Tag: human resources

The 10 Toxic Behaviors That Can Harm Productivity

January 28, 2018


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The lack of internal communication and employee motivation are two key elements that harm toxic cloud the productivity and working environment of the company, according to the study “The 10 toxins business”, elaborated by the Centro de Estudios Financieros (CEF .) a These are the main conclusions of the study: The 10 most intoxicating aspects negatively affecting productivity are, in this order: Poor internal communication (62% of respondents). The motivation of employees (51%). The poor organization of work (49%). The incompetence of managers as leaders (39%). The poor distribution of tasks (39%). The distrust of the leaders to employees (35%). The equal pay, regardless of individual performance (35%).

Conformity or comfortableness of employees (34%). The inability to pursue a career (33%). Rumors (32%). Each company must consider if any of these 10 toxins, identify underlying causes of war and act accordingly, implementing corrective measures to eliminate or at least minimize the negative impact of these behaviors. Companies need to identify the aspects that poisoned, poison or harm productivity, since it is the only way to ensure efficiency and avoid problems in the short and long term. Every so often a company must make an examination of conscience to allow them to diagnose their own symptoms with the aim of applying the antidote before the a enfermedada aggravation. The study must take into account the variable age at the time to identify some of these toxins, mainly on two factors: equal pay regardless of individual performance (in this case, this aspect is critical for 63% of workers between 18 and 22 years) and rumors (are critical for 54% of workers aged between 18 and 22). The reason is that younger people are working immersion is a strong clash between your idea and company after their first work experience. In addition, new generations are more demanding about the way that managers have to manage the company.

