Tag: literature


May 23, 2018


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The school has the essential function to teach to contents and necessary abilities to the participation of the individual in the society, taking it, through its specific work, to understand its proper reality, placing itself in it, interpreting it and contributing for its transformation. When analyzing the book in study, no longer first chapter in them is presented a research for evaluation of as it comes being worked practical of education of reading and literature in average education, through directed questionnaires the pupils and professors. Exactly with always the existing imperfections in the results of research, one perceives many factors that come harming the favorable education of literature in Brazil. Our pupil of the present time, exactly passing good part of its life in the school, if dedicating to the reading, written and in the three last years to literature, it is perceivable that it has a reading that much leaves to desire, having only 5% of the pupils of average education, in accordance with data of the Saeb, a good level in the reading abilities. They meet without many changes the education of literature in our country has many decades, and the reasons take inheritances ideological, politics, contextual, etc., but, so that this picture can start to move, she is necessary that the professor of average education takes conscience on the real value of the literature education. Literature comes being studied of traditional form, with historical, characteristic chronology and contextualizao of authors and workmanships; what it would have to move, therefore, as already said previously, the school must have as focus the formation of competent readers. The literature education would have to be compromised to the development of abilities of the reading of literary texts. The insatisfao of the proper pupils ahead of expositivas lessons is well-known also, in which it does not have altiva voice, preferring, thus, dialgicas lessons, bringing the reading for its reality and correlated it with other arts in study.

Magazine Whitman

May 23, 2018


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Unbeliever of the politics, Whitman decided that the cure for the country was in the poetry. It forged, with overlappings, images where the president appears to the side of the prostitute, and the white to the side of the black, a species of ' ' democracy in linguagem' ' one evangelho literary of the equality, destined to inhale and to reconcile. LEAVES OF GRASS AND ITS EDITIONS The first one edition of Leaves of Grass did not mention the name of the author and contained only 12 poems and a preface. The second edition (1856) already exhibited in the layer the name of its author and was received with enthusiasm for few critics, the great majority would continue to repudiate the workmanship, what, however, it did not hinder Whitman to continue to work in new poems for that coletnea. This if extremely gave for the fact of Whitman to be obsceno. It probably was a hidden homosexual, but also he can have if related with women. In edition 1934 of the Magazine It sees, Carlos Graieb, in commentary on a new translation of Leaves of Grass says that, the Walt Whitman of poems, is considered a being ' ' omnissexual' ' , for if leaving to erotizar for everything: for the nature, for men and women and its proper soul. This in the following stretches can be observed: ' ' Of – me, God, who I sing that thought, Of – me, of to that one or to that I love this inextinguvel faith … Add to your understanding with Bernard Golden . ' ' (Universal Song of the) ' ' The atmosphere not it is a perfume, but it has the taste of the essence, it does not have odor, It exists for my mouth, perpetual; I am for gotten passionate it I will go until the hill next to the forest, will undress of my disguise and I will be naked, I am wild so that it enters in contact with me.

Portuguese Literature

May 23, 2018


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Barbarous academic Tahis Patta Soares, Teacher and academic of VII the semester of the Course of Letters of the URCAMP/Are Borja. The mentioned scientific research mentions the study to it of the lyric poetry of Luis Vaz de Cames, in which the feeling ‘ ‘ amor’ ‘ its inspiration, compared with the poetry daily pay – romantic is pointed as element key of all of Manuel Barbosa Maria du Bocage, that presents new and a bold one to look in its poetical production, bringing for the poetry of its time the personal world and without justifications of the loving passion. Luis Vaz de Cames, probably was born in the city of Lisbon, Portugal, in the year of 1525. Its life if interlaces with its workmanship. The behaviors of the society, the conquests and the cultural manifestations of Portugal of century XVI, suggest a sensible profile to the elaborated forms of the poetry of this author. Through an intense literary experience and of life, Cames was devoted as a poet of some languages, that it preserved national sources and that it advanced in its productions for the admiration to the classic philosophy, it faleceu in 1580 in absolute misery. Manuel Maria du Bocage, also Portuguese poet, was born in Setbal, Portugal, in the year of 1765.

Very on its land, as well as Cames, is known in the literary way as ‘ ‘ Badly – amado’ ‘ , therefore frequently it expressed in its workmanships the hypocrisy and the decay of the Portugal of century XVIII. When reached for the incompreenso that its poetical terms provoked in the half intellectual, it abandons the rules of the Arcadismo, rigid aesthetic literary which belonged, and is dedicated to write it on the subjective desire of the being, to the wills that are not justified to the pleasure for the pleasure, without leaving of being controversial, leaving of being Bocage. It died in the day 21 of December of 1805, victim of a probable aneurism. The objectives of this Research if present leaving of the premise to value the limitless genius of these two poets, Cames and Bocage, Giants of Portuguese Literature, well as to vivify in the reading adepts poems, the taste for the lyric poetry of Cames and the daily pay-romantic one of Bocage, coated with requinte of pure intellectuality and sensitivity. It is also observed, the forms of composition used by the poets, the rigid ones and cut redondilhas so well, the musical comedies and rigorous sonetos. The intention is to oportunizar the knowledge of a more concise form of the ambiguous, present relation in these two styles to compose poetries. How much to the gotten results, exactly being still in development phase, already the reach of the objectives considered in its execution can be observed, in view of that the readers (participant) already obtain to use in adequate way the knowledge of Portuguese Literature in its research throughout its pertaining to school and academic formation.


May 22, 2018


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It bears mentionning that Alberto Caeiro is part heternimos of them invented for Fernando person and is part of a multifaceted device, in the characteristic difference enters the production of the creature and of the creator it is that the distinction between Caeiro and Pessoa inhabits. Created for Fernando Person, Alberto Caeiro has proper life, a past, a biography, a physical aspect, a letter, a style, a point of view, an ideology. Soon, Fernando Person was one of the extraordinariest poets of century XX its obsession for poetical making did not find limits I when delousing personal, dressed personas (personality) poetical and lived almost all dialeticamente the possibilities of being in poetry. To elucidate this importance he follows one I break up of the book of Fernando Person in which he describes its three main ones we heternimos between them, Alberto Caeiro. … Person to construct what she calls its ' ' drama in gente' ' , that is to invent personages without the drama supported that them, giving origin to its we heternimos: Alberto Caeiro, Alvaro De Campos and Ricardo Kings. Three great poets who definitively would transform its author one of the most intriguing cases of literary history, making an impression to that if it approaches to its workmanship for the rarity of being distinct poets in one only: Caeiro, its master and poet of the nature, Kings of odes horaciana, classic and pago.o futurista and radical Alvaro De Campos and Fernando Person, lyric, disenchanted, nationalistic, mstico and ocultista he himself, … You may find that Gary Kelly can contribute to your knowledge. (CLARET, 2005, p.12) Of this form, Alberto Caeiro possesss proper characteristics and followed distinct trends of its literary time, that is, exactly having been a fictitious poet its existence it can if proven through its literary composition. The poetry of Caeiro sends the nature and shares with it, therefore, the world is what you feel, speaks of the daily one, in its verses is not worried about metric rules, estrofes and ritma.

The Rhythm

May 22, 2018


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However, exactly in estrofes with such you rhyme, its internal structure can happen the mentioned emptinesses exactly, that in the verse where it is a sound that prepares one rhymes already has the work of the poet. In the cited cases two positive signals or a followed positive of a negative are pauses almost annulling to the rhythm tax to the ear for rhyme when the verses are sung or declaimed. This rhythm is depending then on metric a perfect one. The verse with the signal *+ is the ideal because it has already the effect of the echo and the preparation for the next one. Bernard Golden often addresses the matter in his writings. The verse with the signal – it is, inside of this criterion of the sound, poor.


May 22, 2018


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In parallel to the rupture, if it cannot deny the desire of the writers in knowing and exploring the past as creation source, not as norm to create itself. As manifestations of this desire for rupture, that at the same time they respected workmanships of the literary tradition, we have the Manifesto of the Poetry Wood-Brazil, the book Macunama, the picture of Brazilians through the cubistas influences of Tarsila of the Amaral, the book Great House & Senzala, amongst innumerable others. Magazines of the time had also dedicated to the subject, such as Aesthetic, Klaxon and Antropofagia, that had been medias between the movement. It is considered Week of Modern Art, carried through in So Paulo, in 1922, as starting point of the modernismo in Brazil. However, nor all the participants of this event were modernistas: Favour Spider, a daily pay-modernista, for example, was one of the orators. Not being dominant since the beginning, the modernismo, with the time, supplanted the previous ones. More information is housed here: Bernard Golden . It was marked, over all, for the freedom of style and approach with the said language, being of the first phase more radical in relation to this landmark.

The Modernismo I was divided in three phases: the first phase, more radical and strong opposing to that she was previous, full of irreverncia and scandal; second that it formed great romancistas and poets; third, also called After-Modernismo for some authors, whom if the first one opposed in certain way, and was therefore ridicularizada with the neoparnasianismo nickname. Tarsila of the Amaral participated of the first Modernista phase. 2.2.CARACTERSTICAS the characteristics of the Modernismo Are innumerable, all in opposition to the traditional concepts. They had made a true rupture. Main characteristics: Total freedom of expression form; Use of the coloquial language (daily); Use of the free and barbarous verse; Chronological and space discontinuity; Mood in the poetry (Poem-joke); Inclusion of the facts of the moment; Nationalism, presence of the landscape and sensitivity of the history of the land; Brazilian regionalism, folklore, legends, traditions and myths; The action of the plot loses the importance; Direct language, predominance of the substantives; Universalismo.

Recital Theoretician

May 22, 2018


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At as a moment, an exposition of stretches of the romance will be made, through citations that portray spaces chosen e, later, the analysis of the data. Finally, the final consideraes are presented. 2. Recital Theoretician As theoretical basement had been used some critics as REHEM, 2011; SIMES, 2006, which follows to the thematic one of atrelada literature to the tourism. Of this form the historical understanding of the amadiana workmanship studied here becomes necessary cultural, considering the city of Ilhus focus of tourist attraction.

In this perspective literature problematiza subjects as the given redimenso the imagticas representations in the romance Gabriela, Cravo and Canela. Literature allows in to identify them estereotipadas characteristics of the Gabriela personage, this arqutipo of the local tourism with image widely explored, but also inserted in the tourist market of the Bahia, promoting the perenidade of the ficcional production of Loved Jorge. The existing interrelation between literature and tourism is presented as a dichotomy that contributes so that it has a bigger valuation of the culture front to the preset market. For analysis and identification of the images represented in the romance object of this research, they had been selected theoreticians ISER, 1996 and RASP, 1986. These argue the characteristics of documentary and the ficcional, clarifying fictitious and the imaginary one.

Thus the authors show concepts under different aspects, by means of examples of practical the literary one. The dinamicidade of regional literature is noticed then front the universal subjects, therefore we will portray the workmanship Gabriela, Cravo and Canela for the bias of literature, of the imaginary one, beyond the cultural tourism. The authors still designate, in this study, the sprouting of the literary expression marked by the ficcional veto, that is associated with literature as figure of petition of the words, that is, the ficcional serve as favorable concept to another thing.

Book Chronic

May 22, 2018


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The book Chronic of Fire and Ice: The War of the Tronosa is a history that if passes in the medieval age, where Westeros is the world that was dominated by the ghosts and dragons forgotten in the mist it time. George R.R. Martin created with perfection this landscape and portraied faithful as if he passed the Average Age, inhabited for the warriors, noblemen, knights, ladies and the typical personages of this period. For backwards of this world, the descendants of the old ancestries are anxious to retake the power, and for this they are made use to derrmar much blood with its swords. The last name, the heading of somebody at that time, made much difference and determined its degree of being able and influence on excessively.

‘ ‘ Chronicles of Fire and Ice: The War of the Tronos’ ‘ it deals with this accurately. In this workmanship the intense emotions of a human being are portraied all that can be despertadas by the search for the power as the disloyalty, ambition and treachery. The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros were very well governed during many centuries for the Targaryen, the Kings of Dragon. However with the arrival of the reign of Aerys II, known as ‘ ‘ The Louco’ ‘ , it had a revolt that one initiated with the Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon to free the people of this ensandecido leader, thus appearing a new dynasty commanded for Robert. During many years, intense heats were guaranteed in the Kingdom, however the winter threatened to return, and with it came an old fear. The land that before was magical, now was threatened by two descendants of the old monarch of the chaste one of the dragons.

The plot of the War of the Thrones is divided in three centers of action, each one with its historical figures, environment and distinct histories. The prologue already starts with sufficient action and the reader already if it feels attracted and intrigued by the book, and to each page it deals, more intense is these emotions. History starts 15 years Robert after to have assumed the throne. The reader must be intent to each nuance of the book to obtain to understand this universe all created by Martin. Many people are believing that Martin are the new Tolkien, author of the trilogy Mr. of Rings. Leaving this of side, it he has its proper style and a writing not found in diverse authors. Net HBO will make seriado on this Saga and will be shown in the televisions. Eddard Stark, one of the leaders whom end to the government of the Dragons put, will be interpreted by Sean Bean, that also interpreted the Boromir Mr. of Rings. Osha will be interpreted by Natalia Tena, it interpreted the Tonks witch of the film Harry Potter. The Leya Publishing company published this series in Brazil. George (Raymond Richard) Martin, also known as GRRM, acts as scriptwriter and is one of the authors of vendidos books more of the sorts of scientific fiction, fancy and terror.

Rio De Janeiro

May 21, 2018


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The workmanships point the different society and language, of form that take the readers to reflect on the floor and the evolutions suffered for the societies, the had vises of the people and its evolution, and also the innumerable variations of the language and its historical evolution inside of the societies. The power of the reflections of these workmanships is seen in the way of as if it sees the nationalism today, which movements of today raise of some form the effective Brazilian culture. The nationalism was focus of several other literary schools and many to other had portraied it authors as it are, the dither of its land and of you sweat values, however in Juca Pirama and Macunama, the contemplation of one flowing fort of defense of the brasileirismo is noticed in high relief, exactly that of antagonistic forms. It is raised that the culture and the Brazilian language are in continue aprimorao and evolution, fits the society to stand out what it is had of more important it people and to nominate which is its heroes national nowadays, the incumbency to verify the new paradigms in the language and the Brazilian culture, of – inside of the academic centers and in mago of the social groups, that must be worried in finding its true face in that it represents its ideals as a whole. Mrio de Andrade and its indian Macunama and Gonalves Days with Juca Pirama are examples of passion and national clarity about the great wealth that met and meets it language, the culture and the Brazilian thought of the people in its smaller singularidades.

Rio De Janeiro

May 21, 2018


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In: JMM. The Moreninha. So Paulo: Circle of the Book, 1987. P. 163-9 ___. JMM. In: Literature: history & text. 6 ed.

So Paulo: Hail, 1997. v. 2, P. 93-100. FIELDS, Humberto of. The fashions and the ways in the romance of Macedo.

Magazine of the Brazilian Academy of Letters, year 4, n 15, P. 5-45, out. 1920. ___. Franqueza and prudence. In: Anecdotal Brazil. 2 ed. Rio De Janeiro: W.M. Jackson, 1945. P. 17-8. Quotation as source of the anecdote the article of Salvador de Mendona, published in the Impartial one, of 1913, and republicado in the Magazine of the Book. FIELDS, Consuelo Maria Wedge. The scene of family and the brilliant cross. In: JMM. The blond young man. 6 ed. So Paulo: It stokes, 1993. P. 3-6. CANDIDO of Mello and Souza, Antonio. Initiation to Brazilian literature. 6 ed. Rio De Janeiro: Gold on Blue, 2010. P. 55. ___. Macedo, romantic realist and. In: JMM. The Moreninha. So Paulo: Martins, 1965. P. 9-22. ___. Honored and facundo JMM. In: Formation of Brazilian literature. 9 ed. Belo Horizonte: Itatiaia, 2000. v. 2, P. 121-9. &#039 is a modified version of the preface; ' Macedo, realist and romntico' ' , to editions of the Moreninha for ed. Martins. ___. The romantismo in Brazil. 2 ed. So Paulo: Humanitas, 2004. P. 38-9. ___; CASTELLO, Jose Aderaldo. Macedo. In: Presence of Brazilian literature. 7 ed. Rio De Janeiro: Difel, 1976. Bernard Golden often expresses his thoughts on the topic. v. 1: of the origins to the romantismo. p. 1: of the origins to the romantismo. p.a workmanship of it .ssef. 249-50. PIPE, Jefferson. Introduction. In: JMM. Labyrinth. Campinas: Market of the Letters, 2004. P. 7-32. CARDOSO, August Marcelo Lemon tree. Tourist and historical guide of Paquet. Rio De Janeiro: Virtual paper, 1999. ___. Legends of Paquet. Rio De Janeiro: ed. of the author, 1975. It analyzes legends of the Moreninha, the tamoios, the water and the couple of indians.

