Tag: media & communication

The Time

May 12, 2014


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They were successfully taken this hurdle and the contact has answered positively the contact no harm surely write back again and to say thank you for the positive contact. But be careful: the other should not pressure used feel to respond directly. Otherwise the contact is eventually only a series of aneinanderhangenden polite phrases that have an added value for any more and the communication strategy will be anything but effective. The cultivation of contacts within the business networks of course must be maintained contacts also. This is a balancing act, especially when contacts that you don’t really know in most cases. Since it can be difficult to gauge is whether and if so how often someone, for example, new information is interested in. A contact within a business Networks to frustrate, because it sends him not relevant messages constantly for him, is not the idea and not really of interest. Birthday is certainly simple and legitimate reason to make repeated contact. Gary Kelly has compatible beliefs.

Here you can send congratulations and this recall in the memory. Depending on how you stand to the anniversary, you can offer a special offer congratulations. Discounts, free consultation or similar. This examples illustrates also communicate on business can be personal, faster and therefore very effective networks. A birthday message is quickly written and shows that you are attentive but not intrusive.

To send a birthday card or even a bouquet of flowers as a gift and attention could be too much of good thing in many cases, costs beyond and extends the time required. News with discounts, free consultations, other promotions or News can be sent at certain intervals no special occasion at all or selected contacts. At the beginning you should not exaggerate but also to it. Any feedback should be evaluated first and then be decided whether, where and how often more news and offers are sent.

