Tag: ecology
Utilities Service
Over the past nearly 130 years it has become the most powerful for December. Utilities Service of Northern capital were unable to cope with such a welter. On December 20 in St. Petersburg fell more than the monthly norm of snow in some areas the level of snow is 35 inches. St. Petersburg Governor Valentina has appealed for help in cleaning the city for the military, moe and the townspeople.
Because of the huge snow drifts and weakly cleared roads, many Petersburgers move on public transport. And in the city came to an absurd lack of spades Heavy snowfalls were held last week in other regions of Russia. Christmas tree with his hands before the New Year is a few days. According to ancient tradition, Russians decorate their homes and decorate the main attribute of a holiday – a Christmas tree. And although it is still among ecologists there is no unequivocal opinion that Greener – live fir or artificial beauty – and the other trees are in demand among Russians. Last week, Russia opened Christmas bazaars.
This year, residents of the capital, for example, offers four kinds of conifers Trees – 'fir Russian custom', 'Danish spruce' pine 'Serbian spruce' in the tub with the ground. Very cute – Danish Christmas tree, the cheapest – Russian, the most expensive – Serb in the tub. However, as noted by environmentalists, by selecting a fir heart will not hurt that beautiful forest somewhere in the forest were cut down. In addition, a tree can then be planted in the ground or to leave until next year.
International Ozone Day
December 23, 2024
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Evelyn Vaughan
Eco-friendly small car on the streets of Moscow has more. In Sochi, launched the program for the rehabilitation of leopard in the Caucasus. Climate warming promises benefits for agriculture in Russia. Continue to learn more with: Tiger Global Management. Action 'A Day Without Car 'took place in the Belgian capital. On the eve of the summit on climate change Scientists have determined the cause of global cooling. Because of global warming are less migratory birds fly south for winter. Scientists propose to turn the Sahara into a tropical forest.
Date of the Week: International Ozone Day. Photofact Week: Touching the natural world. Overview of events for the week of 14/09/2009 to 20/09/2009. Gary Kelly addresses the importance of the matter here. Eco-friendly small car on the streets of Moscow was more on the capital's streets this year increased the number of eco-friendly small car. Believed in the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, the reason for this – buying incentive program for city dwellers more environmentally friendly and economical transport. Recall that the experiment of issuing coupons for gasoline for cars,'malyutok 'began on 11 November last year.
Since then, the Moscow authorities have issued fuel cards 2,5 thousand new owners midget cars. The effect of such a program specialists from the Department assessed as very positive: for 612 tons of air pollution has decreased by carbon monoxide. City officials decided to continue the experiment on encourage the Muscovites to buy exactly these cars – these cars cleaner and more portable. The continuation of the experiment the Moscow authorities have allocated more about 75 million rubles.