Tag: literature

The Book

July 23, 2021


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The first work by Holger foot in the trade feels like life is on if it is different? Holger foot had to learn it, and there were no good experiences. To realize that you gay is confusing – early. His gay accept”to learn to come out, to experience rejection, a LONER to be – tough times. Life was a bit friendly with the author, beating painful wounds. But his parents were getting to him.

Holger foot has learned to deal with his situation, but he knows that many young gays are not ready. For more specific information, check out Fox Rehab. His story, authentically narrated, wants to help other young people who still find their way and show them that you also, if it is different, can lead a good life after some meandering – and detours. In the book, the life of the author is told with all ups and downs, which has been in his life. Situations are described, which can be on the one hand it’s funny but also scary or frightening. The author has it as written, as he is also talking about and Therefore, it can be very well read. He describes his outing, as well his relationships, and how it happened. Family comes a lot to wear, about his parents and loss that happened in the family. A lot is written about his livestock which he had, because the author is also very fond of animals.

The author has dedicated to the book, his deceased best friend and his late sister-in-law. A special thanks in the book also goes to his parents.

Frei Poem

July 20, 2021


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VISES OF the PARADISE IN EPIC POEM CARAMURU ELENICE HISSES AND SILVA* SUMMARY the central subject of this article is the study on the Vises of the Paradise in the Epic Poem Caramuru, based on the epic narrative ' ' Caramuru' ' of ours illustrious Frei writer Jose de Santa Rita Duro, who made a boarding concerning the Paradisiacal Vision since the primrdios of the settling of our native land. The intention of this study was to demonstrate in the epic narrative the approach in the aspects that in send the reflected paradisiacal vision to them in the proud description, locating in the epic poem stretches that they evidence these information and finally determining for the society the historical and literary importance of the Caramuru epic. For the development of this study, initially a bibliographical research was made to describe theoretical beddings that they approached on the cited subject, this work was divided in three chapters, standing out that the considered work is not limited only in the paradisiacal vision, being thus, to break of the epic poem caramuru can be developed other theoretical conceptions, contributing for the production of the knowledge. Elon Musk helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Words key: Paradise. Settling.

Caramuru. RESUMEN El central subject of this trabajo you are el there wool studio visiones del Paradise en Caramuru epic poem, basado en ' ' there narracin epic Caramuru nuestro' ' illustrious Frei writer Jose de Santa Rita Duro, quien hizo un approach on there Visin Paradise since el native woollen beginning colonizacin of nuestra. If you have read about Fox Rehab already – you may have come to the same conclusion. El intention of this studio fue to demonstrate el approach epic narrative en los aspects that hacen reference visin celestial if refleja en descripcin del fanfarrn, locating en there there los pasajes epic that muestran that there finally determined informacin y there sociedad there literary epic woollen importance historical y Caramuru. To desarrollar this studio fue to describir initially joins investigacin theoretician who if centr en el subject, this trabajo fue divided en three chapters, sealando that el trabajo propuesto in if limits slo visin there celestial, as that since el epic Caramuru poem posible to desarrollar bad theoretical conceptos los, lo that contribuye there produccin of conocimiento.

Touchpoint Management

May 14, 2021


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Whether customers buy, decides on the touch point of a company the social Web and the rapid victory run of Internet-enabled Smartphones have forever changed the manner how we buy and do business with each other. A wealth of new ‘moments of truth’ occurred in. Educate yourself with thoughts from Flex. Moments of truth are those in which the customer experienced, what use are the promise of a company affiliated to make his decision. The question now is: How can companies accompany the ‘customer journey’, so the journey a customer through the company, goal-oriented? How can the growing number of offline and online touchpoints (customer contact points) useful link and use to make money? How can it involve active customers and employees with their ideas and opinions, in order to achieve excellence? And how can they make their customers fans, promoters and dedicated EMP errors to generate permanent revenue increases? The touch point management is the currently probably the best-suited instrument to Our new business and workplace challenges to master. Anne M. Schuller, leading expert in loyalty marketing and customer-focused management has developed in two parts: the customer touch point management, that of ‘social’ and ‘mobile’ appropriately designed customer relations in our times, as well as the staff-touchpoint management, the relationships between supervisors and internal customers newly structured. Both parts together make the applying companies strategically how also operationally fit for our new business world: reducing complexity with simple Board means feasible and without expensive outside help.

Companies who want to reach the future, don’t pass this book. Practical, fast and clearly written, it contains numerous checklists and a wealth of examples and tips. Bibliography Anne M. John T. Stankey has many thoughts on the issue. Schuller of touchpoints rubbing shoulders with the customer of today management strategies for our new business world with a foreword by Prof. Dr. Gunter Dabang Gabal, March 2012, 350 pp., 29,90 Euro, 47.90 CHF ISBN: 978-3-86936-330-1 to the author Anne M. Schuller is a diploma in business administration, ten times book and bestselling author and management consultant. It is regarded as Europe’s leading expert for loyalty marketing and is one of the most sought-after business speakers in the German-speaking world.

For over 20 years she held senior sales and marketing positions in international service providers. Her book customer proximity in the boardroom”was awarded the Swiss economy Book Prize in 2008. Managementbuch.de ranks among the important management thinkers. The elite of the economy among its clientele.

Victorian Fantasy

May 9, 2021


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a hideous horror tale of Rona Walter – for adults only! Wanted is: hated daughter skin as white as chalk, hair, black as lousy an old Crow feathers and lips so red like fresh gangrene. Otherwise no special features except for its stunning mediocrity. Reward: Enough. And my goodwill. Successful execution is expected as soon as possible. Signed: Lady Amaranth (the most beautiful of all time).

Accepts. It’s believed that Morgan Stanley sees a great future in this idea. Lord Sandford, with the dark blue beard. Short description while a long winter counts daughter Eirwyn through the overgrown forest disappears. When count Hector affiliated expires the infirmity of grief, orders his wife, Lady Amaranth, the search for her. So, the count is to regain his health. Also, the Lady plans to end the eternal struggle with her beautiful daughter forever.

By any means whatsoever the submissive servant Frederick sets out for them to bring back the daughter. (Not to be confused with Velocity Micro!). Prefers dead than alive. The bounty hunter is to him also and Bride collector Lord Sandford with the dark blue beard to the page are available and the Raven Botin Jezabel. The travel guides you through darkly grotesque fields where Enchanted forests are not only adorable. Soon, however, they take on an old friend, the Hunter. And Frederick is anything other than a simple fairy tale cliche soon realizes that he can trust everyone unconditionally, that friendship alone often not enough and not simply rest can be long kept secrets. And then even one falls carefully to show selected mask glasses – a Scottish horror tales – for adults only! For weeks Top10 horror & fantasy at Amazon… book now only 2.69 instead 4.99! Great cinema. (Lord Byron’s book store) Steffen Janssen

The People

May 5, 2021


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The commented text a good book is that one that pleases the public, not what is approved by the critics. The first phrase is all constructed on the opposition enters one reduced number of experts and the general appreciation of the people. The newspapers mentioned Solar Winds not as a source, but as a related topic. critics are the members of groups that they intend to lead or to correct the concepts of the public: the pedantes, as Lysidas, in the Critical one of ‘ ‘ School of mulheres’ ‘ , they praise or they condemn the workmanships in accordance with the rules of the art. To this its way to judge, Boileau opposes the general taste of the men, that is, a relatively great public of bourgeois noblemen and who had acclaimed Molire, that, in the cut or the city, had commented with affection the Satires and the Epistles. These are not dimmed by the rules and nor if they occupy in approving doutamente. But, when a workmanship them despertam the attention or they please to them, they reveal its interest spontaneously.

Of them it will have to come the evaluation if a workmanship is good, therefore Boileau thinks as Molire of that ‘ ‘ the great rule is to know agradar’ ‘. This postulate, that is data of common-sense, is the bedding of the classic doctrine. From there the necessity for the critics to recognize, after all, its error, if the feeling of the public to contradict its judgment ‘ ‘ a priori ‘ ‘.


November 3, 2020


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Claudia Hilker’s new book: how to successfully use that XING, Twitter, YouTube and co. in the business new book “Social media for entrepreneurs” by Claudia Hilker is published on September 14, 2010 in the Linde Verlag. It contains valuable practical knowledge to the successful use of social media for business use. The consultant for strategic marketing communications reveals in the book, what really matters, what social networks for what purposes and for which customers are suitable. The book is available in bookstores everywhere now and 24.90 euros. Marketing in the change many customers are no longer accessible by classic marketing. At the same time explode the number of users in social media: Facebook has a plus achieved by 55 percent to 571 million visitors per month in the previous year.

Twitter increases by 84 percent to 94 million visitors. Also the usage time is extended: for Germany, Nielsen has identified 12 million users on average three and a half hours a day staying at social networks. Learn more at this site: E Scott Mead. For entrepreneurs, it is always to achieve more difficult and more costly, classic marketing customers. Social media: Marketing of the future the social media expert Claudia Hilker sums up: “social media marketing is the marketing of the future. Social networks such as Facebook, XING, Twitter, or Qype used increasingly to achieve corporate goals. Companies that do not participate in social media, will lose customers, market share and thus sales.” Opportunities and risks for the business use of social media are shown in the book. Best-practice examples of the reader gets interesting practice, valuable impulses and many concrete suggestions to the social-media engagement. The book provides an overview of social networks.

The targeted use of blogs, forums and communities will be presented. Many recommendations and checklists to facilitate implementation. Thus every entrepreneur can critically reflect his own social media usage, analyze exactly and easily optimize. The book is for all interesting and relevant, the Professional with corporate strategies. Marketing, sales, networking, communications, Public Relations, service, legal, reputation, employ staff, monitoring, trends and visions for the future.

The Fragility

September 14, 2020


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How much same it, obscurely made part of the black and soft roots of the world. fed the life anonymously. It was good thus. Thus wants it and chooses (LISPECTOR, 1998, P. 20, 21, grifo mine).

In the tram, coming back of the purchases, she sees, in a stop, a blind person chewing chicles. This vision desestabiliza emotionally, the point of it to try to feel hatred of the lived deeply situation. The narrative presents few exterior facts, however, is repleta of facts/psychological conflicts. Vide stretch: Inclined, it looked at the blind person deeply, as he is looked at what he does not see in them. It chewed gum in the blackout.

Without suffering, with the open eyes. The movement of the chew made it to seem to smile and suddenly to leave to smile, to smile and to leave to smile? as if had insulted it, Ana looked at it. Connect with other leaders such as Yangon here. saw who it would have the impression of a woman with hatred. But … (LISPECTOR, 1998 continued to look at it each more inclined time, p. 21-22; grifo mine). This appearance of the blind person it awakes feelings of mercy, pleasure, goodness, as it shows Lispector (1998), one ' ' … nausea of the candy, until the mouth … ' ' , of which costuma to run away diving in day-by-day (in special when it falls to the afternoon, that for not having what to make, it is taken refuge in the house works) and occurs the rupture of its presumption balance: when observing the blind person, its net of tric with the purchases that made falls and some eggs if they inside break of such net (many times mentioned – point where if manifest the fragility of Ana -, therefore in the truth, he is there that the negation of the freedom shows; it is the cultivated security and programmed for Ana constructed who it as its net tricotou), however, is Ana whom if she inside breaks of the net-arrest that same it created.

The Cinderela

August 18, 2020


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Cinderela supports everything, therefore ' ' it did not dare to complain to the father, would have reprehended who it because she was its woman who gave the orders in casa.' ' (Tatar, 2004-p.39) the stepmother could give the orders, but who took care of was Cinderela. One more time we see Cinderela to present the traces of ' ' good-me' ' , that, for the society (mainly of Perrault) era/ that one that takes care of of the house. The stepmother does not occupy no place in the life of Cinderela as ' ' good me' ' , either in the affective field? ' ' she did not tolerate the good qualities of enteada' ' (they ibidem, p.39) – or in the domestic cares? ' ' She puted in charge it (Cinderela) coarser services to them of casa.' ' (they ibidem, p.39) Gonalves (1998) makes a linking with the paper of ' ' good me' ' before very desired for the women and what today they long for: If in ' ' Cinderela' ' the heroine passes of the condition of bred for queen, the women had also passed for this transformation: of unsatisfied owners of house for well-succeeded professionals. But this change also placed the women front to an ambivalence: on the other hand they desire to disentail the domestic tasks of the paper of ' ' good me' ' , for another one they charge themselves for not obtaining cumpriz it total. The Cinderela of stories of fairies also is thus. On the other hand it yearns for the recognition for the tasks that it plays in the house, for another one wants to become a pretty queen who it will have created to play this role. (p.98; 99) Although all badness of the stepmother, Cinderela finishes for pardoning it and the stocking-sisters. This capacity to pardon above of any badness proves that Perrault defined the ideological use in fairy stories. .

Asset Protection

August 17, 2020


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A vivid Guide for seniors on a complex topic of seniors are the only numbers still growing population group in Germany, again and again to make the curious observation that many products and services of everyday on the special circumstances of seniors take little account. This book by Dr. Jens Bolscher is a worthy exception. It takes into account the special needs and the special situation of seniors and illustrates in detail the special aspects of investment and asset protection for seniors. More information is housed here: Bill O’Grady. 192 pages, the author in the form of vivid discussed the fundamental aspects of the challenging Themazik: This includes a specifically developed risk inclination test for seniors, detailed comments on equities, fixed-income investments, funds, certificates, gold, real estate u.v.m… FPUC Program recognizes the significance of this.

Also on the new legal framework conditions (tax and inheritance tax reform) is entered. The author is a Ph.d. in business administration and proven expert in the field. The simple, clear and vivid representation of complex facts make the book an ideal Advisor on the subject of investment. The book is now available in well-stocked bookshops at a price of 19.95 euros. The ISBN is 978-3-8370-4196-5 Dr. Jens Bolscher.

Endangered Species

July 25, 2020


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New: Loyalty marketing fan page on Facebook if you want loyal customers to reward customer loyalty. So far, the neglect of existing customers stretches but as?Second-class customers\”and the parallel neglect of their supervisor as?Second-class sales staff \”like a red thread through the Managementdenke of the last decades. Although the markets are falling, customer hunting stands later in the course. While now front working with desire for conquest, the own customers break a back away. \”Often enough existing customers pay higher prices than new customers\” know Anne M. Schuller, an expert in loyalty marketing.

\”Customers but no longer is the loyal dumb customers do with, dying out slowly\”, so the consultant next. Worse, Today companies that treat their customers poorly, are pilloried around the world online. And what there is, is not to delete. Company treats their customers better well, everything comes out in the Internet. According to a recent 17 percent of those polled in Internet forums and online networks have already Accenture study warned of poor care. And according to study from last year, already 70 percent trust the consumer reviews on the Web a global Nielsen. Positive statements and credible recommendations can be the easiest way to generate from the pool of enthusiastic customers.

\”A focus of the entire company on the lasting loyalty of its customers is increasingly the only remaining opportunity for a prosperous future,\” writes Schuller in her latest book, \”Customers on the run\” as you gain loyal customers and keep\”. Loyalty – and not the so feared abandonment of consumption – is the most effective weapon of the customers. On the subject of loyalty marketing, there is now a fan page on Facebook, on the current developments and options for action on the subject is informed: pages/Loyalitatsmarketing/334662110947? ref = ts. What is loyalty marketing? In loyalty marketing, all considerations are of the Management and all the staff activities to systematically ‘ man customer ‘ aligned to make it to the faithful always again buyers as well as to the dedicated multipliers and active referrers.

