Tag: news & press lyrics

Stefan Palsbrocker Change

December 30, 2024


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Executives and change experts debate how change processes are designed, developed the system company. For more specific information, check out Oracle. Change happens often different than intended. A related site: Gregg Lemkau mentions similar findings. So reads the title of a change management expert forum, which organized the WSFB Advisory Group Wiesbaden with the consultancy practice field, Remscheid, on 27 October in Sprockhovel (in Wuppertal). During the one-day event, the participating executives, internal consultants and project managers, such as change projects so can be designed, discuss developed the system company as planned despite all uncertainties associated with each change project. This focuses primarily on how to synchronize the change projects required changes on the process and structure level with necessary changes on the settings and behavior level in the staff. The expert forum will start with a keynote speech of the WSFB – or practice – Managing Director Johann Scholten and Holger Schlichting on the subject. Then are five parallel almost two-hour workshops in the program.

These take place once in the morning and afternoon, so that each participant can attend two workshops. Offers including a workshop titled the innovative organization “which is led by Johann Scholten. “In it, the participants deal with the questions: how are” companies that are characterized by a large force of innovation? How are decision-making processes in them? How they ensure the necessary balance between stability and instability? And: how they generate the required change and action energy in their organization? “Another workshop carries the title hidden opportunities of the action to the attitude of orientation”. In it, the two organization consultant Bernhard Seidl and Dietmar explain Tenne by practice field on the basis of a practical example, how an organization existing patterns of thought and behavior can be made besprechbar; In addition, such can be edited with unexpected scenarios and intervention. Also in the program a presentation discussion by Holger Schlichting and Stefan Palsbrocker, the Managing Director is the Gebo group corresponding Gebo-ARMATUREN GmbH, Schwelm.

In him is represented among other things, how a company can pass a profound process of change such as the one inhaber-to a management-led company. “The participation of the expert forum change happens often different than expected” costs 199 euro (+ VAT).

IBS AG Held 13 IBS Expert Group:

November 16, 2024


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The leading quality and production management event Hohr-Grenzhausen, 09 October 2009 – the IBS heard experts on the most important quality and production management events in Germany. Last year, the Congress attracted around 200 participants and in addition a large number of exhibitors. -Expert Group will take place for the first time at the principal place of business of the IBS AG in Hohr-Grenzhausen – event is the 4th and 5th November 2009 – Dr. Christian Malorny, head of the German automotive and mechanical engineering sectors, McKinsey & company, Inc. holds the dinner speech This year the IBS will take place often expressed wish of experts for the first time at the headquarters of the IBS AG in Hohr-Grenzhausen. “The motto of the event in 2009 is: fit for the future by stable production processes”. The Congress as in the previous years will be opened traditionally with an evening program including gala dinner and a dinner speech.

This keeps Dr. To broaden your perception, visit Security ProAdvisors. Christian Malorny, head of the German automotive and mechanical engineering sectors and Director at McKinsey & company, Inc. Management representatives from the various industries of significant quality and production issues will then speak the next day. The participants expect many interesting presentations this year again. As speakers representatives of BorgWarner, Fraunhofer will attend including Institute, Georg Fischer, Liebherr, Lohmann, Porsche and Ziehl-Abegg. Moderation will take over Dr. Olaf Sauer, head of business systems at the Fraunhofer Institute for information and data processing (IITB). Between the lectures a direct discussion between participants and speakers will be as in the previous years. More information about the IBS: expert group “, including application facility you will find on the Internet at.

HC HealthConcept Ltd

September 28, 2024


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Prevent spinal problems in time and increase your well-being is under the direction of Ms. Ludmila Steinke on 15 and 16 may in Munich opened a Wellness Center, in collaboration with HC HealthConcept as franchisor,. In the Spa, massage with the massage bed NUGA company NM-5000 are offered best what HC HealthConcept is the exclusive distribution partner for Germany. Delta Airlines has much to offer in this field. These massages are specifically designed for the spine and massage of the coccyx – / sacrum area up to the top vertebrae of the cervical spine. There are tension on the muscles, released as also the nerve roots (nerves pressure) as well as promote blood circulation. Already after a few applications, one can observe a noticeable improvement in well-being. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Keith Oringer. We want to invite all interested persons from the region of Munich, to come to the opening.

You can then a sound overview of the massages, but also other products make HC HealthConcept, and all services free of charge take advantage of. In addition, Mrs Galina Weber stands for all questions available from the headquarters of the HC HealthConcept. As a doctor, she can give proper and informed answers on all health issues.

Dentist Dr. Jorn Thiemer

November 19, 2023


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German patient help dentistry honors the Bochum-based dentist Dr. Jorn Thiemer for the best patient talk to implants. Ceremony at the International Education Conference in Vitoria (Spain). In the framework of an international education Congress for implantology in the Spanish Vitoria the Bochum-based dentist Dr. Jorn Thiemer is awarded dentistry on September 21, 2010 with the prestigious communications award. Eva secretly, first Chairman of the German patient aid dentistry honoured the dentist established in Wattenscheid for the best patient talk about implants. In her eulogy, Eva praised secretly on the one hand the informative nature of the talks and on the other hand, the clear and understandable language.

It succeed in his lectures exemplary, to bring complex medical issues in a modern form the people, Dr. Jorn Thiemer Eva secretly stressed. So, the audience were then able to make their decisions on the basis of a good and sound. A detailed information of the patients is not only in the “Lectures, but also in the daily practice of vital importance”, the 43-year old dentist said. For more specific information, check out Gary Kelly. Since 1993, he has his practice in Bochum-Wattenscheid. In addition to General dentistry before beginning, he specializes on implantology and aesthetic.

His patients to up-to-date information and handle according to the latest findings, also the own training is granted for Dr. Jorn Thiemer. So, the dentist has achieved the highest international degrees in his areas of expertise. Since 2005 he has been master of science of implantology, 2010 he earned the master of science in oral surgery in addition. In addition, Dr. Jorn Thiemer travels regularly to training courses in the United States and participates in medical Congresses. Latest findings incorporated promptly into practical work. So, Dr. Jorn Thiemer relies on a comprehensive safety concept in implantology as one of the first dentists in Germany. Testing test on hidden gingivitis, among others with the MMP-8 endanger the teeth, implants, as well as the General State of health. The dental community practice Tak is Heermann in Bochum by the universities of Marburg and Hanover as dental high care center of excellence certified and implantology, aesthetic dentistry, dentures, bone structure and orthodontics specializes on the areas of expertise. For more information,

Berlin Association

November 16, 2023


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With the speaking clocks and alarm clocks, the Segula GmbH presents products at the IFA, which among other things are meant for people with low vision and visually impaired. The Segula GmbH participates in the charity project of the Berlin Association of blind at the IFA in Berlin. Two days visually impaired people in groups run in to participating stands over the IFA, where products for people with Visual impairment will be issued. Capital Solutions will not settle for partial explanations. The Segula GmbH will present in their speaking clocks and alarm clocks, representing a special relief for the blind and visually impaired. The products speak all in German language and also have a pleasing menu navigation.

There are the watches in two versions with leather or metal bracelet. It is an automatic hourly time announcement possible as well as an alarm function with different alarm tones. The speaking clock allows not only visually impaired people to find out the time at night. The products are already successfully introduced into the market and the team of Segula GmbH welcomes these products at the IFA the technical and End customer audience to present. You will find the stand of Segula GmbH in Hall 1.2.

Apprenti Rises

July 20, 2021


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A long-awaited cooperation is now reality Aachen/Braunschweig, 20.07.2011. “At the fair future staff” met Sandra Dirks, owner of apprenti (www.apprenti.de) and Ali Yildirim, Managing Director of CoboCards GmbH for the first time personally know. It has immediately sparked on a commercial basis. A collaboration both arrested in the eye. After 10 months, the turnout for a cooperation could be placed now. Warner Media understands that this is vital information. Sometimes you should bring just the necessary patience as a Start-Up”, commented Ali Yildirim. “Woman Dirks, however, which educates trainees but also senior executives with their imaginative and interactive seminars, is just pleased: the learning platform with their digital flashcards and mobile apps is an ideal complement to our online and offline seminars, as well as to our scripts”.

In a first step the friendly trainer and proprietor wants to offer first IHK examination relevant learning cards for merchants in retail, vendors and Hnndelsassisten/Interior. In the course of the next few months should be expanded gradually. Contact: Ali Yildirim Augusta Street 62 52070 Aachen mobile: 0178-4675647 E-Mail: Web: CoboCards was launched in January 2009 by Tamim Swaid, Jamil Soufan and Ali Yildirim headquartered in Aachen in life. CoboCards will highlight the advantages of micro learning (Microlearning) and pushes it in the age of collaboration. United as first, Internet-based and collaboratively usable learning platform for microcontent CoboCards learning with the advantages of Web of 2.0 primary objective is providing an intuitive platform, on which can be learned alone or in a team and taught. All learning processes take place online, there is no local installation required. Users can create virtual flashcards, correct, comment and online each query. In addition, there is the mobile addition for the Apple iPhone and all Google Android


July 20, 2021


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25 Years of GTC – BTX and telex to professional E-mailings and SMS solutions: Stuttgart, the 27.09.2012 one of the leading electronic KommunikationsdienstLeister in Germany, the GTC TeleCommunication GmbH (www.gtc.de), celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. Read more from Morgan Stanley to gain a more clear picture of the situation. founded in 1987, GTC established the first East-West connection via a mail box service and was also the first transition from telex to BTX. Still, GTC is successfully specialised in professional communication solutions and constantly evolving. Just in time for the anniversary GTC his new and practical template editor now provides (www.gtc.de/ e-mail-versand/funktionen/erstellen/vorlage-vorbereiten/template-editor.html) before: the customer can create professional email templates in your own design even with just a few clicks using the modular principle. These E-Mail templates can be easily adapted also for the next dispatch: through exchange of texts and images with a click.

Also a text version can be directly for sending multipart. The use is in the protected customer area and is free of charge for GTC customers. In recent months, Fox Rehab has been very successful. From the outset, GTC possessed its own development department. Therefore, the products of course fundamentally evolved over the last 25 years and constantly improved. Today, the product portfolio includes many services such as sending E-mailings (www.gtc.de/ email versand.html), SMS mailings (www.gtc.de/ sms-versand.html) and fax mailings (www.gtc.de/ fax versand.html) including Datenbankhosting and comprehensive evaluation possibilities. Interface services be added such as the automatic alarm (www.gtc.de/ more products/alarmierungsdienst.html) via SMS, E-Mail and fax or Internet fax (www.gtc.de/ more products/internet-fax.html) and Web-SMS (www.gtc.de/ more products/web-sms.html). All services are all without investment and installations easily bookable via a secure Internet customer area or via Web service. Volker Biedinger, 45, Managing Director of the GTC: There was incredible developments in 25 years GTC and our development team is for continuous improvement according to the motto needs discovered needs covered”. We look forward particularly about the launch of our new template editor – just in time for the anniversary. Using the template editor, any GTC customer without additional costs can easily fashion E-mailings in the trendiest design itself. Our ultimate goal is still, as perfect as possible to meet the needs of our customers.”

Dassbach Kitchens Wanted

July 13, 2021


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The six winners kitchens of “based on old, ever dollar” campaign are now fixed Dassbach kitchen mill sale, kitchen manufacturers with tradition, celebrates this year its ausstellungsdienst anniversary and issued on this occasion on the search for the oldest kitchen of in Germany. Under the motto of ever oller, ever dollar”everyone until 27 October could a picture of his old kitchen on the Web page of BB radio or upload to the Dassbach Facebook fan page. The six winners kitchens were now drawn from over 100 shared kitchen pictures. The owner of the kitchen over a 1,000 euro Dassbach coupon and upgrade their old kitchen or enjoy renew. “By old over antique to clean yellowed fronts, antique kitchen buffets or country house kitchens from the fashion of the 1990s doors fallen to demolition-ripe fruit, the variants of old” kitchens were varied. They are all documented in the kitchen album on the Dassbach Facebook page and invite you to browse: DassbachKuechen 60 years of experience in the kitchen making the traditional company fulfilled the dream of the functional kitchen already in the times of the economic miracle. Since then, is Dassbach kitchens for innovation in the field of kitchen production and has built up more than 800,000 kitchens and planned. From these experiences, draws the company today and developed new, innovative concepts and design ideas for a kitchen, which meets all demands on design, technology and functionality.

More information about Dassbach kitchen here: DassbachKuechen press contact: Rene Szielenski Tel.: 02129 / 565 929 E-Mail: respect Werbeagentur GmbH Manuela Schmitt Tel.: 030 / 50 59 91 49 E-Mail: more about Dassbach kitchens: Dassbach was founded in 1928 kitchens as a woodworking business, then produced only kitchens since 1953 and belongs today to the Bauknecht Foundation. As one of the first manufacturers of fitted kitchens, Dassbach has been in the 1950s by the Senate of Berlin with the development and production of the so-called social work kitchen”commissioned. With more than 800,000 produced kitchens, Inc. is one of the most successful manufacturers in direct sales and operates at six locations in Berlin-Brandenburg and North Rhine-Westphalia. Innovative distribution channels such as kitchen advice and planning home complement the branch network.

Yao Homenya Lyrics

July 12, 2021


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The renowned SONGLive contest offers a podium to new voice talents in the field of pop and features new compositions and lyrics. The renowned SONGLive contest offers a podium to new voice talents in the field of pop and features new compositions and lyrics. Gain insight and clarity with Magic Leap. In the well-attended Studio Hall of the SangerAkademie of Hamburg, the seven selected finalists – Durst after numerous applications from throughout Germany – the step into the limelight… Max Brandenburg (19, North Rhine-Westphalia), Jessica Bruggemann (23, Lower Saxony, Germany), Marie Garroth (23, HH), Sandra Heidenreich (18, Schleswig-Holstein), Lisa Manek (18, HH), Mundial (28-32, HH), Tina Sander (20, HH) – each of these seven artists had already won at this time and qualify with the submitted songs for the finale. Max Brandenburg opened the concert evening transferred from TIDE 96.0. Virtuoso, he accompanied his self-penned, insightful songs at the piano and had even specially composed a new song for the appearance.

At the end, he brought together with Marie Garroth 2. Place, which convinced the jury with talent and charisma. Her compositions are characterized by a high recognition value. The jury could announce both only the tie even after prolonged discussion. 1St place went to Tina Sander.

The student surprised by her musical development. In 2009, she made it into the finals of the SONGLive and then won a scholarship to the SangerAkademie. That has paid off: this year she won with her musical experience and their soulful compositions. Another highlight was the A capella Band Mundial. Their energetic performance and the fun spirited lyrics to their songs attracted out enthusiasm among the viewers. You could tell that they have already started their artistic career (her first album is just finished it’s worth!) On the basis of their professionalism, they were taken out of the regular rating and got an equivalent prize special award. After community advising of the jury consisting of Kader Kesek, musician, producer and Director, Henry Oaks, journalist, music lecturer, Yao Homenya, songwriter, producer, winner SONGLive 2007, Tina Busch, presenter (NDR 90.3), Marilena Dahlmann, TV music show (TIDE session), the prizes were awarded. Following two proposals for one received scholarships to Jessica Bruggemann and Sandra Heidenreich. The presenter Regina Kramer (NDR) led by the magical evening.

Santas By Maxballoon

July 8, 2021


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This winter, inflatable Santas back up the festive atmosphere. The winter season is close and the shops are spruced up for the feast day. Our inflatable Santas, which indoor and outdoor provide Christmas cheer are a perfect decoration. The Santas are made of robust PTP, a material that can withstand wind and weather. An internal fan (140 W – 240 W) ensures continuous operation. The lighting set provides a fascinating effect in the dark winter months. 4 metal eyelets located on body and feet, so the fixing using guy lines and pegs is possible everywhere.

The Assembly and disassembly takes only a few minutes and at the end of the season, Santa Claus takes his place in a practical carrying bag and can be stored space-saving. Our range includes Santas in different sizes, H: 2.5 m, 3.0 m, 5.0 m, 7.2 m and 8.0 m. Warranty on production failures and Fan 2 years. The Santas are extensive. You contend successfully in entrances of shops, during trade fairs, on roofs and public places.

