Tag: fitness & workouts

DBS-kids-Cup On Tour

February 27, 2019


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Image invites on Sunday to the kick. Erhard organized sports Rothenburg of DBS-kids-Cup is launched in 2010. With successful tournaments in the Europapark rust and Neuss, the youth football competition from image has passed its baptism of fire on Sunday. The competition is the year’s contribution of the image moves on Sunday to the Germany! City tour 2010, the health initiative of BARMER GEK, ZDF and BILD am SONNTAG. For the other eight stations of the tournament series is the possibility to attend what image indicates on Sunday in its issue of May 30: still free places at the DBS-kids-Cup. The tournament series goes to D and youth football, the call by BILD am SONNTAG the three against three in the DBS-kids-Cup arena want to compete. The city winner will qualify for the DBS-kids-Cup final, which is held in December in Rothenburg ob der Tauber.

But it is not only the sporting success at the DBS-kids-Cup in the Center but fun, joy and fair-play, as the organizers of the event on the website stress. Opening managed that was in the first tournaments in the Europapark rust and Neuss also confirmed. The teams committed fought for every ball. Especially fleet combinations and the one or other magic trick on the ball were cheered. Promote the idea of fair play at DBS-kids-Cup also fair play winners are chosen and invited regardless of their placement of the tournament at the final. At side events including a coordination course and a competition in ball juggling the young kicker in addition can demonstrate their technical skills. The EVENT team by Erhard can sport in the DBS-kids-Cup also the ESports his skills for the first time really prove VENT team of Erhard.

Founded in 2009 Department of the renowned sports equipment provider has successfully organized already diverse events, ranging from Erhard sport moves internal actions on trade fair presentations to involvement in Germany! 2009 with blind soccer. The DBS-kids cups, with its considerably a quantum leap for the young and dedicated team to Jurgen Bunk is more human and logistical effort. After the successful start to rust and Neuss, he is very optimistic for the remainder of the series: the positive response the management of image on Sunday and BARMER GEK show us, that we do a good job. That makes us very happy and motivated us immensely to make the DBS-kids-Cup 2010 a great experience for all involved. Jonathan Rosen PR has similar goals. Jochen Koppl, Managing Director of Erhard sports, is also pleased about the good debut, sees it in the event area but growth potential for his company: the event offers us the opportunity to maximize the value creation chain. We offer not only devices, but the complete package from concept, equipment and services. So none of our competitors offers. ERHARD SPORT – heavily in every discipline: Erhard sport international from Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a leader in the sports equipment industry. With more than 200 employees and The 1880 family-owned company manufactures sports equipment for the worldwide market employees. With a range of over 12,000 articles, Erhard sports is one of the market leaders in the industry. In particular, the planning and equipment for sports halls and sports facilities all over the world are among the core competencies of the company. International major events such as World Championships and the Olympic Games are regularly equipped sport by Erhard.

Olympic Games For Health

November 19, 2018


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Lower Saxony Olympiastutzpunkt opts for quality. Galileo vibration training for Olympic athletes. Hanover – was on 09.01.2008 sports through the sales passed Director of HBSN AG, Antonio Silva, the head of the Olympic base, Jurgen Bruckert, a Galileo. The ten member team of sport scientists was in the seminar ‘Training and treatment methodology with the Galileo Vibrationstrainingssytem’, the basics for day to day use exercise equipment with the Galileo. Galileo training for all athletes, the sports care improves and optimizes the preparation for the Olympic Games 2008. Seminar leader Christian Baur of the manufacturer Novotec medical, presented the extensive capabilities of the Galileo vibration training for muscle performance and improving inter – and intramuscular coordination. Many writers such as Gary Kelly offer more in-depth analysis.

Only Galileo has the patented movement form of the page-alternating rocking movement. This physiological type of movement causes that the back muscles effectively with will be trained, such as walking and running. The amplitude and therefore the forces initiated in the body can be controlled continuously Galileo by choosing foot position. During the Galileo training same stimulus patterns used as when walking, their coordination – is trained with Galileo in addition to the basic muscle function itself, also the interplay between individual muscles – so perfectly what causes an increase in muscle performance. In the aftermath of the sport seminar a lively exchange of views on training methodology in the area of the proprioception and the improvement of the coordination, as well as an accelerated regeneration took place in the premises of the Olympic base of Lower Saxony with the Galileo training devices.

Photo: Galileo track passing on OSP head Mr Jurgen Bruckert (4.von right) by Sales Director – HBSN AG Mr Antonio Silva (3.von right). Also present: Lecturer Mr Christian Baur – Novotec medical (5.von links) and the team of sport scientists. Press contact: HBSN AG in the ZukunftsZentrumZollverein hangover Berger str. 107 45327 food Tel. 0201-890602-50 fax. 0201-890602-99 E-Mail: Web: Board of Directors: Tobias Niemann HBSN AG – the name says it: with our network partners, we are active in the health sector. Our customers include health insurance, private insurance companies and providers. We advise boards and decider of all pillars of health. We develop concepts, provide contacts, programming software and incorporate business processes into the selective outsourcing. Our network includes boards of health insurance, Managing Director of hospitals, lawyers, medical, medical product manufacturers, software vendors and of course specialized consultants. We support our customers in the challenge to claim in the future in a patient-oriented medical quality assured and efficiency-driven health system in which break life State be and compete more consistently in all areas of action will penetrate.

Galileo Vibration Training

December 1, 2017


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Back pain 30 percent have increased in the past eight years with Galileo, offering prevention helps prevent and treat muscle and musculoskeletal disorders are a major reason for absenteeism in the company. At every fifth employee, these diagnoses are the cause of incapacity for work. In addition to the costs for wages, that every employer must provide, these disorders are also a serious cost in sickness benefit expenditure of health insurance companies. Half of all sick pay expenditure accounted for the sickness cases which arise due to muscle and skeletal disorders. On Wednesday the 13.02.08 HBSN AG in the business premises in Essen presented the worldwide patented Galileo system a wide audience of physicians, physiotherapists, orthopedists, users, and neurologists. The sports scientists of the company Novotec medical, Mr. Baur, spoke about the latest research results and excellent fitness of the Galileo vibration system in the field of medical Training therapy, as well as in competitive sports. Because the Galileo vibration platform solves their stretch reflexes rocker movement”from which causes a contraction of the muscles, especially in the back.

Only through this page-alternating movement of the Galileo training, the spine is stimulated by a slight lateral tilt of the pelvis in a physiological sideways movement. Visit Facebook for more clarity on the issue. Due to this physiological stimulation of the spinal column, also the back and abdominal muscles is achieved by dieseitenalternierende function of Galileo. Also this is possible at other training platforms with pure up and down motion – so not page alternating – very limited.


December 17, 2015


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Power and ground by steaks there is little food the for Bodybuilders are as important as a good steak… Rich in high-quality protein and steaks sure anabolic fat consumed in sufficient quantity, for a mass building like almost no other food. There are steaks in a variety of shapes and price ranges, there is something the taste side as well as the financial burden for anyone. When it comes to the weight gain are but all almost equally well suited by the cheap steak of the neck up to the expensive fillet steak. You can once a month test the benefits of regular consumption of steaks, and during this time 1-2 times a day eat a big steak.

At the end of the month you will be surprised what success it has brought. Eggs and dairy no dairy no weight gain. This applies to both the protein and the caloric intake that is possible through this food group. Milk should be used as the basis for all weight gainers and protein shakes. Who has problems with the weight you can use whole milk due to the extra calories. A perfect start into the day consists of a Together with a few egg whites throughout the day, then 3 to 4 whole eggs can be taken to protein shake.

A well-known bodybuilder takes 4 eggs to themselves even during his mass at every meal. Granular cheese together with yoghurt and fruit is a great snack. A healthy, nutritious snack for the mass building between the main meals can go further. Bulk carbohydrates more carbohydrates better, that’s the motto for each want to build mass. Here, but as high-quality carbohydrates should be used so that even high-quality muscle mass. Oatmeal should be used as a high-quality base. In addition potatoes, whole wheat pasta and rice with each protein meal. In addition there are several smaller vegetables and fruit units should be installed.

The First Mrs.Sporty Club Opens Up In Poland

November 23, 2014


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Fitness for Eastern Europe: Germany, Austria, the Switzerland and Italy opened the first Mrs.Sporty Club in Poland. Mrs.Sporty conquered Eastern Europe now. On the weekend of 16 and 17.04.2011 opened the first Mrs.Sporty Club in Czestochowa / Poland. So the women’s sport chain continues its rapid growth after the Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Italy: five years, today more than 150,000 members in more than 470 clubs train. Mrs.Sporty is very happy about the eastward expansion”, of the Czestochowa is only the beginning: in the summer will open in Warsaw a Mrs.Sporty Club, also is scheduled for 2011 in the Slovak market. For three years they want to open up a Mrs.Sporty Club in Poland: the couple Magdalena Ociepa grey and Ulf Grey has discovered already in 2008 the Mrs.Sporty concept in Germany and thus flirted now partners starting mid-April launch their own club together in Silesia.

This is not only for the couple was a dream, but also for Mrs.Sporty: the Women’s sport chain has placed the first Club in Eastern Europe or Poland. And proves it once again: the concept is universal, suitable for women of all ages and all nationalities. Even the Slovakia in the enjoyment of the unique training to come in 2011. Important Club opening as a team they are already tested, because the couple has already together launched their own businesses. Enter with their own Mrs.Sporty Club however Magdalena Ociepa grey and Ulf Grey doubly Neuland: the fitness industry and the Polish market.

Both enjoy has always been for sport and it is to them to the heart, that women live healthy and active. That is the best way ever to be successful with Mrs.Sporty. Full of excitement, the new club owners and Mrs.Sporty expect membership on the opening day. Particularly in regions that are still not very accessible by the chain of women’s sport, the response is sensational: many Mrs.Sporty clubs count on opening day over 300 members.

