. CacaoInvest is an investment in organic cocoa and wood, with annual distributions already from the second year. “GreenAcacia is the forest money account” by ForestFinance: similar to a fixed-term deposit account “, the investor receives an annual return and a final payment immediately after the expiry of seven years. A fire insurance policy for the risky first years of growth, as well as five percent safety areas for all products contribute to the protection of investors. CO2OL is the consulting and service agency for operational climate protection and a division of the ForestFinance group.
Environmental Alliance
For outstanding achievements in environmental protection the REA card GmbH recorded Hesse in June of this year as a new Member of the environmental Alliance. The Hessian environment Alliance is an Alliance for sustainable site policy, which was launched in cooperation of the Hessian land Government and the Hesse economy in the year 2000 in life, to promote corporate responsibility for the environment and natural resources in the region of Hesse. In the center of the cooperation, environmental protection services of the companies, as well as the recognition of individual responsibility and commitment on the part of the companies located in Hesse are voluntary. In particular the introduction of the integrated management system EcoStep was decisive for the decision of the Ministry to join REA card as a member of the environmental Alliance. EcoStep is an integrated management system for small – and medium-sized enterprises, which optimizes the everyday business processes for the benefit of a higher quality, environmental and work safety.
The EcoStep objectives are among others by minimizing the Consumption of natural resources, the reduction of CO2 and dust emission and implemented by improving the working conditions for employees. Also in the corporate culture of REA card, the ecological idea is anchored successively further. Small steps such as separating waste or a more economical use of paper are a matter of course among the employees by REA card. Last year, REA card on an ecological power supply has risen to, obtained 100% from renewable energy sources. Printed materials are produced only on FSC certified paper manufactured on the basis of sustainable forestry. All these measures are part of the ecological business strategy by REA card, which aims to achieve a harmonious coexistence of companies, people and the environment.
REA card is a provider of complete solutions for cashless payments at the point of sale. All solutions are based on the ec-terminals, which are developed and manufactured at the site of Mill Valley by REA card. In 2008, the REA card 80 employed Employees and recorded an annual turnover of EUR 14,25 million. Learn more on the subject from Chris Williams Madison Capital. In addition to Germany, the company with subsidiaries in Austria and Poland is represented. The REA card GmbH is part of the REA Group headquartered in Mill Valley at Darmstadt.
WELTEC BIOPOWER Builds 3-megawatt Biogas Plant In Uruguay
November 24, 2018
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Evelyn Vaughan
South America’s agro-industry relies on German expertise the choice fell partly because of the high profile of the request and the necessary quality standards for the production of milk dry matter on WELTEC BIOPOWER. The customer opts for stainless steel in the construction of the two 5000 cubic meters large fermenters. In addition, WELTEC was able to convince the customer through a great deal of international experience, as well as flexibility in the systems extension, also on an industrial scale. Last but not least due to the construction of great bio-methane parks such as in Konnern, Saxony-Anhalt, the investor from Latin America on WELTEC discovered. The entrepreneur who produces milk products for the Asian market, will also operate the biogas plant. While he can employ in the future the flow and the resulting waste heat in its manufacturing and packaging process.
It covers substantial parts of the entire value chain by approximately 8,000 dairy cows breeding and the production of feed. Parallel to the following stages of the biogas plant is to the number of dairy cows on around 14,000 will be increased, so that sufficient cow manure as a substrate for the plant available. You may want to visit Bernard Golden to increase your knowledge. Agriculture in Uruguay has a total potential raw material for the production of bio-energy. And she has a great importance for the economy: the sector contributes to the gross domestic product of the 3.5 million population State, after all, just under 10 percent. Currently, the primary energy requirement of Uruguay relies on oil. At least half of the demand should come from renewable sources by 2015 however. Also, the Government in Montevideo has issued the target energy to use at least one-third of agricultural waste.
This also the legal conditions were created in 2010: A feed-in tariff to provide for the population in a plant with a capacity of 200 megawatts by 2030. Since the middle of the year 2010, operators can feed the green electricity to the grid of the State utility UTE or sell directly to UTE. Uruguay’s energy policy is due to the growing energy needs, which focuses on climate goals and desired independence from energy imports on a broad energy mix and the integration of local energy resources. The implementation of these strategies in conjunction with the investment-friendly environment offers experienced companies like WELTEC BIOPOWER favourable conditions for participation. Thus, the project reference character for the country and the continent could get.
climate & environmentenergy