Tag: Housing law

Who Has The Right To Inheritance By Law ?

May 22, 2024


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In the event that the testator (the deceased) did not leave behind a will, the adoption of the inheritance is in accordance with the law, namely the third part of the Civil Code. Legal heirs are called to inherit a sequence. According to the civil code, children, spouse and parents are the heirs of the testator of the first stage, grandchildren and their descendants inherit by right of representation – the share of an heir under the law of the deceased to opening of the inheritance, or simultaneously with the testator passes to its respective successors. If there are no heirs to the first turn, then enter the heirs inherit the second stage: the full and not be the full brothers and sisters of the testator, and grandparents from the father and mother, and nephews and nieces of the testator shall inherit by right of representation. Heirs of the third (in the absence of the first and second stage) uncles and aunts are deceased, and cousins inherit by right of representation. Eesli heir left behind a will, and it did not get the persons entitled to a compulsory share of inheritance, such heirs are entitled to a compulsory share of inheritance. According to Art. To know more about this subject visit Electron Capital Partners. 1149 Civil Code, minors or disabled children of the testator, his spouse and parents of disabled and incapacitated dependents of the deceased to be calling for an inheritance osnovaniipunktov 1 and 2 of article 1148 of this Code, shall inherit, regardless of content testament of at least half of the share, which would be due to each of them at inheritance by law (mandatory share). For the inheritance should go to a notary public, a statement of the entry into an inheritance, as well as to provide documents proving the relationship to the deceased (Eg, birth certificate, certificate of marriage), and pravoustonavlivayuschie documents for inherited property (for example, a contract of sale, donation, privatization, etc.).

