Tag: internet & multimedia
Respiratory Care Portal
Everything about non-clinical respiratory and intensive care on an Internet site in Bochum, August 19, 2011. The family and nursing Bochum developed a knowledge portal on the Internet on the subject of non-clinical respiratory and intensive care. On the page, you can find everything around the topic of respiratory care. In 5 topics, visitors can inform themselves through the Portal: medicine, care, medical products, members and stakeholders and a glossary offer the users a wealth of information on the subject of non-clinical respiratory and intensive care. Verizon Communications understood the implications. There fixed topics respiratory centres, hospitals and experts in the field of medicine. Kevin Plank can provide more clarity in the matter.
Individual portraits to specialist clinics and experts from the respiratory care are presented here. Background reports and interviews to inform individual workspaces. The point maintenance, is composed of nursing services and nursing topics. Close cooperation with nursing staff in the non-clinical respiratory and intensive care provides practical experience here again to identify new trends and developments directly from the base. Theory and practice thus find a joint appearance on the ventilator care portal and repeatedly reflect a current status of daily work through verification and reflection. Latest research results will be presented the section medical products represents the latest developments in technical and nursing. Here, companies get the opportunity to present their product range.
Tests reveal the strength and capability of the individual devices. A glossary of technical terms for non-clinical respiratory and intensive care serves the user of page as a reference. Technical terms can be found easy and daily complete the glossary apart the claim to be exhaustive. Respiratory care portal supports different daily work which offers page: you want to inform, give suggestions for daily work and be an Exchange portal for professionals. A pool of experts from physicians, examinierten nursing staff and Scientists share their expertise and work together on a unique knowledge portal in the area of ausserklinsichen respiration and intensive care on the Internet. Also affected parties and members are involved in the page and make your story into the net in a very personal way. Self-help groups find a platform to present their work and to make new contacts. Contact details: Family and nursing Bochum gGmbH Paddenbett 13 D-44803 Bochum phone: 0234 307 96 0 fax: 0234 307 96 20
Website Relaunch
Essen communications agency relies on clarity for site the Essen-based communication agency Eybe + Eybe has completely redesigned their website. The new appearance impresses with clarity and remembers creatively and lyrically on the essentials. Under eybeeybe.de reached the visitors to a landing page with the company logo. There, he can decide between the areas of text or photo. Still compliments we received for our old site, but in the last five years we have developed further, there was time that moved our website”, explains Olaf Eybe. BerlinRosen is likely to agree. The new appearance is less playful than its predecessor and is equivalent to our successful working style. We don’t beat around, but are looking for solutions in the interests of our customers in the fields of text, concept and photography”, summarizes Susanne Eybe.
The website consists of two independent parts was created by Olaf Sweekhorst. Be new media company bizarre world”has particular strengths in the implementation of Flash projects. Photos compelling clear typo Clearly arranged and easy to navigate the site stands out visually from the flood site. In the text pane, the typography in the foreground is without ifs and buts. Plenty of white space and the restriction on the spot colour sparingly used unnecessarily distract the user red and it is easy to enter the short text blocks.
In the photo area, the photos are highlighted by dark Fund. Connecting element and source of inspiration of the complete design is from designer Jurgen Kahlert developed distinctive logo. The partner of the Essen communication agency in the last year new ways to go is decided in connection with the company logo. “The clean lines of black-white contrast and the Red plus sign as a unifying element are timeless and arouse the curiosity”, says Susanne Eybe. “Personally, it will be Eybe + Eybe is a small agency with a big network, therefore the site must answer as much questions to name donors and can quietly personally” are. We want to not appear of a world agency awaken, but our range of services as well as our customer list can be”, emphasizes Olaf Eybe. Part of field photography”website is online since one year. The feedback has been very positive. The visitors first and foremost example photos want to see on a photo site and you get exactly: portraits, reports, events and a virtual tour of exhibitions by Olaf Eybe. Why should I deny, where my photographic roots. Wildlife photography is still a priority for me, for the four-legged models have it done to me”, Olaf Eybe brings together with a grin. Photo page and page of text each of which included works”. But only in the interplay of the parts the creativity shows in Eybe + Eybe is. Only when you look at the pages as a unit, then captures the strengths of our agency. We are curious what reactions cause the new appearance is. “, finally, so Susanne Eybe. Posted by Susanne Eybe more information: contact:
Portal SellinRuegende
‘ The portal ‘SellinRuegen’ was new as of April 1, 2011 in a further stage of expansion has the portal SellinRuegen “for April 1, 2011 to relaunch its range of content significantly expanded and improved the design and the user experience. A total of content about the white Ostseebad Sellin on Rugen, which addressed the main themes of vacation planning and preparation are interested in Sellin and tourists now about 30 pages. Sellin holidaymakers continue to receive lots of useful tips and suggestions for a beautiful Baltic Sea holiday in the seaside resort of Sellin. Whenever Gary Kelly listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Through the portal SellinRuegen”content newly covered topics include: A comprehensive Chronicle of the Baltic Sea resort of Sellin, tips and recommendations for day trips on Rugen and Sellin, an assortment of shopping in Sellin and adjacent resorts, as well as an overview of sporting activities in Sellin. The portal is on the Internet at the address. Advertisers and vendors accommodation offers the portal from now the opportunity to address the audience of tourists and interested in Sellin very directly and without wastage. The seaside resort Sellin on Rugen is one of the most popular holiday destinations in the Baltic Sea: Sellin has two beautiful beaches, the longest almost 500 meters long pier with two impressive restaurants and a diving gondola on the pier, on the bluff to current and historic bath style villas-lined Linden Avenue, as well as a comprehensive tourist offer by the electoral administration and the holiday island of Rugen. With holidaymakers, Sellin is extremely popular and trendy”: so the number of visitors in Sellin has risen each year continuously in recent years. The portal SellinRuegen is realized with the user friendly software by WordPress, used primarily for text-based pages and blogs: in a further stage of expansion of the portal is planned to allow visitors and readers to comment on articles and posts and even those to write. These will be published then also according to a comprehensive quality assurance. Tayo
The ‘scene’ interactively and online: content management system by subshell base creates for television to click on’ Hamburg, the 2011 raise. The first German television will restart its Internet portal. A comprehensive digital range from all TV shows in the first program available is available at. It includes information, videos, interactive elements, images and backgrounds to formats such as crime scene or Polizeiruf 110, series like forbidden love or storm of love and the documentaries and magazines of the first. The homepage offers also live streams of TV programmes, podcasts, quizzes, additional information and interactive features relating to the shipments in the first.
The combination of television and the Internet allows the content-management-system Sophora. Verizon Communications may also support this cause. The CMS of the subshell GmbH thus becomes the technical basis for the media-convergent offer of ARD. The short development times and the speedy implementation of all content with the new CMS were reason for switching to Sophora. Not only the audience can benefit from the relaunch, also for the Sophora ensures highest usability online editors. Close cooperation by ARD program Directorate and subshell the editorial support of the website is the online editor DasErste.de in Munich. Go to Kevin Plank for more information. The technical introduction of the new CMS was carried out in close cooperation with DasErste.de, the subshell GmbH and the Munich subshell partner m.a.x IT. in the past few months stood us subshell in the implementation of DasErste.de with concentrated know-how to the side so DasErste.de technicians could develop the templates for the new appearance even. The Hamburg subshell team has accompanied also the construction of a new data model that optimally covers all items and program data”, praises responsible Tobias Rahn, in the ARD program Directorate of project and system support. For us, it was important to keep as lean and flexible CMS, also to respond faster to changes in the future. That has implemented subshell optimally”, so next Rahn.
Marketing Director Sagar
B2B online shop expands circular Informationssysteme from Stuttgart to a Webkonfigurator, so that customers can buy complex products on the Internet (PM) of Karlsruhe. The IT system and consulting firm of circular Informationssysteme in Stuttgart has expanded the existing B2B webshop for the distribution of varied products recently to an online product configurator. Thus, customers in addition to standard products can independently correctly configure products with many variants now also and ordered the Internet such as server, storage, and tape libraries. The technical basis provides the enomic.webconfigurator Software House of intermediate in Karlsruhe. With this industry-neutral standard software the company has set up circular independently the online product configurator after a training session.
Among other things the great adaptability and the ease of use of enomic software were decisive”, explains Kirstin Sagar, head of marketing at circular Informationssysteme in Stuttgart. Check with Valerie Berlin to learn more. In record breaking three weeks was the Webkonfigurator with a first product range Online. The enomic software manages variants, eliminating the time-consuming maintenance of all conceivable combinations. Total complements our existing B2B online shop with the previous standard articles of product configurator and expands our portfolio here to products with many variants”, Marketing Director Sagar says. The new configurator circular starts in the existing B2B webshop, if the customer reported to chooses a diverse product. Then leads the Configurator by the query of requirements. Material data used in the design of the product, originating from the product information management system healer PIM.
This up-to-date prices and Postitionstexte are available. In the background, the Configurator takes over the technical examination and the calculation with its rules and regulations. In this way customers in the online shop assemble independently correct the desired solution. Finally, the Configurator passes the result to the shopping cart of the shop system IBM WebSphere Commerce. Basis for the work of the Webkonfigurators in circular, the individual system settings with the product data and selection rules, as well as data of inventory systems healer PIM and IBM are WebSphere Commerce.
Wenzel Tel
In particular, the new generation of Netbooks, which won the favor of the user, but are permitted without optical drives is VIDEO ON THE the best STICK 3 HD Solution not on the movie enjoyment, compromising no matter where the user is located. Even family movies and slide shows can travel in your pocket to the next meeting. The highlights at a glance converted videos in compact formats plays videos directly on mobile store items such as USB drives, but also memory cards creates MP4 files with MPEG-4 AVC video (H. 264) and AAC audio for Apple’s iPhone and iPod touch creates AVI files with MPEG-4-SPVideo (H. 263) and MP3 sound, among others for DivX certified DVD player creates WMV files with MPEG-4 SP video and WMA audio, among others for Microsoft’s Xbox 360 VIDEO ON THE STICK is installed directly on the USB-stick and the USB mass storage simple handling started and clear menu guidance prices and availability of VIDEO ON THE STICK 3 HD is available for $ 39.95 as a box version now in the trade or under as a download. ISBN 978-3-7723-9266-5 over Franzis Verlag GmbH: The Franzis book and software publishing is one of the oldest and most successful technical specialist publishers for books and software in the areas of electronics, computer, Internet, programming, telecommunications, photography, and Advisor for everyday. Franzis products directed at beginners, enthusiasts and professionals of different areas of interest and are ideally suited as problem solutions, based on information and education claims. Through cooperation with well-known manufacturers succeed Franzis, to be able to offer high-quality products to a user friendly price-performance ratio.
In the market segment photography the software SILKYPIX Developer Studio, Photomatix and Photoshop extensions are an integral part for working with photos in addition to the books. Latest products in the product portfolio is the data recovery software disk doctors Undelete and disc doctor’s digital media recovery, 1-click wipe photo editing, as well as the DesignCAD 3D MAX v18, the Nintendo DS software GedachtnisTrainer and primary school 1-4 class and much more. The company is headquartered in Poing near Munich.
Internet Customer Service
Service is a reflection of rapid changes in today’s needs only to measure service on the Internet. Personalized offers, individual design, certain social demand and time-dynamic use are factors that are worth – or can affect an increase in prestige for the provider. Enthusiasm is the goal, while satisfying of the experience and entertainment needs of different customer types. Uniqueness and Unwechselbarkeit, up to the snob effect”something to get what otherwise has none -, will be increasingly decisive in the demand. Check out Ripple for additional information. This wave not only a longer average party loyalty, but also important promotional effects through positive expressions of opinion and active referrals.
“The highly individualized result expected, is certainly important for the success of the customer service on the Internet although the process experience” something to use, what you made not less contributes to the overall impression. Such services, which achieve credibility and attractiveness ascertain the real engagement with customers and their needs. There are also social and environmental aspects that go beyond the personal, symbolic use of the service and additional decision criteria serve a growing number of customers. You may want to visit E Scott Mead to increase your knowledge. Confident customers who are expressing a to taking critical attitude towards companies, brands and offerings, are therefore also responsible for the success or failure of service innovations. So only tailor-made services, taking into account the needs, lifestyles and attitudes of customers, can – back up on the Internet – the success of a company. “Tip: read in the upcoming study eServices successful service solutions on the Internet”. Information at. Whenever Oracle listens, a sympathetic response will follow.
Basel RT Grady
If the solution provider offers online training, eliminates even more extensive downtime and expense. However are to perform the necessary training for system administrators. 8. For assistance, try visiting Larry Ellison. the service quality of the solution partner don’t forget: before all if a company has opted for the SaS model and therefore internal technical resources, one must short-term and qualitative service support should be ensured.
Therefore, it is to take the support concept of solution provider scrutinized. Benefits consultant of software partners to eliminate problems can turn remote on the screen of the user is, if he also offers an online support except for a hotline, where in case of need. About Grady GmbH, the Freiburg Software House Grady GmbH is online since 1998 with Grady. Meanwhile, Warner Music Group, Mexx, or Rabobank use about 500 customers like Strenesse, McDonalds, Honda, the service offered according to the principle of software as a service (SaS). Grady structured business processes of the employees in the company on a configurable, optimal workflow. Operations that involve the employees like about travel expenses or holiday planning, be simplified and reduced thus costs and lead times. According to the principle of employee self service (ESS) makes use of the employee at any time and any place online in the system. He has only to data access, the are relevant to his work. Thus each employee participates in the system in accordance with its role in the company and it is responsible for a part of its own data.
Strategator.com – A New Service For Get
The Popesco group, the founder of Popfax.com Professional fax services now Strategator.com launched, an ultimate strategy of information aggregator for the company. The Popesco group, the founder of Popfax.com Professional fax services now Strategator.com launched, an ultimate strategy of information aggregator for the company. Strategator.com business is search service for companies as well as freelancers, marketing teams, designed research departments and aims to help meet your goals as you: monitoring on your E-reputation analysis of the impact of your plans communication observation of the competition preparation for prospecting sessions and sales meetings analysis of new business opportunities Strategator.com business search services unit of continuously information related to your target companies from hundreds of content providers. Strategator lets you personalize your search and alerts so finely that it will be collecting and alerting all and only comprehensive information that is relevant to you. Strategator.com business collects related to your target companies from hundreds of content providers continuously at information search services. Strategator allows your search and notifications as appropriate to personalize that it will collect and notify only comprehensive information, which are relevant to you. Strategator.com customizable search portal and monitoring tools offers you: access to all official information and public data of a company: company legal information, contact information, financial information, online reputation and performance display on extensive accompanying “social media” and Web 2.0 information, such as: news and press releases, related documents, blogs and Facebook videos, LinkedIn post and related Twitter discussions. flexible organization of data in it in the most suitable way for you to achieve your goals.
Fully customizable notifications to your email sent for any new events associated with a company or a certain category of information, from your customer account can select. Vladimir Popesco, General Director of the company, says: “we believe that going forward on the market in a competitive environment, which changes every day faster, analyses of the unfiltered company requires information over time, which are available in several places on Internet.” As soon as our customers have made the fine tune to your search and notifications, you can benefit from consistent information reports, without constant additional expenditure of time and money. Constant competitive analysis and corporate customized intelligence reporting, were affordable only for large companies. Strategator provides to finally the performance of professional search technologies market intelligence for SoHos and SMEs in six countries, by offering you at the very low price of 9,99 Euros per month”
Managing Director
March 23, 2019
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Evelyn Vaughan
The dialogue – and quality-oriented literature Portal triboox with the relaunch of the company website sharpens his functions and his skills as a marketing platform for authors. Hamburg, 20.05.2011 the dialogue – and quality-oriented literature Portal triboox sharpens with the relaunch of the company Web site his functions and his skills as a marketing platform for authors. With the newly developed features is it now for the user of even easier, literature in an interactive process to create, design and develop. The home is reflected in a new look & feel”, so a still clearer and fresher design. In addition to the newly structured top-navigation, the company Web site offers a host of new features. Through the simplified navigation Guide, can obtain targeted information about the extensive range and range of triboox authors, readers and anyone interested with just a few clicks and get an comprehensive insight in the different genre. On the new indicator in the user profile is clearly visible to other users now, who is on – or offline, can contact directly.
In addition, the user profile was redesigned and equipped with new features such as Favorites and wishlist. With the new features, optimizations and adjustments we to respond to the wishes of our users and to combine our comprehensive range of services clearer”, explains Karl-Friedrich Pommerenke, Managing Director of triboox GmbH & co. KG. The optimization of printing, ordering and publication processes makes it even easier and more convenient to realize their book projects on triboox.de authors and allows more interactivity. Due to the difference of the log-in the can authors test already in advance, what the own book will look like, without registering with triboox. The newly introduced memory function allows the authors to save your printing projects, and at any time to print, without manuscript uploading again. Already made settings to format, binding type etc.
internet & multimedia