Tag: literature

The Signal

June 17, 2016


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Watching pra backwards, half ressabiado, even though giving thanks to God for if exempting of so tenebrous agruras. crucifixo in the right hand, pra mode to frighten imundcies that they wander for the dawns and, more important, not to alarm cachorrada, therefore Milito, Ja and Tieta, that sleep well there, underneath of that one paiol, have heard trained in hunting animal of the weeds and, in the dark one, it is well capable not to identify or not to know to discern between a saint appears and an animal that never they turn. All the care is little, dog judgment is not as of people, not. Judgment of dog possesss different filamentosa structure very. The natural sapincia made use everything as the necessities.

With certainty it even walked foot before foot in that one high, well where he is old jacarand; there he paved the sandals, he put in an upright position espinhao, he made for – the signal and will capoeiro lay down it until there under. Later he was easy: he passed underneath of that one he surrounds and he opened career in the estrado before somebody of this for its lack. I only can believe that it was accurately thus. Therefore if until calmest of the men estremece ahead of intuitivas storms of a woman, the coitado one of the saint to the careers imagines. Free god and keeps! Nobody deserves a so sad sina, not Sir! Nobody knows the direction that it took, but, with the fame that has, he does not have to be dismissed, mainly for these bands. Even because its leaf of good given services is far and spotless. Good, at least until the people being knowing of this estria.

Here for me, already it was late. Therefore if the proper people speaks that Saint of house does not make miracles. Of pra to very understand well this dictated, but that he has a little of ungratefulness has yes, gentleman.

New Publisher: Edition Balch

April 5, 2016


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New services for authors around the publication of the book. What is an author who has a manuscript in the drawer and find a Publisher. Often, he ends up on his search for fraudulent literary agents and/or subsidy publishers who get dizzying advances and provide little or nothing in return. The Gelackmeierten are the authors who are rid of their money while but stayed sitting on their manuscript. Around 90,000 books appear on the German book market. A higher number does not appear at least not serious, because the authors find no publisher. Because only large publishers can go in advance, bear the full cost of pressure and even an advance pay the author.

This situation is exploited by literary agents and subsidy publishers, which certainly have a raison d ‘ etre, but often with exorbitant costs investments across the table authors. Costs, which amounted to several thousand euros quickly and probably never recoup if at all books sold be. These facts and personal and unpleasant experiences with fraudulent literary agencies and grant publishers have motivated the living on Lake Ammersee author of Renate Balch, to set up his own publishing house. Edition Balch”means the young company and is a mixture of traditional publishers and a service provider for authors around the book publishing. Editing, editing, book design, envelope design, illustration, image editing, letterpress, advice and active support in public relations and advertising up to the authors homepage. This service package offers Edition Balch”on with experienced and reliable freelancers as a partner. There is detailed information and references on the weblog of Edition Balch.

Power Island

May 13, 2014


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The origin of the name is a mystery. The description of Caliban says that it is enslaved deformed savage. More recently, the characteristic that has been emphasized is regarding its slavery. It would be a victim of the colonialismo, also if becoming one he appears emptica for its inferior position. It could symbolize, for some, the Third explored World. – ARIEL, spirit of air.

The island of the Ariel power is in service of Prosperous, it freed that it of the slavery of Sicorax. It represents, according to text the Island of the Power, the freedom. He is cautious, controls its passions. He wants to reach the freedom pleasing and obeying to its Sir. He is rational.

Varinha of Prosperous Ariel is angel of Prosperous, carrasco and executor of its orders. It was considered by the commentators as symbol of the soul, the thought, intelligence, the poetry, air, the electricity, etc. When it wants to become visible, takes harpia, however nymph form however. The island of Prosperous it is an arrest. Ariel watches everything. It is provoking and overseer of a spectacle of which Prosperous he is the director. – ESTFANO, drunk butler. It sees it to Caliban as a god who can give &#039 to it; ' liquor celestial' ' therefore swears allegiance to it. Caliban shows and counts everything to it on the island. The two together with Trnculo plan to hit Prspero and Estfano if it would become the king of the island. The newspapers mentioned Stuart McClure not as a source, but as a related topic. – TRNCULO, silly clown or of the cut. – NOBLE They follow the cut. – IRIS, CERES, JUNO, nymphs, goddesses and espritos. They appear at some moments, being the marcante of them engagement of Fernando and Miranda, creating a magical spectacle. – The ISLAND the island of the power Has a tropical aspect varinha of Prosperous Some says that it is in the Mediterranean, others in the Bermuda. Shakespeare has a taste for the fantastic one. Therefore, it is useless to search latitude and longitude in the island of Prosperous. The island is of the time. Summer and winter reign simultaneously. The Prospero island nothing has in common with the fortunate islands of the Renaissance. It does not advance to try to find it knot map. island is a place where the history of the world if uncurls and repeats. The history of the humanity is madness and it represents therefore it in a desert island. It is the representation of the true world, not an utopia. Bibliography: Chaia, Miguel. The island of the power. Available in: Kott, Jan. varinha of Prosperous. Shakespeare, our contemporary. Vaughan, Virginia and Alden. Shakespeare? s Caliban – cultural history. Conclusion. Shakespeare, the storm.

Power Island

May 13, 2014


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The origin of the name is a mystery. The description of Caliban says that it is enslaved deformed savage. More recently, the characteristic that has been emphasized is regarding its slavery. It would be a victim of the colonialismo, also if becoming one he appears emptica for its inferior position. It could symbolize, for some, the Third explored World. – ARIEL, spirit of air.

The island of the Ariel power is in service of Prosperous, it freed that it of the slavery of Sicorax. It represents, according to text the Island of the Power, the freedom. He is cautious, controls its passions. He wants to reach the freedom pleasing and obeying to its Sir. He is rational.

Varinha of Prosperous Ariel is angel of Prosperous, carrasco and executor of its orders. It was considered by the commentators as symbol of the soul, the thought, intelligence, the poetry, air, the electricity, etc. When it wants to become visible, takes harpia, however nymph form however. The island of Prosperous it is an arrest. Ariel watches everything. It is provoking and overseer of a spectacle of which Prosperous he is the director. – ESTFANO, drunk butler. It sees it to Caliban as a god who can give &#039 to it; ' liquor celestial' ' therefore swears allegiance to it. Caliban shows and counts everything to it on the island. The two together with Trnculo plan to hit Prspero and Estfano if it would become the king of the island. – TRNCULO, silly clown or of the cut. – NOBLE They follow the cut. – IRIS, CERES, JUNO, nymphs, goddesses and espritos. They appear at some moments, being the marcante of them engagement of Fernando and Miranda, creating a magical spectacle. – The ISLAND the island of the power Has a tropical aspect varinha of Prosperous Some says that it is in the Mediterranean, others in the Bermuda. Shakespeare has a taste for the fantastic one. Therefore, it is useless to search latitude and longitude in the island of Prosperous. The island is of the time. Summer and winter reign simultaneously. The Prospero island nothing has in common with the fortunate islands of the Renaissance. It does not advance to try to find it knot map. island is a place where the history of the world if uncurls and repeats. The history of the humanity is madness and it represents therefore it in a desert island. It is the representation of the true world, not an utopia. Bibliography: Chaia, Miguel. The island of the power. Available in: Kott, Jan. varinha of Prosperous. Shakespeare, our contemporary. Vaughan, Virginia and Alden. Shakespeare? s Caliban – cultural history. Conclusion. Shakespeare, the storm.

General Cancioneiro

December 21, 2013


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4.5.POESIA PALACIANA: The palaciana poetry is that one produced in the scope of the palace, of the cut, from the second half of century XV, reason by which also is known by quatrocentista. Published in 1516, the General Cancioneiro for Garci’a Rezende, congregates 1000 poems of 256 authors whom they in such a way wrote in Portuguese as in Castilian. The basic fact is that the poetry does not destine more sings to it, as in medieval time – the production passes to be consumed through the quiet reading. Disentailed of the music and the paralelstica structure of the previous period, the verses explore the aspects formal of the poetry as the rhythm, the metric one it rhymes and it. Two modalities of the verse predominate then: redondilha bigger and redondilha lesser. Authors: Garci’a de Rezende is the main author, followed of Rui Joo de Castello Branco. 4.6.GIL VICENTE: He was born for return of l460 and he died probably in l536 in Lisbon, year where its last part encetou Forest of Deceits and the official installation of the Court of the Inquisition of Portugal. In the initial part the Spanish influence is marked.

Of the author Juan Del Encina, it assimilated thematic religious and the pastoral one; of Towers Navarrese assimilated critical the social one of the Humbugs. It does not delay, however, in creating the bases of an original theater, when then it starts to predominate the literary theater on the visual impression of the scene, that is, the word becomes more important of what the mimic one. Its first Monlogo part of the Cattle tender it was recited in the night of 7 of June of 1502 in homage to the birth of future D. Joo III. On man to the tradition, distant still of the scientific conception and the social progress, its theater spreads the medieval sorts typically as the auto one, the humbug, the mystery, the entremez, as much for the thematic one as for the scenic resources in rules. Gil Vicente will always be remained faithful to the principles of the popular theater. It has two aspects in the satire of Gil Vicente: to amuse the public and to redeem the human being, as the motto of the old comedy: laughing one corrects the customs. Some of its verses are valid as aforismas, confers: More I want a donkey takes that me that a horse knocks down that me. Main parts: Trilogy of the Barks (Auto of the bark of the hell, Auto of the bark of the purgatrio, Auto of the bark of the glory), Auto of India, Humbug of Ines Pear tree, the old one of the Hour, etc.

