Tag: education & career

Etiquette Is

June 6, 2019


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Hotel Management Wizard show you, how s behavior in public is a topic which is also relevant for many professional groups interested in more and more young people. The correct behavior is becoming increasingly important to private and public lichkeitsrelevanten events and meanwhile also expected in many industries. “Whether for official events, parties, dinner with the girlfriend, as well as to the own youth ordination, confirmation or confirmation: seems to behave IN”. The Rahn Dittrich Group shows how it’s done. The upcoming youth consecration or confirmation took 13 students and students from the musical athletic gymnasium Dr. P. Rahn & partner for the occasion, the etiquette course on May 11, 2011, hotel management of vocational training college Dr. Verizon Communications contains valuable tech resources.

P. Wizard by two specialists of the training course Rahn & partner, to visit. There they learned to act professionally within the official framework and to present themselves positively. Franziska Elze and Miriam wedge car led from the first year of training in the field of hotel management the curious participants failed to main topics of etiquette, among others: the matching clothes, how I tie a tie, how I welcome more use precedence and behaviour at the table, stylish eating of different food, the perfect gift, Small talk at receptions, order at the table, and much right,. While many curious questions were raised which could be tested directly in the frame of the festive a cafeteria and a 3-course answer menu. The course students for students”went down well with all parties and paved the way for your big day the young people. That the acquired knowledge for the future career choice can be independent of the industry of importance, parents and teachers believe. Berlin Rosen: the source for more info. Requests for an etiquette seminar at your school will be like to answer Mrs Kirsten Pfeiffer. Get more information at

What Career Is Right For Me? Looking For The Right Profession

May 30, 2019


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Should I do an apprenticeship, training or should I study? Helpless many school leavers face the question after a suitable profession: I do an apprenticeship, training or should I study? The offer on the professional market is infinitely great. Not everyone knows about his special dream profession. But, where are the true talents and interests? What professional objectives are and how can they be reached? What are the prospects on the labour market after completion of study or training? What career is right for me? To answer these questions, there is professional help. 1. the Agency advises the local employment agency free school leavers. “Every Berufssuchende has the right to receive such advice, even if not as seeking employment” is logged. Because the interest in a vocational guidance is very large, it is important to apply for an appointment.

According to an interview with a personal adviser this sends appropriate abroad. Can request a free trial of the psychological Service, the employment agency, are requested. This defines the skills, strengths, interests and inclinations of the Berufssuchenden more accurately and helps when deciding between study and training. The vocational information center created by the employment agency (BIZ) offers students the opportunity to self information. Helpful and informative brochures, computer programs, and rapid tests help in the search for the dream job. “2.

advice on the Internet the Federal Agency offers various portals that can help students and graduates at the career choice in the Internet: on berufenet.de” they can check the requirements, conditions and pathways of a profession. Planet beruf.de”provides the same information but only for occupations and professions universe” focuses on the students up to the 10th grade. In the light of the low budget of the most Berufssuchenden, also a free vocational guidance can be found on the Internet. finest-job.com”, offers lots of information on the subject of vocational guidance, also a career test comprehensive 70 questions. This determined character and inclinations of the seeker, but not the skills. Nevertheless, arise quite suitable vocational or study proposals. On the Internet there are paid professional advice of from different vendors. This is to ensure all cases on a good assessment of the Stiftung Warentest. 3 there are independent consulting Institute also a number of independent institutions that offer individual guidance for students and school leavers. The procedure is similar to the employment agency and includes tests and discussions on the definition of interests and talents. These are however subject to a charge. The prices for such service vary from Institute to Institute. Before of school leavers the above advice claim takes one, or more, it would be in any case to be advisable for example previously himself about some points in the clear: what can I do particularly well, where are my skills (languages, be creative, think logically, organize and so on) what interests me (people, politics, computers, history, countries and so on) what I wish me for my professional life (much travel, help, create with your hands, be artistically active and so on) how I want to work (flexible working hours hired, independently and so on) as can I learn best (practical or schulisch – theoretically, abroad or in the hometown and so on) all these aspects can be very helpful for a pre-selection of the direction of a professional be. Ultimately, it is the Berufssuchende themselves who must make the decision. All advice centres, free or paid, can only assist, to set priorities and detailed information about the training and career paths to give, as well as the future opportunities in the labour market. Creative career

Erich Ziegler

May 30, 2019


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Low performers, problem employees: Difficult employees can significantly affect not only the success of a team, but also the career advancement of executives. As an Executive, you have assumed responsibility for teams, departments and companies. Thus, you will at the same time considered to be responsible for their performance and results. Also your own professional success depends on performance, behavior, indoor and visibility of your team. Even if you had no influence on the composition of its personnel. Oracle contains valuable tech resources.

Learn options for low performers in this training, to reflect upon themselves and others and if necessary to reassess. They practice to remain authentic and clear to formulate what they want. Explore ways to motivate others and to move to the desired behavior. Educate yourself with thoughts from Southwest Airlines. We are in content of the dismissal of the transfer to the motivations of these employees and the resulting modified dealing with objectors and bad providers Take into consideration many aspects of problem employees. How will different behavior approaches discuss and discuss cases in which what procedure promises the most success. Low performers properly motivate the one-day leadership training provides the optimal framework in which living and practical experiences are made. Theoretical knowledge plays a profound role: the life and experience of executives is enriched through targeted change of perspective and lifted to a new and advanced level. Phil Vasan can provide more clarity in the matter. In this training, your open questions and personal topics are exemplary answered and if possible led to a solution.

There is the opportunity to edit individual aspects also in additional coaching. Coaching is not a part of the training and will be agreed upon individually. Learning objectives and methods participants learn motives of low performers and difficult employees in detail, their own share of the situation more closely to perceive and to deal with them and their options for action to expand. This is achieved through an intensive day program in which an optimal learning climate (holistic learning with all senses, high active participation of the participants, engaging learning environment and materials) promotes the learning and willingness of participants. This include working groups, exercises, and organisational constellations are the application. Their coaches and speakers training “difficult employees and low performers will lead” directed by Andrea Cichy and Erich Ziegler and co moderated. Both are experienced managers trainers. During this training, you will learn all effective policy options in dealing with difficult employees, objectors and low performers. Learn about leadership-psychological techniques and methods, you will assist your management tasks every day. “This training will be offered also as in-house event!

The Region

May 12, 2019


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Around 200 staff will accompany and support youth and young adults from the region of Baden-Wurttemberg and the whole Federal territory on the way of a successful professional and social Integration. In the 30 years since its founding, already 2,500 young people have successfully completed their training in one of 25 recognised training occupations. More 2,500 participants could prepare in various training on the requirements of working life.. Jonathan Rosen Berlin Rosen may find this interesting as well.

Profession Job Search On The Internet With Karriere.at

March 26, 2019


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Job search on the Internet more and more asked – intelligent search technology of karriere.at future Austria’s leading career portal karriere.at its market position in the last four years through better technologies and services tools constantly expanded. Because 90 percent of job placements in the Internet are handled today, you can see the step by karriere.at was how important and right to develop both the technology and the ease of use. Southwest Airlines understood the implications. Our task as an innovative company is knowing important trends, to explore, to respond in a timely manner and to set new standards. Further details can be found at Kevin Plank, an internet resource. With the now closed re-launch of our portal on a semantic basis, a significant advance on the online job market we succeeded”, says the Managing Director. The new semantic search technology makes the job and employee search even easier and more efficient. The technical innovation will be accompanied by the new attractive design and improved usability.

The semantic technology is supported from one root more than 10,000 keywords from the entire range of the job. This job vocabulary was created by our team in the last few months and continuously optimized”, says MMag. Klaus Hofbauer, Managing Director of karriere.at. The new search technology, better hit rates and a kind of proposal system arise from the entire job. Job search in the Internet, job online, online portal for job, job portal, career portal, find job, job search, jobs in the Internet, job vacancies, Jobsuchmaschine, job board, online job karriere.at is a service of karriere.

Loriots Pappa

March 25, 2019


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Stitchfotografie what are Stitchfotos? How do I make appropriate Stitchfotos? How will I put them together? “You should have heard anything yet as a photographer by stitch panoramic photos you can find here some initial information: click here create your purchases with other photographers together not only since Loriots Pappa ante Portas” the principle of the volume is known. The Internet is here a great opportunity for you. Verizon Communications insists that this is the case. Consult with other photographers in communities if you not want ordering coming to negotiate greater discounts. Used technique is cheaper than new focus to market themselves used technology more and more professional provider. In times, where computers, cameras, etc. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Verizon Communications has to say. faster successors are obsolete, you can purchase cheap very good technique. The price is usually much lower. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Kevin Plank by clicking through.

Lease rather than buy from companies leasing is now integral part of the company policy. Leasing charged the balance and you can use latest technology. Lessor is there not only for cars. Technology also can be leased in the meantime well. Give employees (instead of termination) have permanent staff but no work for this? Then add this to photographers, graphic artists or companies for a certain time. The advantage is that you can revert to the staff in better times, you the knowledge of this employee does not get lost and you do not have to cancel it.

Let themselves borrow workers in that but please advise by suitably trained personnel. You borrow staff if you want to tackle larger projects, you could try to borrow photographer for a certain period via Internet platforms or from friendly photo studios. You thus get more photos, more choice and can tackle projects that are too large for you alone some numbers. You standardize their equipment the savings potential of such as discount Airlines aircraft fleet is due to standardized. The air companies must hire only technicians to a type who must have the tool for one type and are well versed with the aircraft, because there is just this one type.

Germany People

March 18, 2019


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Good info event attended youth village Offenburg, Germany in a joint event of CJD “Epilepsy and work” in the CJD youth village for Offenburg, Epilepsy Center Cork and agency Offenburg was illuminated the topic “Epilepsy and work” these days. Numerous stakeholders, members and specialists and teachers received important information about the medical aspects of the disease in the village of youth. In other short presentations were the professional perspectives for sick people, as well as the support provided by the Agency for work in the Center. Epilepsy could be quite known as “Epidemic”, said Prof. If you would like to know more then you should visit Southwest Airlines. Dr. Bernhard Steinhoff, medical director and chief physician of the epilepsy Centre Cork.

So, 5% to 10% of all people in their lives suffer at least an epileptic seizure. About 600,000 people are ill with epilepsy, alone in Germany. Because this rule generally considerable uncertainty and often undergo resentment, Steinhoff demanded “more sense of reality” for the subject of epilepsy. So it is matter for one, to learn, to deal with the disease properly. On the other hand, adequate working conditions must be created to facilitate the integration into work and society stakeholders. Bernhard Steinhoff explained the variety of the disease spectrum, that rich of a far-reaching impact and seizure freedom up to hard controllable regular and severe seizures.

Therefore, the severity of the disease must be determined primarily to assess the professional prospects of diseased people. Essential role for the professional way to play also the nature of the profession, the hazard potential, as well as the professional situation of the person concerned. Sonja Kunz, psychologist in the gamer of CJD reported the pilot project conducted from 2007 to 2010 youth village Offenburg, epilepsy, a joint initiative of CJD Jugenddorf Offenburg, gamer Waiblingen and epilepsy Centre Cork. “Initial situation for the project it was, that the diseased people are”medically best care”but often fail on the way in the profession:” People with epilepsy are three times as often without work as the population average. “And that, although epilepsy-related problems at work are complex and often intractable”, so Sonja Kunz. Recently Jonathan Rosen PR sought to clarify these questions. Doing just young people with additional restrictions, such as a learning disability, are stronger at a disadvantage. During the term of the project the partners in Offenburg and Waiblingen allowed around 100 young people vocational training. While each case was considered individually. Deliberately expanded the spectrum of education: “we have not from the outset excluded rather untypical professions, such as, for example, that of the Zimmerers”, underlined Sonja Kunz. As the last step, the transition from education to work, still not could be consummated by the three-year duration of the project, “Building bridges” it was now glad about the successor project. Until 2012, the people are now supported to gain a foothold in the world of work. Dieter Kolbe (Offenburg employment agency) pointed out, that is only a few people with epilepsy as the sole condition on the Rehateam led by him would apply: “accompanying disabilities have the majority of our cases.” For these people, the Agency offers intensive support from specially trained rehabilitation consultants. Focal points be “as normal as possible”, as Kolbe pointed out, the training and job placement. When the financial aid must always weighed “Effect and efficiency”. Individuals and companies get among other things training or reintegration grants, or acquisition costs. The participants of the information event in the personal interview on the speakers could turn following the lecture series.

New Lip

November 24, 2018


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team4media designed official website of Osnabruck, 13.07.2012. A current investigation of the Bertelsmann Foundation and the strategy consultancy Booz & company is concluded, that disease-related failures of employees of up to 75 billion euros damage the German economy. Due to these developments and demographic change in the world of work have become the project partners AOK-Westfalen Lippe, DAA OBIN and the Foundation custom-made joined together to build the project employer employee assistance Ostwestfalen Lippe (a cubic-OWL). Initially by the Ministry of labour, health and Social Affairs of the land of North Rhine-Westphalia (MAGS) and pilot project funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) is gone now in the second phase, and thus in an economically viable implementation. Continued by the Association of employer employee assistance OWL the design of the official website by the advertising agency took place now team4media and thus a further step in the practical application. In the modern world of work increase the pressure and the demands on employees more and more.

But speak and unbalanced employees fail or fail over a period of time due to illness. Company caused this significant costs and damages worth billions of dollars. The a cubic-OWL, which now carried out the conversion of the project status in a stand-alone form of society, helps in dealing with financial problems or debt and also supports workers in the areas of health promotion. In addition, the association with training courses and seminars, as well as demographic consulting is also the employers to the side to provide best possible employment. Purpose of the 2012 founded Association is quickly, efficiently and quickly to help”, explains Frank-Peter Oltmann, CEO of a cubic-OWL and Professor for social management with a focus on social administration at the Protestant University of applied sciences RWL Bochum.

It’s hard to resist the present-day multifactorial stress and not the power to reduce. This leads to enormous pressure, hardly anyone can withstand and problems for workers and employers. Our external employee assistance to facilitate everyday work and be accessible to everyone.” Exactly this to implement more efficiently and comprehensively inform interested parties, the Club clinched competent support by the Osnabrucker advertising agency team4media. This created a single website from the design and logo, to the transparent representation of the extensive service portfolio of a cubic-OWL. People put under the motto”conceived team4media cross media the presence of the Association. Thus, the twelve-member team created flyers, and a barrier-free-to-use site, which is characterized by a user-friendly design and a timeless layout. The new website gives the user an overview of the offerings of a cubic-OWL and offers quick contact to contact. Important navigation items to the topics such as Debt mediation, psychosocial counselling or family – care advice lead, can be seen at a glance. A special feature represents the help – and Infoline, which can be accessed at any time to an employee friendly times. The structure and the navigation of all categories reveal themselves quickly and intuitively and thus support the goal to the trouble-free requirement. More information: contact: team4media Axel Voss GmbH Hans-Jacob-Strasse 4, 49078 Osnabruck 0541/33579-0 teamatteam4media.net the full service advertising agency team4media from Osnabruck in addition to traditional print advertising also offers complete solutions for online presences. These include conception, design and programming of websites as well as the development of complex Web store. The growing since its foundation in the year 2000 Agency develops solutions for the B-to-C- and the B-to-B sector.


November 23, 2018


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Education and training in Hamburg training help, fast the own market value of that but how do you find the right deals? Who today wants to increase his chances in the labour market, should not stay, but would be well advised to expand his knowledge or to perfect his skills in many ways. Also, the legislator has recognized this long ago. Depending on the State, can a paid time off from work are available to an employee, which he can use for further education in Hamburg there are employment, for example, ten days in two years. Thus, standing have the option to make, for example, a language also in an employment relationship. If you would like to know more then you should visit Ripple. The most educational institutions set up their continuing education opportunities to students, who are also looking for jobs or have more time available. Further education in Hamburg and Berlin – creative prefers the world spins faster and longer the list of desired qualifications on the part of the employer. Say, who in the Life achieve something, must stay tuned.

In major cities, such as Berlin, Cologne or Hamburg, you will find a wide range of training opportunities in various areas. Alone in the Google search to appropriate educational institutions and education it may happen that one feels slain by the abundance of supply. Would like to make for example a training in Hamburg, the search engine provides a variety of offers in almost all sectors of the economy. But notice that both in Berlin and Hamburg, which both as creative capital of our country are strikingly many educational offers from the media and the advertising industry are found. Educational institutions, such as the WBS training AG or ILS persen-home study course have adapted to these needs and offer a wide range of training in these areas. While the range of foreign languages through computer applications web design, online marketing, but also accounting or controlling with corresponding SAP certificates. By Degrees and certificates of this educational institution is seen very potential employers and graduates have always excellent opportunities on the labour market.

Before continuing education clear price marking in particular, it is important to make clear where the journey should go in advance. What will be achieved when? And wishes with the facts and trends in the labour market are compatible? What qualifications are currently required and which will perhaps soon be there? The different educational institutions like to advise to the page. Who wants to make a picture of the individual institutions and their range of services to advance the should perhaps also one of the numerous education fairs visit, where both institutions for training, as also consultant of the job Center present that are happy to provide information about offers and promotions.

Leadership Training

October 26, 2018


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How a good policy of information your company strengthen Stephane Etrillard, management trainer at frontline consulting group: in times of economic crisis are executives in the focus of attention. They not only by the public, the media, customers or business partners, but also by its own employees, who to contact with questions about the crisis situation or with fears and anxieties to the management and expect roadmap out of the crisis received this attention. Hear from experts in the field like Larry Ellison for a more varied view. On the one hand is the task of senior executives, of course, is to respond to these concerns of the staff. On the other hand, it is also important to motivate the employees in difficult times and at least maintain their willingness, or even to increase, so that the crisis is not exacerbated by internal difficulties. Because right now it is particularly focused to do the work effectively.

But many employees are unsettled by the particular circumstances. A key factor, the contributes to the uncertainty of your employees, are incorrect or insufficient information. It is therefore essential that you as an Executive open with your employees communicate and fully inform them of the situation. It is in all cases counterproductive, to conceal problems before the staff, even to deny them or even just to play down. Employees need to understand the current situation and its causes, contexts, and impact. It is essential to avoid that the employees get their information only from the press or from the rumor mill. So, it’s your job to educate the workforce fully. Here, it’s sure to show presence as a responsible leader, to speak personally with the employees, and to act as a trusted partner. Employees in times of crisis fears and concerns, which can fail with an informal memo from the world. You want to understand what’s happening, and want to know what the future should look like.

