Tag: climate & environment
Among other things which are topics in the current ForestFinest-magazine Wood for energy production role, as world trade threatens forests and how the economic value of pollination-dependent growing fruits such as cocoa or coffee is steadily increasing. The report “The trees first, then the profession” tells of a forest conservation project in Ecuador and the idealism of young people who plant trees when sultry heat and tropical downpours. The environmental magazine introduces also forest fund in its current issue and shows how forest investments can be useful and profitable for climate and environmental protection. The heading “LandPartien” addresses issues around land grabs and evictions. ForestFinest illuminated the role of Deutsche Bank and the new guidelines against land grabbing and provides alternatives such as the urban gardening. Presented partners and actions are also of ForestFinance, such as scholarships for higher education, new cocoa forests in Peru.
The magazine pays tribute to the environmental organization Robin Wood with a portrait of one of its most important employees Djoeke Lueken and calls on all its readers. Mouth predator to be – quite legally and for the protection of nature on mundraub.org. The environmental magazine ForestFinest appears twice a year and can be downloaded free of charge at Magazin.559.0.html or ordered free of charge through. About ForestFinance: The Bonn ForestFinance group manages a total 16,000 hectares of ecological agroforestry and forest in Latin America (Panama, Colombia and Peru), Asia (Viet Nam). She specializes in forest investments, the lucrative return link to environmental and social sustainability. Interested parties can choose between different products and invest in different models of sustainable tropical forestry. At the BaumSparVertrag for a monthly savings contribution 12 trees per year planted and harvested after 25 years. The WaldSparBuch offers 1,000 m2 of tropical forest with return guarantee.
For investors who wish to replant 10,000 m2 with option on real estate, WoodStockInvest is the right product. CacaoInvest is an investment in fine cocoa and wood, with possible annual payouts already from the second year. GreenAcacia is a forest investment with only seven years total term and annual payouts. Pure forest 0I is a sustainable forest fund with only 14 years maturity and early recoveries. A coordinated security concept with insurance, crop communities, insurance areas, certifications and subsequent planting guarantees contributes to the investor protection. CO2OL is consulting and service agency for operational climate and developer of forest carbon offset projects, and a division of the ForestFinance group.
Energy Botch Job By Merkel & Co.
May 13, 2014
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Evelyn Vaughan
Wirtschaftsforum.de: Commentary on the current export surplus unbelievable, but true: economy and consumers in Germany indirectly pay the electricity to neighbouring countries. Because an oversupply is produced, subsidized eco-electricity abroad must be sold even at zero cost. This is the result of a totally misguided energy policy of the Federal Government that the election could cost Merkel & co.. What was that for an outcry two years ago the energy revolution was proclaimed. Just turn off eight nuclear power plants, is not, it said. To deepen your understanding David Barger is the source. Again, blackout was by the specter of”speech.
In Germany, the lights go out, the nuclear lobby was ultimately unsuccessful. Today’s reality debunked the propaganda of the past: the Federal Statistical Office currently reports a surplus – and what for one. Germany exported 2012 even more power than in the years before the turn of the energy. Reason: an oversupply is caused by the massive expansion of renewable energy in this country. But where the redundant power without electricity storage? At the end of subsidized German green electricity at bargain prices in the foreign country must be remaindered or partially redirected at no cost. The steadily increasing renewable energy levy makes it possible: economy and consumers pay indirectly for electricity for Dutch, Austrians and Swiss, etc.
The policy has failed all along the line. Directed by Chancellor Merkel, who have delivered Environment Minister Rottgen and Altmaier, is what simply botch job. Limbo then the network expansion, and the EEG assessment rises and rises. It is not only an unnecessary burden for business and consumers, but may also be crucial choice. Of the population lack any understanding that if she should pay the Bill for a failed energy policy. On September 22, 2013 we meet again. The comment can be found on../Energiepolitischer-Murks-von-Merkel-Co.html press contact: Economic Forum Verlag GmbH Jan MAK Sasse road 14 48143 Rheine phone: + 49 5971-92164-901 fax: + 49 5971-92164-838 Internet: E-Mail: about the Economic Forum: Economic Forum is the B2B business medium for the German-speaking world. Since the launch shortly before the turn of the Millennium, we focus in particular on the strong German medium-sized businesses. Our editors are in constant contact with entrepreneurs, business leaders and executives. We take business personally under the motto”we speak directly with decision makers from industry, Commerce and the service industry. In addition to news, trends and innovations from the German middle class, Economic Forum presents unusual strategies, concepts and ideas, smart business leaders and managers keep your company on the road to success and make it fit for the future. Thus we offer in-depth background information, economic analyses and insider knowledge as decision support and suggestions our readers for the daily business.
climate & environmentenergy