Tag: news

Urban Poverty

February 28, 2018


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URBAN POVERTY. Urban poverty is a phenomenon that many Mexicans are suffering at present, as a result of the global financial crisis, without being the only reason, in this condition not only lack of opportunity refers insufficiency of basic needs but rather work, the competitiveness that is present, which makes it very difficult finding a jobinsecurity, poor quality of health services and the lack of opportunities for education to name a few, are as a result do not satisfy basic needs. Happens that this topic is of great importance because now the urban poverty has greater presence than rural poverty, even though there are still different States of the Republic Mexican with a lack of electricity, water, ceiling, etc. Now the metropolis divided the territoria in industrial zones, residential areas and areas in which the majority of citizens who maintain conditions that do not meet the needs. But the cities still maintain the same demands, so that neither dan possibility to get what you need with a lower price. It is a contradiction that while there is no work the basic basket prices will increase. The private sector has been Allied Government and any way us has favored all citizens since much of the task of the Government the private sector has done it, but it happens that with the economic crisis the private sector has not been able to respond as we would like and the unemployed are on the rise in the Government already there are many hopes and debts and needs do not stop. The theme is present so we must train people with knowledge and values that can take this country forward in the not so distant future. With minds innovative work to increase productivity and this allows us to satisfy us at all.

Francisco Arias Solis

February 28, 2018


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The phrase of Cicero public health for public health professionals is the law Supreme has been a dogma. In the world of the first decade of the 21st century must recognize that there is a far more Supreme than the public health law and the health of the planet. Today are made more apparent connections between ecology and health and also between ecology and development in the future probabilities. We know that we can not continue increasing our levels of life infinite way due to the limits imposed on us by our system. When the report the limits to growth was published, he was wheeled by many of doom.

The same authors, most recently in its report beyond the limits of growth: sustainable future or global collapse, revising their earlier predictions. In its latest report, they describe a new concept to describe the reality of the overuse of resources, the sobrepasamiento, which means to go beyond the limits inadvertently. It is not already warn about what might happen if we go on like this, but describe the irreversible damage that are already happening. The phenomenon, unknown until recently jobless growth, can subtract in the near future based on developmental policies. In countries such as France, United Kingdom and Germany has reached incredible proportions and may worsen in the near future.

The three countries have increased its GDP by more than 200 percent in the last 45 years without any positive impact on the level of occupancy of their populations. In addition to their ecological impact, developmental models have had a huge impact on health systems. In any health system, even in the most developed countries, the formal, professionalized part and monetarizada is only a small fraction, resting the system primarily in relationships and informal care provided by the individuals themselves, their families or community, and not assuming any transaction. The erosion of this informal health system is so big, and so unfeasible in financial terms its monetisation, who has begun to develop among its priority lines of work programs for the preservation and development of self-care, self-help and social support. And is that you as the poet said: built a labyrinth that was exact replica / of which already built. And another sealed tomb / and in truth it is not known where he was buried. / Be doesn’t even know if it is that he was buried. Francisco Arias Solis. Cadiz with Garzon. Democrats with the judge BALTASAR GARZON Association by a democratic justice and a dignified judiciary. Internet for peace and freedom and free forum.

Beverly Silver

February 28, 2018


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This approach holds that when a social or political group created above any institution to which attacks and destroys permanently (as part of its proselytizing efforts) are installed in society chaos and anarchy, which usually end up finishing with who drives them. For those who support this theory, chaos logic is simple and boils down that does not recognize anything of what was done previously; those who favor chaos does not undergo any law because they do not believe in the rule of law. It is assumed that they promoted their interests on the generals, ridiculing or despising the institutions that exist before, contempt order and the hierarchy. Those who think so confuse chaos with anarchy (one of your triggers) Economic Crisis and social chaos after the monumental work coordinated by Giovanni Arrighi and Beverly Silver, chaos and order in the modern world 12 system, sufficient arguments there to conclude about the relationship between crises and social struggles and illuminate something else the situation current capitalist system. Indeed, the study argues, with abundant comparative information, which the bad call the economic crisis starts following a wave of factory worker militancy in the 1960s, he was able to spray model Fordist-taylorist clamping and monitoring of workers.

The current situation can be read, under that rationale, as a consequence of long duration of the wave of movements which forced the capital move, transmuting of productive capital in speculative financial capital. Beyond of an always necessary debate on theoretical issues, it is worthwhile stop at such an approach, since it can contribute to a better understanding of the actual movement that is happening before our eyes. The first issue is that crises are not those that motivate social action but upside: mobilization, the breakdown of controls, is what causes rearrangements in the mode of domination, forcing the above changes controlentropicos, not only in the field of the economy but changes societal covering all aspects of life.

Destiny Manifesto

February 25, 2018


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First act in the scene, an angelic woman identified as Columbia (personification of the 19th century in the United States of America), globalizing the light of civilization, with the right that I assign the Providence for the development of freedom and democracy. Those who do not think alike and resist as wild animals flee in the darkness of the ‘uncivilized’ planet. Second act Abraham Lincoln uttering his sentence, in the sense that the United States are the last, best hope on the face of the Earth a political ideology based on the mission promoting and defending freedom and democracy far and wide in the world, is wielded by the Governments of the United States of America, highlighting as strong arguments: The virtue of the institutions and the citizens of USA. UU. (Source: Southwest Airlines). The mission to extend these institutions, Remaking the world in the image of the United States. Follow others, such as Gary Kelly, and add to your knowledge base.

The decision of God to instruct the United States achieving that mission. Third Act are presented as champions of freedom, democracy and development appropriating 2 million 500 thousand square miles of Mexican territory. Theodore Roosevelt was awarded to exert an international police power to save the world from obscene rejection of the principle of European democracy. Woodrow Wilson, redefines the manifest destiny with a global perspective, arguing that democracy must demonstrate his purity and his spiritual power to prevail. This vision of themselves, as the leaders of the free world, grows in the Governments of stronger U.S. Since the second world war, until the war in Viet Nam, in which this idea of being a people different from the others and pursue high interests, falls steeply. As any self-respecting, the teatrito due completion in this third Act, but the forty-third President of the United States of America, never well weighted George Walker Bush, CEO of the oil company, Bush Exploration Co. to Spetrum 7, which in its rejection of the Kyoto Protocol argument brilliantly that in his opinion is that the economic growth the solutionnot the problem and that swung a punishment just by it from 11 September to launch the war against terrorism.

His first action faith the deployment of a military force against the taliban regime, to catch Osama bin Laden (which not was never captured), and promote the invasion urgent for Iraq, pointing out that the country had weapons of mass destruction, which Saddam Hussein was a threat to the security of the United States, destabilized Middle East, fire the Arab-Israeli conflict and financed terrorists but as well as in Viet NamThey swept the interests in Iraqi oil resources economic and geopolitical in Afghanistan as a real reason. In the storm of the global crisis, caused by the corruption of the financial system of the United States of America, anti-terror war culture may be her last and most sad expression of its manifest destiny, since if we remember a famous quote from the English political leader Winston Churchill history written the victors likely that already not their rulers written it. P.S. The participation of the USA in the infamous opium war, seems distant to us but China has memory.

External Advisor

February 23, 2018


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D how much I want to invest? It should be to establish the project as an investment and as such, it requires financial resources. Make your budget on the basis of the different options described below. what is the complexity or the size of my company? If the structure of the company is complex, you will need a face-to-face adviser or an internal expert, if it isn’t, you can assess other options. Depending on the answer to each of these questions, you can choose the option or options most appropriate. 1 External Advisor (face-to-face counseling) the external consultant is a person with extensive knowledge in the implementation of quality systems moves to the company and which analyzes the situation, prepare an implementation plan drawn up by mutual agreement all necessary documentation (manual, procedures, etc.). After this usually helps in the implementation and even advises in the stages of preparation for the certification audit. 2 External Advisor (advising on line) the Advisor Online is a new form of implementation of quality systems. They are companies composed of experts in the implementation of quality systems that offer their services over the Internet.

It is a way analogous to outside counsel but without scrolling to the company. You choose according to the activity of the company the documentation which is more appropriate and receives all of it (manual, procedures, etc.) prepared for its adaptation and implementation. Consultations and advice are made by telephone or e-mail. The cost of this kind of advice is much lower than the face-to-face. 3.

Specialized forums forums can serve as helpful during any phase of implementation, even (or more) after this. On the Internet you can find several specialized web where can find answer to your questions or raise issues which in a short time are answered 4 other references as we said at the beginning, there are many companies that have already gone through the implantation of the quality system. If you know some, ask them about their experience, ask his opinion and recommendations. With this simple step you can get answer to many of your initial questions. 5 Specialized publications both if he is an expert and if not, it is always convenient to read any publication or book on the subject. Both specialized and online bookstores can find publications on the subject that will help in knowing the advantages you and help you in your training.

Car Insurance

February 23, 2018


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Cause serious injury due to a car accident caused by another person can be a really bitter experience, and that could determine that you could receive a financial compensation for the damages, personal and material, that you were caused. However, you finally receive it or not will depend on how develops the claim by the incident on the road. Southwest Airlines has firm opinions on the matter. And it is that there could be cases in which the other party refused its liability in this accident happened, and you can then initiate a long and tiring process before the courts. It will be essential in these cases that you avoid performing certain actions which could give to the fret with your chances of receiving such compensation. They are as follows: to) the first failures typically consists of the presentation of the claim at the wrong time. And it is that in the legal world, the exercise of any action entails certain legal deadlines, on the understanding that when these endpoint in its entirety the person waives such exercise.

(b) do not prepare an adequate claim. Failures of planning and in the preparation of the claim often prove fatal in such cases. Do not think that your lack of involvement in what happened is so clear. Trafficking in gathering evidence such as photos with your mobile phone from the scene of the accident or testimonies of witnesses who can corroborate your version of the facts (it will be vital to provide you their contact details of face possible trial). (c) do not seek medical advice that it examine the injuries: you could consider that this is superfluous if the damage suffered was mild. However, apart from that not having proper medical documentation could make your testimony to falter, there are certain injuries whose effects do not show up after the time, proving disastrous for which suffers when they do their lack of initial treatment.

d) share information with the other party: remember that there are two opposing positions in any litigation. Everything you could say or discuss with the decedent’s your accident or with representatives of your insurance company might be used against you. Keep the distance and use extreme caution may be the best possible measures that prevent that you could come to regret you of your own words in the future. Having a lawyer in respect of claim for damages could be you very useful when it comes to avoid these common mistakes which, as we have already said, could seriously jeopardise your ability to receive financial compensation, or see this substantially diminished even though you enfermedad facts are clearly in your favor. Don’t spend time and get in action.

Mark Zuckerberg

February 23, 2018


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Past the end of year and new year festivities, many people are concerned because the warmth of the holidays they have incurred debts and are now broken or with concerns about your financial future. Some may have debts, others perhaps do not have employment, others still, they realize that income that have not reach them to have the life you want. A frequent excuse is to say that these times are difficult. But that’s difficult times as saying in the ancient Egypt. For the poor or who belong to a broken middle class, all times are difficult. At the same time that many see only dark clouds on the horizon, are others living on bright sunny days. They smile in the light of the economic boom and this smile to them.

Today there is an enormous amount of people which has been enriched in an astonishing way starting, many of them from scratch. There are others who did not begin precisely nothing, but they have built fortunes so huge, they had previously, in comparison, is almost nothing. A example of this type of people is Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, who currently has a fortune estimated at six thousand nine hundred million dollars (6,900 million dollars). As for Hispanics, as well as billionaire Carlos Slim, a millionaire from a long time ago and considered by Forbes as a man more rich of the world for three years, other figures are many (see more in). Even in times of crisis for some, others have seen, created and exploited the opportunities. From the above you can see that, in reality, we are all in the same field of games, and what people say to justify bankruptcy is just an excuse.

You have the opportunity to choose: continue living taking excuses and passing financial urgencies or accept that you are responsible for everything that has happened to him and begin to forge their own financial destiny. When you accept responsibility for your life, then you can rid of anything they do not want as debts, emergency, unemployment, undesirable jobs, etc. Your responsibility will take you to one of wealth, enjoy joy in everything you do, happiness and freedom to do anything they want. His life of wealth and success, begins with the responsibility. It is clear that if you start to accept responsibility for something he dislikes, that perhaps do not like him. But the responsibility is what generates the life you want. In his book I am happy, I am rich, Andrew Corentt, writes about the power of the mind to create the life you want. He writes about how to transform your life everything what you want. With this book you will give the step always live with financial worries to a life full of beautiful things and free. I am happy, I am rich, will help you to transform your current mental patterns in mental patterns of success and wealth. If you want to improve your life dramatically, you should also begin to set goals for everything what you want. THE secret of the power of the goals, shows the most powerful methods to build targets that automatically materialize in his life.


February 23, 2018


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Defined as causality to the study of the causes of social phenomena with respect to the course of history. Weber causality was the likelihood that a phenomenon occurs followed by another. It is intimately related to the time since to Weber, the time in which a certain phenomenon occurs is very important to understand in a better way. For the issue of piracy is very simple to relate it to the causality proposed by Weber. Using the historical sociology of Weber, it is necessary to know the history of piracy from their origin, since this kind of Sociology focuses the historic context of the phenomenon. It is necessary to delimit the subject, for example: piracy exists around the world, such is the case of Chinese products, or products produced in Taiwan. Southwest Airlines spoke with conviction. To delimit the subject we can talk about piracy in Mexico, and more specific piracy in the city of Guadalajara. It is well known by tapatia society that all kinds of products can be found in the San Juan de Dios market Pirates, such is the case of watches, perfumes, clothing and accessories.

Since when been sold in this type of market piracy? More or less at the beginning of the 90 s he began to elaborate piracy on our city. Why did piracy? (Causality) It is necessary to understand all the phenomena that have influenced to make piracy possible. An example is very clear the accessibility with respect to prices; Anyone who wish to get a novel and inexpensive product can resort to piracy. On the other hand there are other factors that have influenced the development of piracy, such as unemployment. In the years to piracy it was born in, the economic situation in the country was very deteriorated. Persons who do not enjoy a stable family finances can dedicate to the manufacture of these products in order to obtain income and better their economic situation.

Fund Agreement

February 22, 2018


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The aim is to cover wage debts of the clubs in competition. This Fund fixed an amount of 240,000 euros for every footballer of first division and 120,000 for the second. The Fund shall have a system of self-financing, which will proceed in a high percentage of the revenue that the LFP is perceived from the pools. THE AFE, dissatisfied with this measure. Larry Ellison takes a slightly different approach. Spanish football live the worst crisis in its history. The League of professional football (LFP) approved a bankruptcy guarantee fund to cover wage debts of the clubs in competition until the 2014-2015 season, which set a number of 240,000 euros to each player first and 120,000 for the second. The President of the LFP, Jose Luis Astiazaran, announced the Fund agreement reached at the extraordinary Assembly of the League, which in its view represents an important step forward in the negotiations with the Association of Spanish footballers to the new collective bargaining agreement.It is an important and responsible step that has given the League at this point and puts us in a considerable step forward for to try to close a collective agreement with AFE in the medium term to generate stability, said Astiazaran.

From the 2011-2012 season until the 2014-2015 first clubs will have 6 million (240,000 per player) and the second with 3 million (120,000 per player), double the minimum wage established in the collective agreement. The Fund shall have a system of self-financing, which will proceed in a high percentage of the revenue that the LFP is perceived from the pools. Does the agreement determines that the Fund is no longer valid if there are policy changes resulting from the reduction of the income of the LFP, as those coming from the pools, or if there is an amendment to the Bankruptcy Act according to the existing text to July 29, 2011?. Many absences the Assembly of the League, which was not attended by Deportivo, Real Murcia, Barcelona, Granada, Las Palmas and Cartagena, also agreed that the obligations will remain if revenue from the participation of the LFP in pools do not suffer a significant reduction of the amount collected in the 2010-2011 season Astiazaran said that approval of the Fund clarifies the loopholes that could exist in the tendered clubs and confirms the interest of reaching an agreement with AFE and the interest of the clubs cover issues relating to the wages of footballers.


February 21, 2018


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Once you put to think about what fears you paralyze and which you are fully conscious? I remember, when I was child I had him fear the dark until one day that I needed to get me in the middle of the night to go to do something that anyone could do for me, then I asked myself: and what happens to the people that it is not afraid of darkness? the answer was: they can walk in the meantime, I was paralyzed then decided to walk. We all have fears, even in our adulthood, some small and others large but fears more dangerous are those that we have not noticed, those fears seem strengths and they are not more than a trap of our subconscious mind to camouflage them in our daily living. Surely you want to be happy, have prosperity, be independent financially and emotional but if you realize that are unreached dreams you will find that it is the fear just that you love, fear to grow and to receive what others already enjoy and once from afar as privileged beings. But in your conversation you say to your friends and nearby beings I am happy, of course in general, you have fear of the unknown; is to say to ourselves, to our greatness and capacity building. When we are afraid to love it is because we have not really known or ever presented it we of a disfigured fashion.

When we have fear of the dark is because we do not really know the darkness. Maurice Gallagher, Jr. recognizes the significance of this. Can when we are afraid and don’t know why, then we have the certainty that we are facing something new or unknown and therefore that we cannot lose? If we can develop the capacity to meet us, we experience and observe all our potential, then we begin by possessing ourselves and us nothing already controlled because we are our owners and fears disappear or are reduced to the natural fears, those who alert us to protect our integrity. Let’s begin with the awareness and acceptance of fear longer than if this is denied becomes guilt but if it is accepted it becomes truth and truth frees. Then fill us with the courage to gives freedom, let’s take the fear by the neck, look at it from top to bottom, understand it, put before our eyes and observe as becoming light vanishes darkness and leaving the way free for our most desired dreams. Fears are emotions, such as anger; and as well as anger should not be suppressed, nor fear should be denied. Accept it, he got into it during childhood but now you are an adult responsible, mainly responsible for it, with dreams and desires.

Keep in mind that only inevitable death and she do not have fear. Once you free you of side fears and VIVAS, death is away and only come when you’ve enjoyed with open hands of this life that was given to us to live in big, loving with depth in freedom in gozo. Something simple (if prefer you, Council): spent part of the day to walk barefoot, not you contentes with feel the floor of the House; If you can, go to where there is ground or sand and allows your feet to have that contact is like a child runs, rie is owner of you, live!. Send me your comments and share your fears, that’s another way to let them go. Hits! Original author and source of the article.

