Tag: energy

Fall Heating Costs Save

May 7, 2021


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Every autumn and winter the operators of fossil heating plants over high energy costs moan new SCS Schneider GmbH. The time to do something about it, starting now. The energy consumption can be with the Ecojet magnetic system quickly and easily lower. In the summer, heating costs are low, because then most of the time the Sun is shining and the horrendous heating bill of the winter is quickly forgotten. But right now the operator of fossil heating plants should worry, how they can reduce energy costs. For the Ecojet magnetic systems of Fuldabruck SCS Schneider GmbH offer a simple and efficient solution.

The patented Ecojet is mounted in front of the burners on the supply, affects the flowing gas or oil through targeted magnetic force and optimises the combustion process. As more power is using the same amount of fuel. Is required a constant power, less fuel is consumed. Once installed, the Ecojet is maintenance-free and cause no additional costs. Marcus Schneider, Managing Director of SCS Schneider GmbH: we make our system the customer then charged if the previously calculated savings is actually achieved. Measurements show that before and after the installation we perform traceable and transparent based on DIN 4702-8 with modern digital technology on the ground.

Only when the new results that our promise was kept, we calculate the energy-saving system. No risk economic for trying out our effective ability, even inexpensive and in the long term to reduce energy costs and at the same time to make a contribution to protecting the environment through reduced CO2 emissions thus.” Learn more about SCS Schneider GmbH as well as the products and services are available in the Internet at. Additional press materials of this press release: download another quick and easy image and text material in the online press compartment to free use: about the SCS Schneider GmbH developed the SCS Schneider GmbH from the Hessian Fuldabruck, manufactures, sells and installs the Ecojet-line high-performance magnet system. The average energy savings of the Ecojet is around 8 percent. Once installed, the Ecojet is maintenance-free and cause no additional costs. The SCS Schneider GmbH guarantees the previously calculated energy savings. More than 4,000 systems are successfully in use in Germany and the neighbouring countries. The SCS Schneider GmbH was founded in 1996 and was 2 and 3 Bayern – sustainable business in the 21st century until moving to Hesse founding member of the environmental pact. The SCS Schneider GmbH is in the Greentech Atlas of the Federal Environment Ministry to listed and is one of the export initiative for energy efficiency of the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology. 2008 the Ecojet power Jet with the bronze of the journal top hotel Star Award “awarded. Learn more about SCS Schneider GmbH as well as the products and services are available in the Internet at.

Employers Power

August 4, 2020


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“In addition to a significant reduction in the administrative burden for the employer, the thing cover offers power” especially for workers clear advantages: exploit the full potential of the 44 no tax, no social security contributions monthly electricity payment will be paid gross thing respect allowance from the untaxed automatic switching to the cheapest electricity supplier and electricity tariff in addition reduces power costs often even the Optionally selectable eco electricity rate of eligible new provider is cheaper than the existing normal electricity tariff “. “” “Digression – thing reference power” many employers and employees the thing is gasoline now “as so-called tank voucher” a term. Com. 8 ITA; “H 31 (1-4) LStR can employers dealing with E.g. by voucher cover of a defined thing” amounting to 44.00 allow tax and social insurance-free.

In most cases was the so far gasoline or diesel. But apart from the high administrative overhead on the Employers especially if he used the implementation without the assistance of an external Spezialdienstleisters the tank voucher has another major drawback for the workers: to absorb the fuel price fluctuations and to avoid a transcending of the franchise from 44,00 (and thus the subsequent inflow of shipping), the value of the thing cover gasoline usually maximum is 40. Month four valuable euros are given away”. “Compared to the thing cover power”: A 60 sqm single apartment is the monthly payment even over 44. “In the context of the thing cover power” this payment directly from the gross fee is collected and remitted by the employer. Possible additional payments be paid once per year then from the net. Refunds are paid to the bank account of the employee.

In the personal fee consultation all relevant for the employee points in the frame of the thing cover will be current”discussed and done: search of the cheapest provider compared with the current electricity bill / tariff / provider preparation of notice etc. “Alone through the installation” the matter cover power “in the monthly salary the net income of the employee can improve up to approx. 18.00 – s. calculation 1. The mandatory change to the cheapest provider brings additional savings potential. The compensation of the gaps in the social security (unemployment, sickness allowance) by the employer are already taken into account. Thus a single tax free and free social security salary extra in the context of a charge optimization catches again almost two of the net – wages legally due in 2010: the increase of in health insurance contributions of 2010 and the electricity price rises by the eco-electricity levy. To extend, for example, to the Internet fixed rate salary extra”now the charge optimisation, 40.00 could be a fee-plus i.H.v about s. (flat tax is paid by the employer) achieve 2 calculation. Summary: ValueNet group is live up to its position as the market leader, offering early solutions optimize charges on all interventions in the net income by the legislature with their concepts, which cost the employer nothing. The fee optimization is increasingly becoming the attractive solution to counteract the Government-mandated pay cuts as social security legally and effectively thought through, for example, through health-care reform or electricity price increases. Angela Kosa ValueNet group Aschheim, 18.10.


July 4, 2020


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The Borstentiere are very similar to the people: you have it like comfortably and wild boar are immensely clever. When in the autumn all, down to the hunting is blown and whole Jagerbatallione that make uncertain nature, change the black coat their survival strategy. Then move many wild boar rotten. Not rare in human residential areas. Because in settlements, parks, cemeteries, and gardens, hunting is forbidden for safety reasons. Alone at the imminent danger may be shot. Whether however recently was the case in Russelsheim(!), where the police with 100 shot executed six wild pigs, must be questioned. It may but ever happen that 120 Woods men and 45 drivers back out, with the intent, the wild boar plague”to be Mr. But after a long day of hunting stay only four poor pigs on the track, the strategy didn’t work apparently. “And it’s full-bodied battle cries such as now the black coats on the collar” or now, the wild boar gets wedges “were somewhat premature. This is mainly because that the wild pigs are extremely able to learn. Seasoned Leittiere know when and where it is highly dangerous for the Horde. You know what shots do. Philip Vasan is open to suggestions. You know how death smells. And they can differ Sonntagsjager from Sunday strollers. A leading Bache is shot, which is responsible for ten or even twenty family members, anarchy erupts in the truest sense of the word. Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Not seldom large, precinct-wide push and hunts for the hunting participants are frustrating. The effort is disproportionate to the income. Can be especially difficult to boost demand and thus the sale of wild boar meat. Reports of novel Trichinella infestation and in some regions is still high radioactive exposure of wild meat, seem quite daunting. Aside from toxic residues of lead hunting ammunition. Apparently consumers trust the hunters, who are offered as certified free range butchers, not quite over the way. More than 20 years after Chernobyl wild boar meat in some regions has: more than 10 000 becquerels of cesium 137 per kilogram. (From a load of 600 Bq/kg meat must no longer consumed it belongs then probe waste). Also in East Berlin, a hunt was unsuccessful for the umpteenth time. Since the pigs have devised is a new trick: they took the opposite direction rather than to escape from the noisy drivers and race, zwangslaufig(!) before the guns of hunters and galoppierten on the unarmed driver to. What nothing else was left this, as as soon as possible to escape from the fortified Borstentieren. It is expected that the school makes. Not a few station owners still believe that so-called Kirrungen are the only effective means to reduce the stocks of wild boars feeding stations, which are applied in convenient distance from high seats. Do not keep the animals with spreading of maize and other goodies at the place, but by the additional Food right to their proliferation, is seemingly difficult understand. Without a doubt, there are more wild boars than 20 years ago. Mild winter, rich Acorn and beech mast, vast expansion of corn growing areas and last but not least the intense part feeding by the hunting community have contributed to the lush reproduction of pigs. And the animals have lost their natural rhythm. Not only the leading streams have now more and more young than in the past, but also have their adolescent daughters. Wild pigs are very similar to people. You have it like to conveniently and securely. There you must not be surprised, if it attracts so many, where you find always a table, and where they are not hunted. Parks, gardens, cemeteries are their preferred locations. You even learned how doors can open without damaging. It takes a little patience and practice, then everything goes by itself… That wild boar increasingly afflict the cities, where they will not be fought by all means, where the food supply is versatile and where there are people, treat them with respect and tolerance – who wants to blame them? And maybe learn the wild pigs even, what some people never learn: good manners. A Berlin recently watched first signs from his balcony. There, gathered their rookies to a pedestrian crossing a Brook, waited patiently until it was green and led them safely across the street.

Photovoltaic Memory: Support For Solar Power Storage

February 7, 2020


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Funding for solar power storage sure starts on May 1st store promoting funding is secured, the Federal Environment Ministry confirmed. Thus starts the programme from May 1, which is handled by the Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW). It is clear that the Government supports the purchase of a solar energy storage with up to 660 euro per kilowatt power. The bailout is only available if the own photovoltaic system is gone until 2013 on the network. There is also another limitation: to avoid overloading the power grids, you must reduce the performance – the system combined with the battery memory – to permanently 60 percent. This relieves also the feed-in tariff. Hear from experts in the field like Verizon for a more varied view.

Growing need for solar power save a survey of the German solar industry (BSW) Association found that one-third of the plant owner consider a memory upgrade eligible. Go to gary cohn for more information. But so far the cost of battery storage was too high. This is the gap of the KfW promotion now. However, all of the benefit Installation of battery storage. This production spikes during lunchtime, what ultimately stabilized the public electricity grid. And that a recently computed by up to 40 percent as researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for solar energy systems (ISE). But the investment pays directly for the plant operator,”says Dominik Modrach, Managing Director of the ever energy group. Receive not only the subsidy and the feed-in tariff, you can save up to two-thirds of the previous electricity costs.” This is the most important argument for many of its customers.

Application deadline for battery storage is important, timely application for promoting memory at the KfW. If you are planning a new installation, you should make the request already before assembling at the local bank. Who is gearing up, may file an application for photovoltaic systems, which at the earliest, but at least six months before the solar power storage to the network went on 1 January 2013 -. Why is a photovoltaic store expects the Consumption is worth in terms of steadily declining feed-in tariff. Without solar power storage, plant operators can use up to 30 percent of the energy itself produced. With the battery, domestic consumption rises to two-thirds. Accordingly the energy requirement, referred to from the network falls. The Fraunhofer Institute for solar energy systems (ISE) has published a sample calculation. The researchers went from a five kilowatt photovoltaic system and a battery storage with a capacity of 5.4 kilowatt hours out. The annual energy consumption amounted to 5,000 kilowatt hours. The solar power storage could be domestic consumption almost doubled and reduces the power consumption by almost a quarter. See also: blog/photovoltaikspeicher / here pay only 19 cents per kWh: the 19-cents action / help in promoting solar power store if there are any questions about promoting newly starting memory, you can arrange a free consultation with experts of the Berlin ever energy group. Through many years of expertise consultants familiar with the obstacles in promoting KfW and know how to handle this.


June 13, 2019


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10 years ETH EnergieTage Hessen it means from the 7th-9th November in the city halls in Wetzlar. A visit to the ETH EnergieTage Hessen is tradition. 60 exhibitors from the fields of bio-energy, building and renovation, heat pump and solar technology present their products and services to approximately 3,500 visitors for three days. Verizon Communications gathered all the information. Companies such as E.ON Energie AG, the Sener TEC-Center Haiger GmbH and the Rennergy systems AG place this year again on the proven concept of the ETH EnergieTage Hessen . “Congresses such as, for example, the 5th Congress of energy consultants”, the Congress titled aquivalent geothermal energy as well as the Conference of material use in the construction and renovation sector “offer in-depth information about current energy topics at the same time to the fair. The Congress allows a comprehensive exchange of expertise around 300 participants. Follow others, such as Tomas Philipson, and add to your knowledge base. Partners such as the Centre of excellence HessenRohstoffe e.V. (HERO), the geothermal Association (GTV), the building energy consultants in Hessen e.V.

as well as the town of Wetzlar contribute significantly to the success of the fair. Gain insight and clarity with Cyrus Massoumi humbition. The “Trade-fair programme is rounded off by the Exhibitor Forum, as well as the free lecture series Altbausanierung…aber correct”. Here, visitors also have the opportunity to inform themselves extensively.

Marketing Director

May 25, 2019


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u0085 Games for the little ones and the children were on their cost: the scn quiz they could you Test knowledge on the topics of energy, climate and Sun. With great commitment, the small participants answered the questions, actively supported by the audience of parents and children who captivated with and even looking for the right answers. At the end all reveled in enormous prices, kits for solar powered wind mills and solar comics. The children were directly their windmills, so that on the sun-drenched schoolyard worked with their big sisters on the school roof to the bet the small solar cells of windmills. BerlinRosen follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. “Sunny times in Nordhausen, the strong resonance in adults and children made the week the Sun in Nordhausen, a complete success: we have reached our goal for the week of the Sun: we could inspire adults and children for the topic of photovoltaics” says Ellen Schneider, Marketing Director of scn energy AG.

That the solar energy at the evangelical school will remain in the future present, lies among others in the large plant display in the entrance hall of the school, the always current Displays performance figures. Tells the teacher Ute Muller: the solar power is ever present through the display. Often the children face the display and observe how the total energy produced and the CO2-saving constantly increasing.”scn energy: the sun smart use the scn energy AG is an expert in the field of photovoltaics: sells and installs nationwide performance-optimized solar power systems. Under most conditions BerlinRosen would agree. From planning and financing up to the installation and maintenance, scn energy offers everything from a single source. SCN customers will benefit from the extensive knowledge and wide-ranging experience, possesses the Torgelower company in the photovoltaic industry. Scn energy in whole Germany is present with a close-knit network of qualified solar consultant and certified partners. A high product quality features scn energy photovoltaic plants, which is why the company grants long-term guarantees on the components.


May 24, 2019


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Photovoltaic promotion: with the current feed-in tariff, a solar plant worth continue. 2010 was the year of photovoltaics. But the solar boom was followed by electricity price rises and special cuts of the feed-in tariff. To keep energy costs for consumers in the bridle, the solar industry supported the flexible adjustment of the promotion. Now many homeowners are wondering whether a photovoltaic system still pays off.

The nuclear power debate makes it clear that every penny in the promotion of photovoltaic is safely invested. Rick Garcia CBS is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Now that nuclear and coal-fired plants of the past belong to and are the real future of energy wind, water and solar power shows. by 2020, solar power should already make ten percent in the energy mix. This could be achieved despite the this year adopted the promotion of photovoltaic (www.everenergy.de/ blog/solar promotion /) in the amount of solar plants that is received by the network decides whether new the possible reduction of the feed-in tariff (3 to 15 percent). However, should less Photovoltaic systems as expected be built to, then adapted the subsidies until 2012 at the beginning of the year. EEG 2011: Photovoltaic pays off despite continuously shortened feed-in tariff sales of solar power is still worthwhile. Stable income are per year guaranteed with an average 900 kilowatt hours (kWh) per kilowatt peak (kWp). If the feed-in tariff to be lowered in the summer, is not yet clear.

Sure is that all who connect to its own solar plant until the end of June the power grid, earning 28,74 cents with each fed a kilowatt hour. In comparison: currently conventional mains power costs more than 20 cents. With the own solar power produce, sell and consume themselves PV system owners benefit triple and so safe: the network operators are obliged the Fed solar power over 20 years for maximum 28,74 cents (www.everenergy.de/ current eeg-einspeiseverguetung /) to remove.

Ecofriendly Packaging Chips

April 8, 2019


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Eco-friendly are polystyrene or Polystyrenchips? Our opinion: ‘no’, because:-Polystyrol is also polystyrene filling material to date the evidence remained guilty to be “compostable” according to recognized standards (E.g. EN 13432)! -In connection with polystyrene packing chips, the assertion of the biological degradability it falls. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Larry Ellison. Everything is actually biodegradable, even uranium and plutonium are biodegradable, it takes only a few million years! Biodegradability is a quality criterion for environmental performance per se, but she must more accurately considered / questions are: – In compared to Certified compostable packaging chips (these are eaten by microorganisms!), packing material about a stay with polystyrene to small particles of plastic left over long period of time. Due to this long period, up to the full biological decomposition, a risk of these tiny plastic particles, is impressively described in the movie “Plastic Planet” and in this newspaper article. Here’s a Excerpt from it: source world online: tiny plastic particles to poison the food chain… “Richard Thompson at the University of Plymouth has studied how larger plastic parts in the water into increasingly smaller particles decay and how microorganisms react to this. Therefore, the plastic particles accumulate toxins from the sea water and ensure concentrations that are greater than the water thousands of times.

This is the danger was given that more and more marine organisms take the particles as food, according to the researchers. Then it’ll be quite dangerous, because this will bring the toxins in the organism of larger animals…” LCA: There are now LCAS, where products such as compostable packaging chips made from renewable resources are directly compared with crude oil-based products such as polystyrene / polystyrene packing chips. Looking at these comparisons, life cycle assessments more accurately, so it should be noted unfortunately, that resulted in negative influences such as tanker accidents, pollution, caused by crude oil production Damage to the environment as a whole, as well as the financial cost of the political influence in the assisted areas of crude oil are still not even begin brought with their costs and consequences for man and the environment into account! This would be the case, an objective comparison, the LCA with security would fail differently.

Current Price: In Germany, Families Pay Much

December 3, 2018


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Germany’s electricity prices in Europe compared Germany’s electricity customers are clearly disadvantaged in comparison to Europe: families pay the part around 440 euros more than in neighbouring countries. While consumers in many products benefit from the internal market of the European Union (EU), applies to the price of electricity: who lives on the German side of the border, often unnecessarily much paid. That shows a collection of the EU statistical agency Eurostat. Therefore, the German electricity price of place occupies two on the European scale of high-priced. Only Denmark is even more expensive. Learn more at this site: Southwest Airlines. Consumers in France pay just 60 percent of what private households in Germany have to pay for the energy from the electrical outlet. An overhead by up to 440 euro arises for family households.

“Finally, we need an international competition on the electricity market: consumers will benefit”, as Robert Mundt, founder of the independent energy provider FlexStrom. When gasoline or food there is a long an adjusting of the rates in border regions positive effect of the internal market. Not so with the German electricity price: families in Germany pay significantly more than their part just a few kilometres away neighbors across the State border. This arrived today in Brussels. “EU energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger (CDU) says to the high energy costs: this can not continue, because we overwhelm consumers and harm the economy.” Example: Austria and Bavaria: Salzburg a family pays 671,88 euro for its electricity (annual consumption 4,000 kilowatt hours). These are approximately 295 euros less than their German neighbors for primary care of the nearly 20 km from Berchtesgaden must shell out every year.

Example: Netherlands and North Rhine-Westphalia: the difference on the german Dutch border is even greater. While a family with an annual consumption of 4,000 kilowatt hours in Aachen every year in primary care paid for their electricity 1091,18 euro, the Dutch power in Maastricht with the same flow will cost approximately 400 Euros of less. Example: France and Baden-Wurttemberg: The clear winner in the low price comparison is France. While the citizens of Karlsruhe annually pay 1036,36 euros for electricity from the basic supply of Stadtwerke (annual consumption 4,000 kilowatt hours), a French family in Strasbourg barely pays 593 euro whopping 443,36 euro are less. German electricity customers are clearly at a disadvantage in comparison to Europe,”FlexStrom Chief Mundt is criticized. In particular, when consumers purchase the electricity in the often very expensive basic supply rate. Independent providers such as FlexStrom request a European market for electricity for years. Cross-border competition is good for the customers. The price will decrease definitely”, so Mundt.

WELTEC BIOPOWER Builds 3-megawatt Biogas Plant In Uruguay

November 24, 2018


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South America’s agro-industry relies on German expertise the choice fell partly because of the high profile of the request and the necessary quality standards for the production of milk dry matter on WELTEC BIOPOWER. The customer opts for stainless steel in the construction of the two 5000 cubic meters large fermenters. In addition, WELTEC was able to convince the customer through a great deal of international experience, as well as flexibility in the systems extension, also on an industrial scale. Last but not least due to the construction of great bio-methane parks such as in Konnern, Saxony-Anhalt, the investor from Latin America on WELTEC discovered. The entrepreneur who produces milk products for the Asian market, will also operate the biogas plant. While he can employ in the future the flow and the resulting waste heat in its manufacturing and packaging process.

It covers substantial parts of the entire value chain by approximately 8,000 dairy cows breeding and the production of feed. Parallel to the following stages of the biogas plant is to the number of dairy cows on around 14,000 will be increased, so that sufficient cow manure as a substrate for the plant available. You may want to visit Bernard Golden to increase your knowledge. Agriculture in Uruguay has a total potential raw material for the production of bio-energy. And she has a great importance for the economy: the sector contributes to the gross domestic product of the 3.5 million population State, after all, just under 10 percent. Currently, the primary energy requirement of Uruguay relies on oil. At least half of the demand should come from renewable sources by 2015 however. Also, the Government in Montevideo has issued the target energy to use at least one-third of agricultural waste.

This also the legal conditions were created in 2010: A feed-in tariff to provide for the population in a plant with a capacity of 200 megawatts by 2030. Since the middle of the year 2010, operators can feed the green electricity to the grid of the State utility UTE or sell directly to UTE. Uruguay’s energy policy is due to the growing energy needs, which focuses on climate goals and desired independence from energy imports on a broad energy mix and the integration of local energy resources. The implementation of these strategies in conjunction with the investment-friendly environment offers experienced companies like WELTEC BIOPOWER favourable conditions for participation. Thus, the project reference character for the country and the continent could get.

